Metformin hydrochloride (metformin hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Metformin hydrochloride (metformin hydrochloride)

Works well for me lost weight very good

Works very well for me I have sometimes experienced low blood suger but you know how to deal with dibetes

Up all night with stomach cramps and diarrhea. Finally got to sleep well after daylight to find some blood in underwear. It feels like I have a hemorrhoid, and who wouldn't after all this. Not taking it today

I've tried it twice before. This time a Dr. suggested trying the extended release despite me explaining that my gene test showed that I don't metabolize the drug well. It's been 3 days and I'm calling it quits. I haven't been able to sleep, my stomach is constantly on fire, and extreme food aversions. How does someone have gas, nausea, and diarrhea if they can't eat anything. I'm super bloated and feel like I have the flu. I'm moody and have had 2 panic attacks which I haven't had one in 10 months. It's a no for me.

It's not worth the constant diarrhea to not have Hypoglycemia with an injection drug. And the diarrhea drug he gave me is like a placebo.

Loss of appetite (no nausea), increased GERD.I take 750 mg of regular metformin a day, 500 in the morning and 250 at night.I immediately experienced a substantial increase in energy levels and a decrease in in anxiety and depression. My glucose levels began normal within about 5 weeks. I was able to begin a healthier diet as the metformin controlled my appetite and carb cravings.

Works wonderfully on its own but for some reason, starting Eliquis seemed render the metformin completely ineffective. Very upsetting because I’m not seeing anything on the Eliquis literature that states there is a drug interacting warning on metformin, but other T2s are reporting this as well.

Mainly gas and lower body muscle cramps. Stomach churning when not eaten with food.

None of the side effects are that bad and it does lower my blood sugar some.

Never knew when I would unexpectedly vomit or have explosive, uncontrolled diarrhea. It happened in public several times. Worst drug ever!! Never helped lower my sugar levels either. I was always sweaty and nauseated.I started taking the herb Bitter Melon and it's worked wonders with no horrible side effects

Horrible drug. Would never take again.

Constipation / Gas in stomach and Intestines.

Diarrhea 24X7. Unexplainable pain similar to Kidney Stone pain. Lower back both sides, Entire front abdomen, both sides (not down the middle).

Horrible pain all the time. Horrible Diarrhea all the time. My quality of life was affected. I couldn't take the pain. The doctors couldn't find anything wrong with me, tests were all fine. I decided to quit metformin after I experienced one day without taking it.

Severe leg and foot cramps and joint pain

Started at lower dose and increased over first 2 weeks to 1500mg. Initially cause gastro problems (cramping, nausea, etc) but only last the first couple weeks. Changed diet at same time and initially lost 35 pounds, I've gained some back as I haven't been diligent with diet and exercise. It helps regulate my blood sugar which is nice. This illness is difficult to deal with, I wish there were a better medication. I do feel better now than I ever have. Oh, very important, different manufactures have not worked for me, there is a difference. Currently the manufacture is: Solco Healthcare.

Had to reduce carbs and change to the slow release version to mitigate the side effects.Only a problem now if I overdo the carbs - seems to help with bg levels.

Started taking this medicine about a week ago. Trying to conceive and dr says this will help regulate my metabolism and hormones. Also thinks I should lose 5-10 lbs and this medicine may help. I am just on the line of being overweight, 165 lbs and 5'6. dr said that if i lose 5-10 lbs my body will just work more effectively and will possibly be able to conceive. taking this along with provera, and later will be taking clomid to induce ovulation.

Bad taste in mouth, diarrhea, does not manage blood sugar as well as other products

I take this medication 2 x daily along with 100mg of Junuvia 1 x daily. I struggle constantly to keep my sugar under control even on a low carb diet with plenty of fluids. Previously took Actos 1 xdaily and had great sugar levels but was seeing increased weight gain. Am currently taking prometrium 100 mg 1 x daily that has resulted in further increases in sugar levels. My general practioners solution was to have me not eat 1/4 cup of fresh fruit at lunch and put me on solution I'm going to find an endrocrinologist and talk with someone who understands my condition and can help me develop a plan to help me have better control.

I had some diarrhea for a couple of weeks when I first started taking this medication, but it quickly subsided. (I started with 500mg 1 x day.) I think it's a quality drug for treating diabetes. My body has absolutely no side effects from it. Anyone who is just starting and having diarrhea or other gastric-type disturbances, hang in there. Once your body becomes accustomed to it, I think you'll find that it will subside. Then you'll have a good medication that doesn't make you go low and controls your diabetes.

