Lantus (insulin glargine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Lantus (insulin glargine)

Achy over entire body, muscle spasms, weight gain, dizzy, insomnia.

Inconsistent in controlling my numbers ..

I'm having burning pain in my knees

I hate this insulin I was started with metohormine but it wasn't really lowering my levels went to tresiba which I loved only side effects was leg pain was forced to lantus bc of the price of tresiba and its been horrible bloating, gas,stomach pains from always being hungry already gained weight,bad burning at the injection site,tiredness,I absolutely hate it

Started on this crap after my insurance forced me off of Levemir. Everything seemed fine for the first month and then I started feeling tired all the time and gained major amounts of weight. One day I noticed I was getting out of breath just walking to my truck (I ran a mile or more per day before this) Doctors diagnosed me with Asthma. I finally found this stage four study and informed my doctor of only a day back on Levemir I can breath a bit easier and feel full of energy again. Hopefully my lung function will return to normal soon. If you have these symptoms talk to your doctor immediately. You only get one set of lungs! I would never recommend any glargine based insulin after this. I now have to pay cash for my Levemir thanks to my insurance but I feel better.

Tremors. Confused. Dizzy. Sleep. Burning etc

Was great to begin with but after a couple/few months experienced extreme calf muscle pain while doing my half hour daily walk. To the point of wanting to vomit & sweating profusely with the pain. The same side effect I had experienced years earlier when I was put on a course of Statin medication.

Awful medication compared to how great it looks in the advertising

Have gained 15 lbs. in 1 month with no change in eating habits.

After taking Lantus I have muscle and joint pain. Severe shoulder pain, anxiety and palpitation. I had this same issue with trulicity.

I have a increased blood pressure since taking Lantus.

Fatigue and depression. Also starting to have muscle aches. Did not lower my numbers.

Extreme back and hip pain. Can barely walk. Night (sometimes all day) sweats. Burning eyes.

As soon as I stopped taking it, I felt relief in symptoms.

Hard trouble breathing anxiety and depression not feeling like myself to the point of suicidal thoughts.weak, pain in my elbows and my chest always feels tight...wake up nervous and keep crying...dizziness...lightheadedness...pain at injection site...loss of appetite...weight loss...involuntary body movement...stuttering...disoriented...constipation...

i wish i saw the correlation sooner, this medicine was basically poisoning my body! i was severely fatigued, high hr, palpitations, on edge anxiety & depression, couldn’t eat, abdominal contracting, red hot face, no appetite, lost a ton of weight, dizziness to where i could no drive or even walk some days could not even sit up in bed! saw so many doctors had so many tests and x-rays they said i was fine, once getting off i feel so much better

Having esophagus spasm, itchy throat, muscles spasms, weight gain, back spasms

Diagnosed high blood sugars 400

I never looked at side effects till nowDrastic pain to top of feet in my bone very sharp and elbow pain in Oder to function I had to take ALEVE in AM and PMblurry vision and the access of weight gain the most I have dropped has been 10 lbs and gained the double weightMy FBS sugars were always high even in a low carb diet never below 137

Severe Burning sensation on legs, feet and toes lasting 10 hours or more. Skin pain 24 hours per day from above knees to toes.

Pain everywhere. Hands, fingers, shoulder, neck, knee etc.. Weight gain.

I did not realize the effects this injection had on me until I went camping over the 7/4/2018 holiday and forgot my Lantus. My pants were getting looser and I my appetite was less. When I got home after about 5 or 6 days not taking the drug, I was around 10-15 pounds lighter at 212. I say around because I was weighing myself regularly. Today, 4 days later, I was at 205.8 this am, my pain is nearly gone but still a little in the hands. I also seem to have some increased low back pain, Last time, couple weeks ago, I was weighed at the Dr office at 228.

occasional fits of excessive hunger - have been prepared for this by doctor and dieticians and have a course of action planned out; have used for about 5 years; have lost about 60 lbs and then have stayed at weight;

Frustrated at times with quality control of pens - some jam; others appear not to be at the same solution level - and so make sure I have back up pens ready to warm up. I have worked with dieticians to remove everything from my house that I should not eat - I know when I've comforted myself with food during stress and when not to blame the Lantus.

