Boniva (ibandronate sodium) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Boniva (ibandronate sodium)

BONIVA (IBANDRONATE SODIUM): Ibandronate is used to prevent and treat certain types of bone loss (osteoporosis). Osteoporosis causes bones to become thinner and break more easily. Your chance of developing osteoporosis increases after menopause, as you age, or if you take corticosteroid medications (such as prednisone) for long periods. This medication works by slowing bone loss to help maintain strong bones and reduce the risk of broken bones (fractures). Ibandronate belongs to a class of medications called bisphosphonates. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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10 days on. approx 3 wks off. For four months

Started medication at 1230pm yesterday and wiithin two hours of first dose severe tingling/stinging started in exterior vaginal area (inner labia majora - the totality of the soft tissue burns/tingles/stings). After second dose last night the soft tissue inside my mouth had exactly the same symptoms and the symptoms in my genitals worsened significantly. Hershey's milk chocolate actually BURNED my mouth like it was a jalapeƱo.... I Havent eaten a single thing since --it's the next day, now. I will NOT be continuing this medication!

lower legs and feet swelled so much that blood vessels burst and have left my legs with leopard spots. Left me extremely tired.Swelling took me to emergency where they suspected blood clots.2 Weeks off drug, and swelling starting to go down. Made me sick and damaged.

Itchiness and bizarre dreams about zombies.

When my gastro doctor found out I had been taking Reglan for three or more years, he IMMEDIATELY took me off of it. I had the residual side-effect of tardive kinesia (sp?). the "tics" are horrible.

It is good for OCD and fixed my scalp picking. I had tapered off Abilify slowly and I am off now for 8 days with minor side effects.

After taking for 4 months, woke up one night with the sensation Woke up one night feeling as if I was on fire. Extreme tingling. My skin felt very itchy. I felt as if someone was pin-pricking my entire body. Felt very hot and flushed.

Weight gain, horrible bloating of entire abdomen that hasn't gone away.

this drug takes days if not weeks to build up in the system. I started in a low dose and increased to 80mg after three days. I have lost 15 pounds in two months without even trying. It has taken the joy out of eating, which isn't all bad. Sexual frustration due to inability to reach orgasm most of the time. Am thinking of lowering the dose to 60mg to see if some of this changes. Definitely works for ADD symptoms. More focused. Spend less time looking for misplaced items and retracing my steps. Can follow conversations and find myself being a better listener and parent. For the first time ever my brain is not racing, which has lowered my anxiety and stress levels. Have always suffered from familial tremors, and although not completely gone, the tremors are much less intense.

I had insomnia and after 5 weeks very emotional