Binosto (alendronate sodium) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Binosto (alendronate sodium)

After 36 hours I had very strong back, neck, chest pains and constipation.

Do not take it, it's a real poison. I almost recovered after 3 days of taking betamethasone 1 mg / day. It will cure my osteopenia with more physical activity, eating less protein, no milk and cakes, lots of fruits and vegetables.

Began with severe lower back pain and gastro symptoms. Didn't make the connection to the Binosto until I visited my doctor and she did tests (negative) and I also went to physical therapy for my back which did not help. I know my body and I was totally fine BEFORE beginning Binosto. Stopped Binosto back in March, after three months, and STILL experience side effects... now have acid reflux and continued gastro issues. When will this end? I will never take an osteo med again, ever. Poison is an understatement for these meds.

BINOSTO (ALENDRONATE SODIUM): Alendronate is used to prevent and treat certain types of bone loss (osteoporosis) in adults. Osteoporosis causes bones to become thinner and break more easily. Your chance of developing osteoporosis increases as you age, after menopause, or if you are taking corticosteroid medications (such as prednisone) for a long time. This medication works by slowing bone loss. This effect helps maintain strong bones and reduce the risk of broken bones (fractures). Alendronate belongs to a class of drugs called bisphosphonates. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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"head swooshing" - Not bad. Fatigue and some weight gain.

I can't begin to describe how awful this month has been for me. I have never had headaches in my life and now have migraines 3-4 times a week. Ever since beginning the medication my gums bleed during the night. I am an emotional roller coaster, constantly crying. I am constantly hungry and I'm a person who has a very low appetite most of the time. Sex is very painful when I have never ever experienced this before and in general it has caused constant vaginal pain. This is my first and LAST pack of this awful stuff. Hormonal birth control is not the way to go.

Of all psych meds I've taken, this one was the absolute worst. I took it for five days. 40mg, in the evening. Side effects while taking it: depersonalization and confusion, jittery and twitchy about 5 hours before next dose; Side effects after NOT taking it: six days of awful involuntary muscle twitching (tongue, face, chin, right arm), awful headache, flu symptoms, trouble talking, shaking, inability to drive or go to work or sit still, trouble sleeping, bloated stomach. I was very, very scared. Thankfully it has been 4 days since my last dose, and most symptoms have gone away, though I still have some facial twitching.

35mg - wiped me out > severe dizziness, luck of energy, heartpalpitations, chest pain, dry mouth; I got scared I am going to die!Switched to 5mg and used this one since > side effects not so severe, but still present: luck of energy, problem sleeping, cloudy thinking; joint, hip, ankle pain; sinus problems, heaviness in the chest.

Depression, mood swings, emotional, loss of sex drive, anger

Euphoria, Itching, Chest pressure, Body control loss, Confusion, Drowsy but not sleepy, untill about two hours after taking the meds. Troubles paying attention.

After years of trying a variety of medications to improve my chronic fatigue, my doctor finally perscribed me Provigil. I've found it to be a complete lifesaver and have gone from sleeping 16 hours a day and not being able to attend school to sleeping 9 or 10 hours a day and being able to attend a top ranked college.

I rated it at a 4 b/c it has REALLY helped with my sinuses and allergies. Unfortunately, it's not worth the heart palpatations.

Jittery. Not Feeling like my self. Uneasy. Its been two days. The second day after i was prescribed the dosage. I didnt feel any side effects. But the 3rd day im feeling them. Dont take this drug. I asked the nurse constantly what the side effects were and she wouldnt tell me. I said i dont want to take this drug. And she kept saying, why when you've never taken it and never had any side effects. And i said ive been prescibed prednisone before. It was the worse drug of my life. But i was in so much pain in my head i couldnt vouch for my self and she still gave it to me. I dont recommend it.

felt weird taking this for acne? tired, cramps were worse (fixed with gatorade), breast tenderness and enlargement