Glucophage (metformin hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Glucophage (metformin hydrochloride)

GLUCOPHAGE (METFORMIN HYDROCHLORIDE): Metformin is used with a proper diet and exercise program and possibly with other medications to control high blood sugar. It is used in patients with type 2 diabetes. Controlling high blood sugar helps prevent kidney damage, blindness, nerve problems, loss of limbs, and sexual function problems. Proper control of diabetes may also lessen your risk of a heart attack or stroke. Metformin works by helping to restore your body's proper response to the insulin you naturally produce. It also decreases the amount of sugar that your liver makes and that your stomach/intestines absorb. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

This was given to me for a few days after my first anxiety attack. I took it when I needed it until I saw my general practictioner. When I saw him he added Lexapro and took me off the xanax and the Lexapro made me deathly sick for three days. So now I just use the xanax whenever I feel like I may be having a panic attack and it works great and I recommend it to be taken whenever you need it. I know its said to be addictive, but if you are responsible and just take it when you think you need it, its extremely helpful

daughter was very physical, hitting, biting, yelling - a very unhappy child. 180 degree turn around after stopping this medicine, went back to her happy self. Would not recommend this drug AT ALL to ANYONE. I regret giving it to my child.

I gained over 50lbs on Depo-Provera. I also gained a low sex-drive, unwanted body hair, and cyst-like acne. My vaginal lubrication went down to nill, and I bled non-stop for the first three months. I became depressed in a very apathetic way, and suffered from heart palpitations. It works by tricking your body into thinking it's pregnant. It doesn't do well to be "pregnant" for two strait years...

Tightness, tingling, burning, slightly uncomfortable, didn't want to eat

1 dose taken in the mid-afternoon. Woke up at midnight, vomiting. Severe back and hip pain for 24 hours, and I mean really bad, easing in intensity daily over about 10 days. Day 2, muscle pain all over the body kicked off (felt like I'd run a marathon or 3) which gradually eased off over about 3 weeks. Soon after I developed joint pain in knees, feet and elbows especially. Still have that now, and that one dose of Actonel I took was 2 years ago. The joint pain maybe unrelated to the drug, but no-one can tell me what the problem is, so I am a bit suss that it kicked something off in my body that won't settle.

Lump in throat, constipation, cold chills, hip pain, headaches, trouble sleeping.

There are three new antipsychotics currently under review by the FDA. The drugs are Invega Sustenna (paliperidone palmitate)long acting injection. New approved Fanapt (iloperidone). Saphris (asenapine). These drugs all where proven not to be as effective then Seroquel XR, but had a lower chances of side effects like weight gain. There is now data stating if these drugs give you akathisia like Riperdal or Geodon.

8 1/2 week non stop heavy period, tired, weight gain

wanna sleep? no doubt it will work. Groggy hangover mornings, accompanied with a severe longing to unconstipate...if you know what i mean...worsened manic episodes because of frustation and lack of focus the next day. I gained 15 1bs in 2 weeks! I never overate in fact recently lost weight and was more confident...until i took elavil 25-50 a night. Sleep w 2 yr old son same bed and i swear i saw an "entity" hover over his body. yeah ive stopped and am still out of it hopefully soon effects will leave. dont take it if your bipolar or aDD......for fibro and pain and sleep it may be beneficial but its def not for me.

My side effects were not unbearable (except to my husband who can't stand to see me cry two or three times a day), but I have not seen a significant enough decrease in my tension and pain to warrant taking it any longer. And just reading through these side effects others have listed has made me agree with the previous post that maybe this drug should be prescribed more cautiously or taken off the market. My doctor scribbled out a prescription for it in two seconds flat after just a slight mention of pain in my shoulders/neck! No questions asked! That's kind of scary!