Januvia (sitagliptin phosphate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Januvia (sitagliptin phosphate)

Extreme joint pain in my legs arms knees and feet anxiety and depression, blurred vision and reflux problems

Drs should warn people about the side effects it could cause

I'm 75, weigh 138, 5'10", A1C 6.2 - 6.7 with 2mg Glimepiride 2000mg metformin. Dr switched me to Januvia 100mg 2000mg metformin. Blood sugar went out of control from day 1. Over 200 daily average (I test 7 times/day). Morning Fasting went from 115 to 226. Nine fhours of vomiting and diarhhea on second day. Nauseous every day for two weeks. Lost 5 lbs in two weeks--I need to gain weight. Stopped after day 14. Very bad drug for me. Dr now wants me to try another miracle drug: Farxiga. Don't think so as I will need a loan from Warren Buffet to buy it.

Poor control of blood sugars, even on restricted diet.

Horrible, broke out in hives, fatigue, pain, brain fog, and my blood sugar doubled instead of going down, stopped taking it after a month and took twice as long to get back to normal than how long I was on it, total garbage.

Nightmares. Taken for four days and have had two nightmares

Januvia seemed to help lower my sugars a little bit for the first 3 months but then I started noticing my heart fluttering fast and my hands feet and legs swelling weight gain insane cravings extremely fatigued along with terrible joint pain and it took me until recently to finally put it all together what has been causing it ! I stopped taking januvia today ! So praying the side effects will reverse themselves

Anxiety, panic attacks, abdominal pains, numbness in left arm, muscle/joint pains.

I'm going to self discontinue because I've been to 2 hospitals for everything I'm going through just to find out there's nothing wrong, but all this started when I started taking this medication. So I'm going to stop and see what happens.

I have been on Januvia for over two years. I started experiencing intermittent joint pain early on which has progressed to constant debilitating pain in all of my joints. I discussed with my GP, several trips to the urgent care, saw a rheumatologist and even brought up the progressive joint pain with my endocrinologist last week.For people who can take it without side effects it can be a very useful drug.It's recently gotten difficult for me to even hold a cup of tea.Every doctor should warn about these side effects.

If you start having joint paint and your doctor is unresponsive, stop taking it. The pain and swelling began to decrease within a few days once I discontinued.

After a few weeks of taking Januvia I started experiencing episodes of severe stomach cramps in my upper abdomen along with nausea and diarrhea. Each time I had an episode the pain worsened, I thought I might have something wrong with my gallbladder. After a trip to the hospital they diagnosed me with gastro which i knew was not what was happening. The episodes started happening more often, it was starting to affect my work life. My doctor had no idea, he kept telling me it was gastro. I got an ultrasound of my entire abdomen and all my organs and they still found nothing. One morning I woke up at 2am with pain and diarrhea, i decided to google the new drug i was taking and I went on the Januvia website and at the very bottom i found a bit that said 'can cause stomach cramping and diarrhea'. I was quite frustrated at this point, 4 weeks of having episodes of this pain and diarrhea and my doctor doesn't even know the side affects of a drug that he has prescribed to me.I went and saw

Other things I experience whilst on Januvia and have not experienced since being off it are:Confusion/ forgetting things, skin welting up as soon as I scratch even a little bit, itchy hands resulting in a rash of welts and random episodes of extreme anxiety.

Painful sore throat and runny nose for 3 days. Then joint pain and swelling in feet, toes, ankles. 2 days later I had joint pain and swelling in hands, finger and wrists! One week into stopping Januvia and the joint pain is unbearable. I can’t even sleep!

This needs to be taken for the market! How much longer is the FDA gonna wait?

I I am taking Januvia and metformin, the Januvia is taken once daily with 500 mg metformin in the morning. then I take another 500 mg metformin in the evening before bedtime. The only issue I have is sometimes I experience low sugar levels, it states these 2 drugs combine can cause hyperglycemia, I monitor my sugar frequently and make sure I keep glucose tablets in my purse at all times when I am out. I also have a loss off appetite quite frequently. I began losing weight immediately. Other than that I am OK with taking these drugs. I did contact my Doctor and she is a GREAT physician, she is very attentive when I have questions and concerns, she is monitoring me closely and giving me instructions when needed!

This is my first time being diagnosed, in the past with pregnancies I was high risk due to gestational diabetes. I was told the probability of me becoming a type II diabetic was very high due to it also being heredity. When 1st diagnosed my A1C was 9.1 and my blood glucose was 232......since being on the medication my finger sticks have averaged daily from 71 to 100, I do exercise daily and watch what I eat. I will be getting blood work done every 3 months to monitor my levels. I am hoping one day to reverse this disease. I am maintaining a very positive outlook.

Lower Back pain ,nausea ,depression ,low mood, anxiety knee pains i feel awful .

