Apidra (insulin glulisine recombinant) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Apidra (insulin glulisine recombinant)

I love apidra. I use it in an insulin pump, I use around 30 units per day through the pump

APIDRA (INSULIN GLULISINE RECOMBINANT): Insulin glulisine is used with a proper diet and exercise program to control high blood sugar in people with diabetes. Controlling high blood sugar helps prevent kidney damage, blindness, nerve problems, loss of limbs, and sexual function problems. Proper control of diabetes may also lessen your risk of a heart attack or stroke. Insulin glulisine is a man-made product that is similar to human insulin. It replaces the insulin that your body would normally make. Insulin glulisine starts working faster and lasts for a shorter time than regular insulin. It works by helping blood sugar (glucose) get into cells so your body can use it for energy. This medication is usually used with a medium- or long-acting insulin product. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I have taken this before...about 7 years ago. Didn't feel a thing.A few years later it put me in the hospital hyperventilating, however at the time I didn't realize it was the diflucan.1 year ago, gave me rapid heart rate. Now it did all this....Am I allergic?? I really don't know. Not typical allergic reaction, just horrible reaction. Feels like a poison. Some people will say its the candida die off, but doctors don't support that theory.I will never take again, but now what do I do for yeast? Monistat cream raises my heart rate too.

At first prilosec seemed like a miracle pill. My gerd was gone so quickly and I could sleep at night.By the end of two weeks, appetite increased a great deal. I had awful night time anxiety and difficutly swallowing.

Jittery, dry-mouth, confused and tongue-tied a lot. Occasional bouts of insomnia. I'm easily flustered now which makes the anxiety even worse.

My side effects are very minor, do occasionally have spotting or missed periods. Have had slight weight gain and sometimes are bloated or have constipation, do have headaches and breast pain in week before period too. However postives are that my periods are very light and only last 1 or 2 days. Overall this suits me very well. Have tried Microgynon once and that made me feel awful, had constant bleeding and depression for a month, so would not recommend that pill.

My moods do seem to be stabilizing, that is, cycling at much lower extremes. I'm happy with the medication so far.

I'm really pleased with this medication. I've tried practically everything and it just felt wrong. Wellbutrin XL's side effects were mostly temporary and really worth working through. Now I just feel normal instead of medicated and/or depressed.

I woke up on the 5th day and my vision was blurred and double. I was going back to my doctor and could not read any road signs at all and I have perfect long range vision.....scared me to death. Found out blurred vision is a side effect. Doctor advised me to go off of it immediately which I did. Also pain in body and a bit spacy, but the vision impairment was the worst side effect.

Ortho Tricyclen Lo - Horrible stomach cramps and diarrhea during 1st week of active pills. VERY moody/depressed, Extreme breast tenderness and swelling week before period. Migraine headaches, blurred vision, dry eyes. Definite loss of libido.

Something like 6 years ago, I gained 25 lbs the first 6 weeks of taking it! Stopped taking it for 6 months and lost ALL that weight. Started back on it 4 years ago and take 1200 mg a day (when desperate). Otherwise, I also experience sleepiness, word-loss, loss of concentration and difficulty with making decisions. I am rather grateful now for others mentioning "fleeting feelings of hopelessness" and depression, as I have felt horribly guilty from those side effects, and NEVER before attributed them to the medicine. Since my benefits outweigh my side effects, I am hoping applying logic will help, (we shall see!).

Could not sleep, paranoid, felt like throwing up, dizzy also my breathing was impaired. The following day I felt really bad, dettached, tired and stomach hurt.