Janumet (metformin hydrochloride; sitagliptin phosphate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Janumet (metformin hydrochloride; sitagliptin phosphate)

I really can't pin point any specific side effect but, I can't seem to lose weight no matter what I try. I also have several joint problems, specially knee. The drug doesn't seem to reduce the sugar right away. It takes hours before I see a slow reduction. I was on Janumet 50/500 for long 8 years. My A1C never exceeded 7.1

I think, I will stop this drug and try to manage with reduced carbs, lots of water and excercise. I need to find out if I can maintain A1C under 7.1 without Janumet 50/500.

Had faced shoulder weak issues. Initially controlled but now it is not working

Worked somewhat at first but now a1c is going up, even tho I have lost 30lbs

Pancreatitis, joint, pain, headache high blood sugar

Janumet is the poison pill! First trip to the ER, knew it was acute pancreatitis but blood work was clear. Dr. Said keep taking it. Thought I had frozen shoulder, then knee pain, lower back pain, daily headache. Second trip to ER, blood work was fine. It’s the Janumet! Stop taking this poison at once! Merck should be shut down! Same med as poison Januvia but with Metformin. Keeps pancreas inflamed off and on! Poison! Beware!

More pain, worked early on, now seems to not work at all? The Metformin dosage is 1000Mg with each dose.

I had some early on benefit from Janumet. I was on 2000 Mg of Metformin XR daily but my A1C had crept up to 8.3 from 6.7 just a couple years ago. So decided to try Janumet. Had some better numbers early on, but about 70 days into it my numbers remain higher then ever. Averaging 240 now even fasting which was 150 now is over 200. Doing blood test to find out why. I believe the Janumet caused a negative problem with the pancreas. Personally, although I cant prove much yet. I would say the Janumet hurt more then helped.

Experienced sore joints, and muscular pain (calf muscles mostly, but lower back also). Severe lack of energy, slight constipation.

While this medication certainly lowered the diabetes problem, the negative side effects were noted. I have come off this medication twice for a month at a time in order to ascertain whether the Janumet is actually causing these side effects. Both times negative side effects return once begining dossage again. Shame, as it does work.

Gave me severe pain in my stomach and upper back

I can't say much more about this drug since I took it only one day but the pain was unbearable so I had to stop ... otherwise I would have taken it longer.

Post nasal drip from hell- up to 30 OTC pills to dry me out to sleep and stop spitting up mucous all day. If I take more than 1& 1/2 of a 500 mg tab a day I get head aches. Actos started the mucous, trying to find a type 2 med to take and get the mucous to stop. The spitting -up herniated my belly button, too. I purchase 36 boxes of tissue a month. Mucous is robbing me of energy, cannot go on any trips.

Blood sugar good. I took regular metformin ( glucopahge ) for 10 years or so but started having headaches. Some weight loss from Actos reversed.

Much better for me than plain metforminMuch better control of my dawn syndrone

Increased fat around middle, which is what you should avoid with diabetes. My waist size has increased at lest 2-3 inches, and I now have a big roll around my waist which I never had taking metformin.

The doctor wants me to take twice daily, but my copay is $60 per month and along with other meds I would reach my donut hole mid-year or earlier.

iwas confined to my house with diahrrea 24 hrs a day horrible smell nothing controlled it no one did anything about ituntil my dr. said lets see if its the janumet it was!!!!!

diabetes is the devil's disease janumet the devil's pill

JANUMET (METFORMIN HYDROCHLORIDE; SITAGLIPTIN PHOSPHATE): This combination medication is used with a proper diet and exercise program and possibly with other medications to control high blood sugar. It is used in patients with type 2 diabetes. This product contains 2 medications. Sitagliptin works by increasing levels of natural substances called incretins. Incretins help to control blood sugar by increasing insulin release, especially after a meal. They also decrease the amount of sugar your liver makes. Metformin works by helping to restore your body's proper response to the insulin you naturally produce. It also decreases the amount of sugar that your liver makes and that your stomach/intestines absorb. Controlling high blood sugar helps prevent kidney damage, blindness, nerve problems, loss of limbs, and sexual function problems. Proper control of diabetes may also lessen your risk of a heart attack or stroke. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Increased heart rate/anxiety, incoherent-difficulty in thinking & communicating, numbness in tongue, mouth, fingers, felt very much not myself, very much effected my normal activities.

I felt dreadful on this drug after the first day. Symptoms increased every day until I felt really ill.

My daughters nose had been running and we were told that perhaps Claritin could help with the symptoms. I gave her 24hr bubblegum flavor, which is packaged into a chewable tablet. Took this for at least three days. After the third day of taking Claritin, I noticed her fairly clear speaking became choppy and developed into a noticeable stutter. I have not given her any more dosages. Closely monitoring her. This is now 5 days after the last dosage and she is still stuttering and having a tough time getting her words out. I’m so deeply saddened by this event and shocked that others have experienced similar side effects.

nightmares, possibly depressed mood, thirst

If taken late a night the caffeine makes it harder to sleep.

Terrible nausea and vomiting started the next day after starting this medication. I lived on crackers and water with occasional jello and chicken noodle soup. My nausea was so bad that I had to basically stay still or I would vomit. Forget about being active. I was so weak and tired from no food and very little water. I only made it for 3 weeks before I had to stop taking ozempic. The thought of living like that was a no go for me. I went back on the Trulicity I was on and I feel much better. My doctor wants to try another medication but I am not so sure I want to do that.

Shakey, jumpy, nervous, jittery, scared

Upset stomach, with a little nausea and diarhea. I seem to bruise easier, too.

So far, it has made her symptoms worse. We'll see how she is feeling tomorrow.

Stuffy nose, runny eyes, sneezing