Humulin 70/30 (insulin recombinant human; insulin susp isophane recombinant human) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Humulin 70/30 (insulin recombinant human; insulin susp isophane recombinant human)

I haven't had any side effects as I know of.

It works for me. If I go down to low I eat a snack and I'm usually good. I could eat better on the foods I eat though. I probably would have even better readings if I did.

Sugars weren't going down with regularity

I feel pretty good since I started since my sugars are staying at a normal range.

i was diagnosed with Type 2 in 2003. I started taking pills. however, 3 yrs later my sugar got out of control sort of. i was hospitalized and started on a strict diet. I was put on insulin in 2005. I only take 50 units 2 times a day. so far, I can say that my sugar has had better readings and I feel alot better. my diet has helped and my eating habits have changed a great deal. i walk more and in general, i feel great.

proper management under doctor's advise is the cure. insulin, diet, medication and a good family doctor has helped me stabalize my sugars and feel better about myself.

some bruising at injection side. abdomen

Started with 2 injections per day, but sugar control was erratic.Went to 3 injections and control is much better. Fewer highs and lows.

Side Effects forhumulin 70/30 (insulin recombinant human; insulin susp isophane recombinant human) - User Comments


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Have been prescribed provera to help with prolonged period and also cause lining of uterus showed abnormality. Had a Hysteroscopy and D & C 11/03/10 showed fibroids and removal of 1 polyp being sent for testing will get results back when I next visit the gyno 14/04/10.Finding it very hard to keep taking 3 tablets so stopped then period was so heavy I had to keep taking them again so taking 2 tablets a day now. Will keep you informed on my next months progress

Doctors are giving this seriously powerful drug out like candy to people that have no business being on it. If you're not seriously psychotic and this shot is given to you, you WILL suffer worse than ever before. There is no relief either, as the dopamine receptors blocked by it are responsible for how the human brain and body responds to ALL OTHER DRUGS. They either won't work or the effects will be drastically altered. The drug will linger in your body for a year if given a high dosage. It should be a crime to produce a drug that lasts this long, anyone that has problems with it is in trouble for a long time. A mental prison sentence until it evacuates and may even take longer to recover since the receptors are so messed up. Unbelievable, really.

DO NOT USE THIS STUFF! I used it for 3 days in a row, each time worse than the last, screaming in pain and tears, wondering if this was what ‘slight increase in itching’ meant! I could not sleep, or think about anything else except the burning excruciating pain in my vagina and vulva area! I am 15 months out from using Monistat 7, and still suffering with issues with my vagina and vulva area from the chemical burns it gave me! I don’t think things will ever be the same for me. I have been to 3 different gynecologists several times to try to find some sort of solution, but there has been none. The routine I go through every day as far as laundering underwear, how I wipe, exercise/sweat, even just walking around. I cannot wear jeans because they hold the underwear too close to my irritated skin. I wear sweats now most of the time. I never get away from the thought of how my crotch is painful! DO NOT use this stuff!! I hope I eventually heal, but 15 months out, i am pretty discouraged about that.

WEIGHT GAIN and extreme bloating!! I've only taken the Jolessa pill for 2 weeks and have already gained 5-10lbs. I went from a size 3 to 5. I've started exercising more and dieting but it does NOTHING. I'm still gaining. I look like I'm 4mths pregnant. My stomach is constantly bloated. I'm also depressed. I stopping today even if it will mess up my cycle.

for official medical research test

Walking zombie in the mornings- Sometimes emotional crying

I'm a small woman (about 100 lbs) and took 750 mg per day for five days. It seems to have cleared up the sinus infection, but the side effects were pretty miserable. I'd only recommend this drug if another antibiotic won't work.

The makes u feel good but when it wears off anxiety and deoression and ocd kicked in hard! Worse then before the meds!! I wish i never started taking it...should be taken for two weeks the most!! Beware!!!

Horrible!! I feel like I've been drugged or drunk, confused moving balance horrible.. feeling like I'm going to fall off the bed even 12 hours after taking it. It feels like an awful bad trip on acid. Not that I ever took that stuff acid; however I have heard stories about it and that's what it reminds me of. It's like you've lost your mind and it's just super bad!! Scared! I took 300 milligrams 12 and a half hours ago & I ate ok today, drank water and it's like the effects of it are just getting stronger.. I don't get it! I hope it goes away, I feel worried, is this permanent brain damage & my face is tingling plus I get the shakes.Anxiety galore, dexterity is poor,poor peripheral vision extremely dizzy, difficulty walking.. Help!!

Where do I start? Slight depression, nausea day and night, upset stomach, itching, soreness in neck, hella headaches, yeast infection, did I say headaches and nausea? The absolute worst. I have never had this many symptoms at once from one pill, and the metallic taste it leaves in ur mouth is thee worst!