METFORMIN does control my blood sugar levels somewhat. I still have to inject some insulin 3X daily, though. I'm getting readings in the neighborhood of 110--131 (not great, but not too bad). METFORMIN causes wild, explosive, copious diarrhea which can come on suddenly and without notice. You simply have to be near a bathroom at all times to avoid frightful accidents. Any food you eat passes right through you in less than 5-6 hours.

I observe METFORMIN having three other side-effects for me:1). a mild dysthymia (ie., can put me in a mild, funky, listless, apathetic mood). Thank God for my Zoloft and Seroquel to keep my mood up.2). It dulls my sense of taste somewhat; "good" food often just doesn't taste very good. I'll sit here and gnaw on food that just seems flavorless. As a result, I find myself seeking piquant/sour flavors just to have some taste in my mouth: pickles, mustard, salsa, children's sour candies.3). It is somewhat stimulating, causing me to wake too early sometimes.

None. This medication has lowered my fasting sugar numbers with no side effects at all. TEVO is the manufacturer (not sure if that makes a difference.)

Horrifying diarrhea, made controlled IBS symptoms much worse.Abdominal cramping, fatigue, running to bathroom all day long and during the night.

I can't leave the house. I'm a prisoner living in my bathroom. Am using a very low carb diet, which I hope will help in losing weight, (have lost none on this drug), then can lower the dosage or get off of it entirely. I asked my doctor to let me off of this drug as I am in the bathroom over 6 or 7 times a day, (as many as 10 time daily) sometimes more and she said no. She offered another drug for insulin resistance, but it also has Metformin in it. The pain that goes with the diarreah is terrific and I'm so worn out by noon everyday after going to the bathroom so many times. Afraid to eat anything, including healthy foods because it seems as soon as I eat, I'm in the bathroom again. Body isn't even using the full dosage as it floats in toilet bowl several hours after taking the dosage. (sorry to be so vivid). I can't travel, run errands, go out for a meal, or visit friends because I don't know how bad it will be any given day. Using heating pad on my belly to sooth the pain. Drinking plenty of water, but even that can result in a flare. What makes me angry, is that this drug has been proven to work, it is economical and easy to get, however, the side effects are so debilitating that patients stop using it becuase they can't live their lives. Why don't the drug companies recognize this and DO SOMETHING about it? I know my doctor wont, she thinks it's fabulous and her only suggestion was liquid Metformin which is not available in the USA. Will keep trying to lose weight, then

Side Effects formetformin hydrochloride (metformin hydrochloride) - User Comments


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extreme anxiety, only for 2 weeks

I misused the drug due to the fact that i didnt read the directions or research the net about it. I wish i would have found this page before i used it or read the directions that were given to me when i picked up the prescription. Being a dumb ass man, i just put it all over my penis and on the warts. My penis swelled twice its size it seems and was very painful. I knew i was suppose to use it for three days then rest. I did so, but was missusing the gel everywhere on my penis head and shaft. Finally instinct told me to stop using it and rest. Im on day 3 of rest and my penis is back to normal and the warts are deadening and old skin is coming off. Now reading this I will start up tommorrow AFTER my showers and apply ONLY on the warts themselves with a cotton swab applicator a small dot on the warts. I only have three and expect they will disappear soon. They are already dead it seams, but when I shower they turn white and are noticeable. I will apply only for three more day

Its been working great for me and I hope it stays that way. Antidepressants dont work for me when it comes to anxiety. If you have severe anxiety and/or panic attacks I think this would be a good drug to try.

I'm already feeling a great effect, even though it hasn't even reached full strength in my body yet. The only bad thing is that I'm very drowsy, and I can't aim a ball as well as I could before.

I have been unable to tolerate statins due to their side effects so Dr. recommended Zetia. This drug does not seem any better so I stopped taking it today. If my mood and energy come back, will post an update.

In my opinion most psych meds are a joke in living with a peace of mind. And only agitated my chemical and emotional well being.

I am starting to worry i am a student and i cant seem to study because id be yawning all the time and want to sleep. I have exams coming up too! :( im thinking about stopping this. Although my lips, nose and eyes are dry my face is still a little bit oily.

Very few side effects. Some teeth grinding, and occasional sleepiness. No sexual side effects, not negative ones anyway. I actually think it might help as far as that goes.

For the past 2 weeks I've been feeling so irritated by everybody and that's not like me. The last three days I've been extremely depressed and have out bursts of crying uncontrollably for no reason. couldn't even make it to work today. I'm stopping this pill NOW and calling my doctor after reading that this could be this pill. This had controlled my cycles but it's not worth it if I'm going to feel like this! I'm so glad I found this site.

I don't sweat much on it, so I have to watch that I don't exert myself on hot days.