Started with exhaustion,hand pain,then swelling feet,hands,ankles,calves,turning purple,hands and feet peeking, joint pain, in arms shoulders. Dr running all sorts of tests does't think it is Lantus. Also taking January 2x a day 500.

A friend had the hand reaction and quit it immediately.

Back ache, leg to heel aches, shoulder joint pain is debilitating.

I am stopping immediately and asking for an alternate long acting.

LANTUS (INSULIN GLARGINE): Insulin glargine is used with a proper diet and exercise program to control high blood sugar in people with diabetes. Controlling high blood sugar helps prevent kidney damage, blindness, nerve problems, loss of limbs, and sexual function problems. Proper control of diabetes may also lessen your risk of a heart attack or stroke. Insulin glargine is a man-made product that is similar to human insulin. It replaces the insulin that your body would normally make. It acts longer than regular insulin, providing a low, steady level of insulin. It works by helping blood sugar (glucose) get into cells so your body can use it for energy. Insulin glargine may be used with a shorter-acting insulin product. It may also be used alone or with other diabetes drugs. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I really can't pin point any specific side effect but, I can't seem to lose weight no matter what I try. I also have several joint problems, specially knee. The drug doesn't seem to reduce the sugar right away. It takes hours before I see a slow reduction. I was on Janumet 50/500 for long 8 years. My A1C never exceeded 7.1

Increased sex drive, no periods for a year!

Started getting nauseous, light-headed (especially in the morning), lost 15 pounds, loss of appetite, loose bowels, fatigue, anxiety, then depression -- but worst of flashes, then a rash on my face and chest. My doctor could not figure out what was wrong with me. Not once did I even imagine that it could be the Prilosec. Then on a hunch, I switched to Nexium and ALL the symptoms were gone within a week and have not returned. I will NEVER, EVER take this junk again. STAY AWAY!!

Taking total 1500mg a day. When I initially started with one a day to work my way up, I was very overwhelmed with the constant diarreah and terrible nausea. Went on business trip for 2 weeks and decided to skip meds as it would make work more difficult. Came back and decided i needed to get to get back on as we are TTC and I have been having irregular periods for the past year. I have been working my way up slowly as the side effects are too much for me to handle. I am up to 2x a day working up to 3xday. I stuck out the nausea and disgust for food (which I LOVE) and now have reduced my appetite drastically. No carb and or sweet cravings which is FANTASTIC! I noticed my weight is going down. Only have lost about 3-4 pounds in the past couple weeks but I am extatic about it as I have been trying to lose weight so badly since the start of the year and barely lost 2 pounds with a low carb 1200 cal diet and exersize. Worst part is that my libido took a nose dive :-( Poor DH. I have not been working out as i should be but am thinking to get back to the gym and hopefully lose more weight as it can reverse the symptoms of PCOS. But all this diarreah, and nausea will be all worth it if i get my periods back and we can conceive to term. Here's to hoping and wishing you all luck

This drug helped me sleep after years of problems with RLS. It was such a treat to go to bed and not wake up until morning! My only complaint is that you have to keep increasing the dose as your body adjusts to it so this led to needing more and more. Long-term side effects are relatively unknown and there is a reputation for these drugs to have an effect on memory so I had to stop taking them after two months. Now I'm back to Restless Legs!

I am a health nut. Haven't been on antibiotics in over 20 years but Diverticulitis is an infection and 500 mg of Flagyl 3 x day plus two 500 tabs. of Cipro 2 x a day is the standard protocol. I am spacing the drugs apart and taking probiotics, drinking Keifer and eating yogurt. I'm only on my second day which is better than my first. I think its the Valium. I made myself crazy with all the negative remarks and horrible side effects I've read.

Takes a few days to work. I give it two days and then if I have no results I take another dose. Usually within a day or two I am able to empty out. Does anyone know if it's safe to take once a week on a regular basis?

Has anyone ever experienced an actual increase in blood pressure from Toprol XL?

I have night sweats when I take it and weird dreams. I take it 2 times a week.

Unable to sleep without it. Daughter woke me up one night & told me someone was trying to break in the house, I loaded a gun (had never done so in my life), and shoot a hole right through the bedroom door & through the wall. It's strong but it works!