Atelvia (risedronate sodium) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Atelvia (risedronate sodium)

The only side effects experienced were a slight amount of heartburn on occasion when eating fruits with high acid content and some stomach pain, but very intermittently, and only the first two years.

I started taking Atelvia four years ago for osteoporosis. It was great being able to take this medication immediately after eating breakfast. After two years, my dexa scan showed an improvement in bone density to the level of osteopenia. I have been taking calcium and do weight bearing exercise on a regular basis, so I was shocked when my latest dexa scan this year showed a slight decrease in bone density to the level of osteoporosis. My doctor suggested trying an IV infusion treatment or continuing Atelvia for another year and another dexa next year. I determined that the IV option was not a good idea for me, due to the long term possibility of side effects. Now I have a dilemma - my new healthcare provider does not cover Atelvia at all. Paying out of pocket would cost me nearly $5000 for the whole year. The only covered options are generic actonel or fosamax. She also suggested Evista, but due to family history of stroke and heart disease, this is not a risk I want to take. It would be nice if there was a generic version of Atelvia available.

Stiffness, digestive issue and elimination issues.

ATELVIA (RISEDRONATE SODIUM): Risedronate is used to prevent and treat certain types of bone loss (osteoporosis) in adults. Osteoporosis causes bones to become thinner and break more easily. Your chance of developing osteoporosis increases as you age, after menopause, or if you are taking corticosteroid medications (such as prednisone) for a long time. This medication works by slowing bone loss. This effect helps maintain strong bones and reduce the risk of broken bones (fractures). Risedronate belongs to a class of medications called bisphosphonates. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I have had sharp pains that come and go. I started picking up weight but most importantly I would sometimes throw up food. Or feel sick for no reason and I slept alot I quit taking it