Glucovance (glyburide; metformin hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Glucovance (glyburide; metformin hydrochloride)

Stomach distress and all over muscle aches. Extreme hypo to the point of passing out! Levels require constant attention.

Hypo'd a little too easily, but once understood could control - always keep some sugar handy if you take this medication, no need to be alarmed just be sensible.

Nothing else has worked so well to reduce my bs to manageable levels. Was hypo-ing too often so requested Dr. to reduce dose - put me on amaryl instead, and it is next to useless for me. Amaryl is gentler so if you can manage with that then better, but if not glucovance is worth a try but make sure you titrate it carefully (start with lowest does and work up to find right level - may change over extended use, so look then to lower)

Terrible low blood sugar episodes. Shakes, tense, jabbering. Had to be on constant alert for these, have sugar tablets or similar handy, checked blood sugar obsessively to avoid this. No way to live.I gained weight on this drug, probably from the added insulin packing it on, and also because blood sugar swings make you hungry.

Maybe there's patients this drug is good for, but I sure wasn't one of them, and don't think most Type II's are. This drug kicks your pancreas to spit out more insulin, so if you still make your own insulin, it can bring you to a low quickly.

I am not a doctor, but have a hard time understanding how you are not wearing out your pancreas sooner by forcing it to make more insulin.

I don't understand why Type II diabetics who are often admonished to lose weight can be put on a drug like this that promotes weight gain. Yes, the insulin your body makes is not working properly to lower blood sugar... but that faulty insulin PLUS all the insulin you have in your system from this drug will still work great to pack more pounds on you.

I believe most of us Type II's are better served with low carbing, some exercise, and glucophage and Byetta or anything else that slows the rush of food into our systems.

Helped bring the sugar levels down from 400's to lower 200's. Adding Glibenclamide at evening has helped to bring it down to low 190's

hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)

has controlled diabetes well, have been able to reduce dosage considerably over time

Sugar Levels too low at times.

Although this medication has significantly lowered my sugar levels, I have also experienced sugar numbers in the 40's. I always make sure to eat with my medication. I just am stumped over this.



periods of the day where my blood sugar dropped too low

My doctor switched me from glucophage to glucovance to lower my blood sugar better, but I'd have these times in the day where I was shakey. I got switched back to a higher dose of just glucophage, and the shakies are gone.

Fatigue and confusion, hard to concentrate. Felt sick to my stomach if not taken with food.

My blood sugar was brought down to level doctor had hoped for.My dosage is now cut in half, 2.5 MG once a day.

nausa, tingly feeling in muscles, generally feel whiped (tire very easy),

Did help control sugar levels, but could not tolerate side effects

stomach ache...headache.......tired....sick feeling

GLUCOVANCE (GLYBURIDE; METFORMIN HYDROCHLORIDE): This combination medication is used with a proper diet and exercise program to control high blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes. It may also be used with other diabetes medications. This product contains 2 medications. Glyburide belongs to the class of drugs known as sulfonylureas. It lowers blood sugar by causing the release of your body's natural insulin and by decreasing the amount of sugar that your liver makes. Metformin works by decreasing the amount of sugar that your liver makes and that your stomach/intestines absorb. Both of these medications work by helping to restore your body's proper response to the insulin you naturally produce. Controlling high blood sugar helps prevent kidney damage, blindness, nerve problems, loss of limbs, and sexual function problems. Proper control of diabetes may also lessen your risk of a heart attack or stroke. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Even with all these horrible side effect, it works quickly to remove the throbbing. The spray version starts to help me within 30 min. whereas the tablet took up to two hours to offer relief. I try to use other medicines. If they don't work, this is the only foolproof way to get rid of the pain.

I started taking Trishasil 11 years ago, and 6 years ago I switched to Trivora. I have never had any side effects.

Aggressively tired!! Had to leave work, couldn't keep my eyes open and felt anxious. Incredibly bloated stomach. I'm trying to stick it out for last day, but feel rubbish!

First time ever getting this medication and I don't ever want it again please beware of the worst side effects that you are never warned about with this medication! Until I found this site nothing else stated these effects as a side effect of it!

absolutely horrible! I have to take this tablet 4 times a day for 2 weeks, im only at the beginning of day 2! I don't know if I could put up with this stomach pain much more, and the nightmares i have been having has scared me half to death. I will see how it goes but may go to doctor to get something different.

My dr. prescribed Vistaril for me to take only when I have panic attacks at night. I take Celexa daily for anxiety, but I only have panic attacks at night. So this medicine works for me since it puts me out really fast.

Nausea, increased sweating, tiredness, loss of appetite

Like taking poison, but we are all genetically different so what works for some won’t work for others