Novolin 70/30 (insulin recombinant human; insulin susp isophane recombinant human) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Novolin 70/30 (insulin recombinant human; insulin susp isophane recombinant human)

None controls as good or better than novolog 70/30

Thanks Walmart you saved my vacation and introduced me to cost effective insulin my doctor and I will have a serious discussion when I get back

Hardly any side effects; low blood sugar reaction only once in a year (but I'm careful what/when I eat). Worst "side effect" is from the needle (I HATE needles).

As far as working, it works; got my "numbers" down to where they should be. But I want/want/need the insulin pill (soon, I hope!!!)

some times gets low level ofglucose in blood even with good meals

Side Effects fornovolin 70/30 (insulin recombinant human; insulin susp isophane recombinant human) - User Comments


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BUGS!!! I feel like I have bugs crawling all over my skin, I HATE IT! It itches and keeps me up at night. I get awful migraines( wich is why the dr put me on it in the first place ) and the nausea sucks. Also have gained 5lbs in one month.

Mean, Irritated, huge mood swings, nauseous, plus everything else everyone has said.

DRY MOUTH CONSTANTLY - Especially if I wake up during the night or wake-up in general. Always Constipated & Constipation causes more abdominal pain. More Fatigue than I already have from the Fibro, inconsistency w/length of effects. Sometimes it lasts 8H, generally only 9-10H tops. Have to use BT meds (Percocet 10/325) in between doses while waiting for next dose and/or when it starts wearing off. Sweating ALWAYS during sleep - sheets soaked. While it does well w/pain relief 2H after dose - 8Hrs, there is no consistency with continuous relief. I've had to put up with Kadian due to Medicaid mandates (Minimum 90 day trial) before I can switch back to Oxycodone ER 40MG. FAR BETTER RELIEF AND CONSISTENCY with Oxycodone ER 40MG.

Dry mouth. At times it worked then all of a sudden did the opposite and started again with over active bowel

Although I actually lost about eight pounds in the three months that I took Yaz, it definitely wasn't worth the side effects. I started spotting after a week of first taking the pill, and my period didn't go away for the entire three months I was taking the pill! I even got a UTI from wearing tampons for that long! I also felt so crazy and irritable, and always felt like I was on the verge of falling asleep. This is the worst birth control I have ever taken.

Fatigue, breast tenderness, extremem moodiness, rapid spontanious heart beats, heavy cramping with extreme light flow, loss of vision, hair falling out, acne,

I began Boniva in December 2005. I had lumbar surgery for spinal stenosis (L3-L5) in June 2007. Since I had this running pain from the lower back down both legs, I thought it was a result of the stenosis. I recovered very well following the surgery. The hip and pain described above began in August 2007. A friend mentioned to me last week the dangers of taking Fosomax so I researched Fosomax and Boniva online. I have decided that my October 2007 date for Boniva was my last. "Dead jaw" among all the other horrors listed from taking such a powerful drug are not was I want to experience when I was only trying to improve my health by strengthening my bones.

With my very first capsule, I slept like a baby. By the third capsule I could roll over in bed without pain. I felt an aversion to sweet food, and still had loss of appetite. I had 1 day of a bad case of anxiety but controlled it with Xanax. I still sleep very well. I am able to clean my house with more endurance and less pain. Overall the pain is much reduced.

I was giving my son milk of magnesia, which was working when taken consistently, but I heard that he may grow dependent on it. By my neighbor's recommendation (she's a pediatric nurse), I started giving my son MiraLAX, and it's been working wonderfully. I give him 1 to 1.5 teaspoon in orange juice first thing every morning.

I am also taking Symbicort which strangely brings some of the same side effects including headaches and eye strain.