Actos (pioglitazone hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Actos (pioglitazone hydrochloride)

Suddenly my legs are itching non stop. As of yesterday I have been light headed, completely exhausted, and constantly shitting myself with no relief. And I can NOT get warm. I am NEVER COLD NORMALLY. And even though I am hungry, I try to Eat and get nauseous.

Stay away from this crap. The being cold is an indication of this crap causing kidney problems.

Feet and legs swelling short of breath lower back ache and lots of weight gain .

Swelling of the ankles, feet and legs. Pain across the top of both my feet. I'm not able to wear certain tennis shoes in regard to the pain. I'm generally a happy go lucky person and lately I have been depressed. Some days I feel as if I won't live to see another day.

I never had this issue with Glipized and metformin. To this day I don't know why the doctor took me off Glipized. I understand the numbers showing good but what about the side effects ppl are complaining about. We are not ginney pigs. I asked for something else my doctor told me no. I will stop this actos on my own and find another doctor that will not just see me but hear me.

Intense pain in right shoulder.started 2. X-rays showed nothing. Stopped drug and still have pain 4 days laterThen, pain shifted to right shoulder and pain in left stopped. Hoping it all eventually Stops. Awful side effect although it was.working well for blood sugar levels.

My endo has been trying to find a drug that will minimize my A1C and decrease my insulin requirement. I'd rather stick with the insulin than to take this drug. I stopped after the 7th day of taking these: nausea, vomiting of bile, no appetite, shortness of breath, chest tightness, chills, dizziness, pain under shoulder blades(right then left), varying degrees of anxiety and everyone's favorite: restless leg syndrome. These side effects are nearly gone after 72 hours since my last dose. After this nasty reaction, I am highly unwilling to try a lower dose. The insulin savings weren't good enough to treat the side effects.

My previous PCP, an ARNP, had been a diabetic educator before switching to family practice. After the reactions that I had to metformin, Januvia and Byetta, she opted to skip trialling other drugs and put me on insulin. She felt that the rest of the various meds available (including Actos) carried too much chance of weight gain and other unpleasant side effects to even try, especially given my history of rapidly rejecting anything my body found objectionable.

Leg cramps, some edema of calves & feet @ higher dosage, abdominal pain @ higher dosage

I started this medication @ a higher dosage & had problems, so began to decrease until the complications became less or disappeared. Otherwise, it has helped me feel much better & has worked to get my condition under control.

Gross weight gain, constant tiredness, swelling in ankles

I told my endocrinologist I am going off Actos and will never touch it again. It's horrible. It's banned in Europe although my doctor pooh-poohed that. I gained weight steadily, a pound a month without relief, even with lots of exercise and good diet. I already take glimeperide (about 3 mg per day average) and will go on Byetta if necessary. But after just three weeks off Actos, I am starting to feel better, have way more energy, and am starting to slowly lose a little weight. I think I can get back to normal weight in a few months (faster if I go on Byetta). Actos is evil incarnate. How can gross weight gain possibly be good for anyone let alone a diabetic? My doctor could care less so now I do the research and tell him what I want to take.

Severe muscle and joint pain, weight gain and teeth became soft and brittle.

Face and tongue very swollen can't breathe hive and sore throat fever cold sweats. Ringing loud noises in left ear swollen eyes and bottom eyelids turned out. Direah very sick and muscles twitching .still days later knots on back of tongue choking feeling

I have a lot of allergies but was really scared. So be careful

Face and tongue very swollen can't breathe hive and sore throat fever cold sweats. Ringing loud noises in left ear swollen eyes and bottom eyelids turned out. Direah very sick and muscles twitching .still days later knots on back of tongue choking feeling

I have a lot of allergies but was really scared. So be careful

Type 2! Was on Avandemet. Before

Took 3.5 years to screw me up. Weight gain started year 2

Chest pain, mood swings, dizzy, sleepy, swelling.

Being checked for bladder cancer after getting symptoms .

