Amaryl (glimepiride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Amaryl (glimepiride)

No side effects except increased hunger and minor weight gain.

This is a great drug for me. I have been on metformin over 15 years and Jardiance for a year. My morning bg was always in the 140s to 160s. My A1C has consistantly been 7.2-7.5. Now my wake-up bg is 100-105. Daytime readings in the 90s. My 14 day average bg is now 115. Remarkably effective addition to my treatment. I do have to watch for low bg though. Haven’t had one yet. I test at least 5 times/day.

It's working, but having a hard time adjusting to it. I have headaches, lightheaded, shaky feeling, and IBSC is much worse. I don't know if I will be taking this for the long haul.

No nausea, but I have an overall feeling of malaise on this drug. But it sure is nice to have readings of 100 in the afternoon!

Uncontrollable Diarrhea, Weakness, Shaking, Wobbly legs, Loss of balance, Sores in my mouth and around my mouth, Raw rash in groin area, Debilitating fatigue, Joint Pain, Anxiety

I was taking in addition to Januvia for my diabetes. After 13 days, it only lowered my sugar by 12 points. The side effects are not worth it. THIS MEDICINE IS POISON! DO NOT TAKE. I have IBD so I don't know why my dr prescribed this.

Uncontrollable Diarrhea, Weakness, Shaking, Wobbly legs, Loss of balance, Sores in my mouth and around my mouth, Raw rash in groin area, Debilitating fatigue, Joint Pain, Anxiety

I was taking in addition to Januvia for my diabetes. After 13 days, it only lowered my sugar by 12 points. The side effects are not worth it. THIS MEDICINE IS POISON! DO NOT TAKE. I have IBD so I don't know why my dr prescribed this.

Take as prescribed by Dr into on your own .

From insulin injections I turn to Amaryll fort 2 daily one morning it works with exercising on trend mill 4 speed with out incline 2.5 mile per day 🌹

Horrible side effects: extreme itching and hives. Weight gain. After researching websites about the medication, I found out it interacts with 4 other medications I take. The result is a raise in blood sugar level. I was also disturbed with the other information about the drug and its effects on the body.

Please do a lot of research on this drug before taking.Not all websites listing information on it provide all the facts. Search several because the list of medicine you should not take with it is very long.

became dizzy when driving. thought I would pass out and crash. Made it home though. Other times also, when I got out of hot tub at the YMCA. I will not take this again if I am DYING

However, when taken just before breakfast, after 2 to 3 hours, my sugar level drops below the normal level and therefore I have to take some juice or heavy snacks every day 2 hours after the breakfast to avoid dropping of sugar level.I took HbA1c every 3 months and it was 4.2. So it works!

works well, but works better if taken in the morning

dizziness, sleepiness (would fall asleep mid-sentence, hypo, tremor

I took it along with Byetta, Humalog, and Lantus SoloStar. Think I will try leaving the Humalog. Have to watch what I eat because Byetta takes away my appetite, and sense of taste. But I have to make sure I eat enough to keep my sugar up. Last night it fell like a rock after supper and I was shaking so hard I had to lay down. My husband had to run out and get me a milkshake to get my sugars back up and have protein. I was VERY NAUSEOUS and couldn't think of anything to eat but the shake.

some nausea to begin with but subsided

Does not work for me. At best it dropped me down about 20 points but I am up at 270-80 fasting plus I take 30mg Actos once a day!Was on glucovance 500mg/ day with Actos, but got too low and hypo (40-50!). Asked Dr. to reduce this but switched me to amaryl. I watch my diet and exercise daily, so I am going back to glucovance if possible. Don't rate amaryl at all.

Began at 2 mg after breakfast and after 2 weeks with it pushing blood sugar to mid to upper 30's went to 1mg after breakfast and it will maintain good levels daily. Fasting test each morning shows blood sugar levels to be from mid 70's to mid 90's.

very first day noticed average bsl dropped to 99 in am and91 at night after dinner, havent't been in the 90's for months.hope to continue on this med low dose seems to be just what ittakes to get controlled again.

Amaryl threw my blood sugar very low the first few days, maybe because I was in a turmoil of decluttering my house and doing a lot of physical stuff. It definitely is a wonderdrug, I was on Actos 45 mg for quite a few years with swollen face and very swollen legs that hurt. I have lost 10 pounds and feel wonderful.

I love this drug and hope that it will continue to let me wake up in the morning to 95-100 blood sugar instead of fighting a 150-160 all day long with metformin and actos.

When I get up later in the morning, Amaryl tends to drop my readings into the 60s and 70s in the afternoon. I'm learning to anticipate the symptoms of empty stomach, weak legs and a general sensation of weakness, and have some sugar to control it. But it's quite unnerving. It seems to work, though...

I've been on 2000 mg of Glucophage plus Actos for years... but did not observe a diet at all and my last A1C was 7.7... my doc got upset and gave me Amaryl. I have a suspicion I could drop Amaryl and avoid flour, potatoes, sugars, etc. and maybe achieve similar results.

I have followed the appropriate eating plan and have been exercising, and the doctor has already cut the Amaryl down to 1 mg a day. I suspect I'll be getting off of it soon. It's doing its job too well. The bad thing is that I have to eat to the blood sugar level when it goes down and that negates any weight loss efforts, which in the long run are a major goal in control of my type 2.

BS levels dropped like a brick! was already taking Actos & 2 metformin--doc added amaryl and 2 more metformin. I also gave up refined sugars but still eat fruits. fasting BS in the 80s and 90s (whoa!)--evening BS in the 120s-140s

AMARYL (GLIMEPIRIDE): Glimepiride is used with a proper diet and exercise program to control high blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes. It may also be used with other diabetes medications. Controlling high blood sugar helps prevent kidney damage, blindness, nerve problems, loss of limbs, and sexual function problems. Proper control of diabetes may also lessen your risk of a heart attack or stroke. Glimepiride belongs to the class of drugs known as sulfonylureas. It lowers blood sugar by causing the release of your body's natural insulin. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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No side effects. Take with MTX. Tried MTX w/o Arava and it doesn't work. Blood labs are fine. Guess I'm lucky.

I've been using it for 4 months. My doctor proscribed it for 12 to deal with a serious case of vaginal atrophy. Take 2 mg.

Do not take. Unless you want to be sicker.

Was effective against the infection, but my urologist switched me to Cipro for the remaining 3 days due to the side effects of Macrobid - she told me that often Macrobid is preferred over other antibiotics because it is much less likely to induce yeast infection that some of the other antibiotics.

The strep cleared up immediately, but 1 day after the last dose, she woke up vomiting, and hasn't stopped yet. It has been 5 days. Her dr. said it stays in your system for 5 days after the 5 day dose, and we are finally on day 10! I really hope she feels better tomorrow, because she has missed school all week. If she doesn't stop by tomorrow we have to take her to the ER for an IV. She has had some diarrhea, but mostly severe stomach pain, vomiting, extreme fatigue and anger (don't blame her). I'm trying to give her probiotics, but she can't keep them down! After it's out of her system, I will give big doses of probiotics to get her system back to normal. Next time I will ask for a milder antibiotic if possible--this one is too strong for a strep infection that could be knocked out by milder ones. All antibiotics cause negative side effects though. Never take them unless you have to!

It does work on my blood pressure so Dr refuses to take me off it. Last Dr I had refused too but they don't understand how horrible it makes me feel. So I guess since it lowered my BP I am forced to give it a 3 but if offered something else I would be first in line.

Drowsiness, bloated stomach, hyperacidity