I had terrible indigestion, tummy pains, I felt dreadful. Within a week of coming off the medicine, my symptoms went away.

after two weeks started to feel unwell sore throatswollen ear inside blocked very painful ,pain up the back of my head ,and down my shoulders ,tinitus was horendus splitting headaches i have stopped taking this januvia drug and will never take this again how this got passed i will never know ,stopped taking it twoo weeks ago now only just begining to recover

Extreme tachycardia, trouble breathing, chest pressure and chest feeling heavy. Face pressure. Feeling like someone was choking me. Swelling feet, ankles and legs. Numbing & tingling in right arm and thrifty jaw. Nausea. Chest fluid. Feeling like I was going to have a heart attack. Horrible non stop fast and slow heartbeats and skipping or adding beats. Made me exhausted and sick feeling for weeks.

Didn’t know this had a black box warning and could cause heart failure. I hope there’s no lasting damage done to my heart. Terrible medication. I was going into heart failure. Stopped it today and no more tachycardia or chest pain. Fluid in my lungs as flem is coughing up. Dangerous medication !!!

Feel quite anxious N flushed. Heart rate feels rapid.

After taking this medication for two weeks ended up in the hospital. I began to experience a terrible cough, joint pain, blisters on my back and my heart went into Atrial fibrillation. Worst drug ever!

Extreme itching for past 2 years, trouble urinating, terrible joint pain and extreme lethargy.

Just went off of it, called Dr. to tell him I am not taking it, on a diet

My blood sugar 3 months ago was running 500. I have been on Januvia now for almost 3 months, it has lowered my blood sugars into the 100-160 range but I feel horrible! I have the shakes, dizziness, tingling numb sensations, depression, anxiety, (I have never had depression or anxiety my entire life) I think it's this medicine, I used to take Victoza injections but then found myself without insurance and 3 pens cost almost $1000 without insurance

Horrible foot pain. Could barely walk

Did nothing to reduce blood sugar I almost ended up in a wheelchair taking this drug

Bad abdominal cramps. Muscles cramps. Left leg frequently cramped. Horrible muscle spasms and weakness.

Don't take this medication. it is one the worst things that can be used. The pain was so bad that I should have taken myself to the emergency room for help. Dr was useless about the muscle weakness as she did not return my call about this

JANUVIA (SITAGLIPTIN PHOSPHATE): Sitagliptin is used with a proper diet and exercise program and possibly with other medications to control high blood sugar. It is used in people with type 2 diabetes. Controlling high blood sugar helps prevent kidney damage, blindness, nerve problems, loss of limbs, and sexual function problems. Proper control of diabetes may also lessen your risk of a heart attack or stroke. Sitagliptin is a diabetes drug that works by increasing levels of natural substances called incretins. Incretins help to control blood sugar by increasing insulin release, especially after a meal. They also decrease the amount of sugar your liver makes. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

extreme nausea several hours after taking, occasional headache, occasional heart pulpitations, allergic reations to vitamin b

My doctor gave me an open ended script for this med. I took it every night for about a year. The sever memory problems did not start until after 6 months of use. I used to chew it up to make it work faster because I started reacting slower to it. The slower reaction time left me in bed for half an hour waiting for this stuff to work and sometimes I would get bored and get up and start cleaning or eating or having sex(under the influence) …..This drug WILL make you sleep like a baby (I slept better than I ever have in my life on this stuff) and having sex on it is great if you can remember it in the morning. Unfortunately in the end it made me mood and depressed without any shorter memory and a bad temper.

Some weight Gain, but I was underweight from the stress of the extreme pain I was in I barely ate once a day. Now I am eating healthier, 2 to 3 times a day. My muscle fitigue used to cause me to tremor, On lyrica that doesn't happen as severly or last as long. Minor dizziness.

The two most frustrating side effects for me are weight gain of about 30 pounds over 2 1/2 years and decreased sex drive. I got frustrated with the weight gain and stopped taking it for about a month and realized that I started getting anxious and angry again. So back on it I went... The decreased sex drive is frustrating since I was 28 when I started, and I also feel somewhat "emotion-less." I don't cry like I used to but my PMS has lessened.Also, I have recently noticed (and confirmed by my eye doctor) that it is affecting my vision, so that it seems blurry or like I can't quite focus. My eye doctor said that can be caused by the Lexapro.

When I first started the med it caused severe anxiety and clausterphobia. Now it sometimes causes massive headaches and addiction. I am very willing to deal with any side effect from this drug it has saved my life.

Thought I was getting a flare up again and went to the ER. Because my heart rate was so high, i was admitted right away. Turns out I was having an allergic reaction to the Imuran whiched caused me to have pancratitis.

I'm no longer taking this medication.

After about 4-5 days I have terrible nausea, severe neck and back pain, severe migraines, insomnia, no appetite, earache, tingling hands, no energy, gas, bloating. In general feeling very ill.

Started me off on 40 mg 2x/day. Yucky stuff this drug is.

Anxiety and depression. Trouble sleeping and staying asleep. Muscle fatigue and calve cramps sever. Really deep rolling mood swings. Breakthrough bleeding every two weeks. Did not help hair loss and acne at all.