My leg become very itchy and when I scratched the skin breaks. My back itches and no topical ointment can provide me any relief. Lumps develops and when I press it, liquid oozes out of them.

I have otherwise been taking Actos for my Diabetes for many years since I was 55 and now I am 70. Recently, I could not find the source of the itch. Now I do. I stop taking it and my itches are being relieved.

Ankle swelling is the worst, but also causes lower legs and feet to swell. I have been on it for approximately 6 months. It won't let me change that field

i have taken myself off of Actos x 4 days now. The swelling is much less. My glucose levels are only slightly elevated. I have never felt like it was very effective at helping lower my glucose levels. I was on Victoza, which controlled my levels very nicely. My A1c's were between 6.2 and 6.4. It kept me from being hungry; However, it was causing severe constipation and mid abdominal pain, so the Dr. Took me off of it and put me on Actos 30 mg. now my A1c is up to 7.6! Talk about discouraging!

Swollen feet, ankles and legs-- extreme

Worked very well; sad about side effects-

After being on it for a year I've started with pitting edema in my lower legs,feet and ankles and severe muscle pain. The top of my foot has been so swollen that it hurts to move my toes.

I hate the side effects that are presenting because it has controlled my blood sugars. Glucophage caused to many stomach issues and didn't control my levels like Actos has.i hope to find something that works without crazy side effects. Byetta made me extremely sick. I do take Bydureon.

At the Beginning this drug was wonderful, few side effects, in two weeks bring my levels down to 90-110, before actos i was 190-210, was eating light and doing my walkings, on weekends diet was a bit relaxed. But in the 4th and 5th month, caos started, blood pressure was up and dow, start to feeling dizzy, edema on feet, 30 pounds weight gain, body, hands, and feet were itching all the time, Panic Attacks, i had the feeling to run away, very bad time, the last month, i had pain in legs, back and arms.

this is poison, this will kill you, after a week i quit Actos, i felt like 10 years younger, happy, no pain, no edema, and already lost 10 pounds. DonĀ“t take this drug, is living hell

Very swollen legs!!! How long does it take to resolve after stopping the actos?

ACTOS (PIOGLITAZONE HYDROCHLORIDE): Pioglitazone is a diabetes drug (thiazolidinedione-type, also called "glitazones") used along with a proper diet and exercise program to control high blood sugar in patients with type 2 diabetes. It works by helping to restore your body's proper response to insulin, thereby lowering your blood sugar. Controlling high blood sugar helps prevent kidney damage, blindness, nerve problems, loss of limbs, and sexual function problems. Proper control of diabetes may also lessen your risk of a heart attack or stroke. Pioglitazone is used either alone or in combination with other diabetes medications (such as metformin or a sulfonylurea such as glyburide). Talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of pioglitazone. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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After 4 other antibiotics trying to get rid of a sinus infection, I was sent to an allergist who determined that not only did I have a sinus infection, but that it was complicated by allergies to ragweed, outdoor molds, cats/dogs, dust mites. I am still not feeling well and haven't seen any change after being on Biaxin for a week. Still can't clear my throat of mucus - every day I feel lousy. I'm not sure what the next week will bring since I'm not finished with the dose.

Great drug! I use 3 10/650 Percs a day and it works!!! Those of you that complain and are so anti drug "then don't take it!!!" Have a nice day!!!!!! :)

I had no side effects. I left this product for theZ brand and came back. love claritan

None. Took it for 10 days (2mg) x 2 times a day. Felt improvement within 48 hours.

Anxiety and even some panic the first week but was told it may cause some anxiety in the start up phase, so continued on. The next couple days were pure hell, anxiety went to a place I didn't know existed shaking trembling in constant fear. Went into doctor was stopped that day

For now, the pros outweight the cons. Sex is still good, but I miss having "normal" sexual sensations.

Please have blood work done first. This blood test consists of fasting for 16 hours first. The bone density test is not better. My oral surgeon says only certain cases should be on this drug. Take your calcium pill with vitamin D twice a day and eat a balanced diet.

For me, it takes the migraine away within an hour if I take it early enough.