Actonel (risedronate sodium) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Actonel (risedronate sodium)

Major side effects that began so gradually I did not recognize them as side effects.I began taking Risedronate in July 2023 and experienced no side effects for about the first 6 weeks. Then, a gradual increase in arthritic pain. At first it was hip and lower back pain, which I attributed to arthritis. Over months, the pain increased and interrupted my sleep. I could not fall asleep or stay asleep due to pain in hips, pelvis and lower back. This pain spread, again gradually over months, to my thighs, knees, shins and ankles. It spread to my middle and upper back. I began taking ibuprofen or naproxen to help reduce the pain. I also noticed that I was having trouble walking at a normal pace. I am generally extremely fit and active despite osteoporosis and some arthritis, so the walking slowness concerned me.I also noticed my teeth slightly looser.I suspected Risendronate, but not make the connection to Risendronate, because I was determined to give it a try for osteoporosis.Then, one night in July 2024, one year after I began taking this medication, I begain to experience jaw pain. I knew of the rare possibility of necrosis of the jaw due to Risedronate. I immediately decided to stop taking this medication.My pain decreased within days! I could sleep at night. I no longer take any type of pain killer (no ibuprofen or naproxen). My walking speed and gait is improving. It is now 4 weeks since I am off the drug, and I feel much better.

Just stopped Actonel after 14 months. Didn't connect my hip pain to the drug, thought it was arthritis, then 7 months in, severe hip pain, bone pain, shin pain, foot pain, cannot walk the proper way, it's like my hips are stuck, and it hurts, can barely get up, I used to walk every day and exercise. On the day I take actonel, I get severe insomnia, and that was every Monday, which led to to look up side affects and connected my extreme pain to the drug. Still very sore after 10 days...will report back.

I've asked my Dr x3 times about my pains and Actonel was never mentioned. I called my friend interstate, she's on same drug, and guess what, same symptoms, her Dr said it's just old age!! She's stopped too.

Everything imaginable: flu-like symptoms, chills, aching.

Should have done my homework before agreeing to take this poison. DON'T TAKE IT.

Blurry vision. Jaw pain. Feeling as though there is something stuck in my throat. Joint and hip pain. Fatigue and general weakness. Difficulty walking.

Ache all over, feel sick uncomfortable day In day out, going to stop

Ween off Prolia for osteoporosis

I had severe pain and Acute sinusitis and generally unwell, all seemed to get worse on the day I had to take the tablet. But as I am still suffering side effects of Prolia which is much worse than this I can't be sure it isn't just because of that. If you are offered Prolia do not take it ever. Vertigo, fatigue, increase induce of migraines, severe bone pain, hair loss, vision disturbance, kidney problems, bowel problems increase in calcium score in arteries, increase in allergic reactions to other meds and food.

I only had to take for 3 months to ween off Prolia. Now I am on watch and see but I believe these drugs are very bad worse than the condition

About 18 hours after initial dose I got terrible flu like symptoms (nausea, vomiting, fever, chills, muscle aches) and also lots of joint pain all over. Never again.

Unbearable joint muscles pain teeth tired and sick hate this

Plz never recommend it to any one it's pain is more worst then that problem

Two to three days after taking first Tablet had severe diarhhea for two nights running. I didn't initially put it down to the drug until the 2nd Tablet was taken this month and 3 days later severe stomach cramps and bad diarhhea that is not going away. 3 days now. Feel like I am being poisoned.

headache, shoulder, back pain. severe constipation first 48 hours. bloating, just all around feel like crap. I dance and it hurts to do certain moves.

Decided to go with holistic methods, will check out glucosamine, condritin, collagen which someone recommended.

Chills achiness nausea terrible stomach cramps. Nausea and cramps for 4 days. Not able to each much at all. I only weigh 106lbs. and cannot eat regularly. Feel like I have been through a very bad illness. Taking actonel has been a horrible experience.

It took me a while to realize my symptoms were from this. Leaking gut. Insomnia, constant cramping in hands and feet, nausea, extreme fatigue, brain fog. I have severe osteoporosis secondary to chemo, but this is just not worth it.

Extreme neck pain, increased back pain, joints hurt, stomach pain, acid reflux. Intolerable for me.

Will contact doctor about switching to something else. Taking calcium, D and magnesium since diagnosis.

Took first dose yesterday. Woke up today feeling like I had pulled every muscle in my body from the waist to my neck. Now the diarrhea is setting in. Stomach gurgling and bubbling. Pushed myself to get outside for a short walk around the block...left hip and thigh hurting entire time.

I have 2 more pills for 2 more months. Not sure if I want to give them a try to see if this improves.

Epic diarrhea. Stabbing stomach pain. Joint and muscle pain.

Don't take Actonel. The worst drug ever. Like taking poison.

Diarrhea, back and leg pain, headache, extreme fatigue

Severe shoulder pain. Muscle pain in all limbs. Pain in hip replacement site!.. Diarrhoea 2xweek for 3months. Stool sample checked&clear. Switched to risedronate after painful effect of one Prolia jab. In despair now.

Medics in denial and encourage continuing use. It is known can cause Necrosis of the jaw. Is it worth the risk.....

Appetite loss. Weight loss; 12kg. Debilitating fatigue. Muscle weakness. Muscle spasms. Tinnitus. Sore eyes. Burning lips. Panic attacks. Fear. Loss of confidence. Cramps. Tingly teeth. Difficulty walking. Dry throat. Weak voice. Depression.

Commenced Actonel around the same time as I broke an ankle. Blamed symptoms on inactivity due to fracture and at the same time wondered if I had a neurological disorder. Confusing! After my 11th dose I found this page and things started to drop into place. I now believe that this biphosphonate has ruined my life. I was active and independent. The fatigue is indescribable! I will never take another biphosphonate and I hope my side effects eventually abate, because right now, my life is miserable and not worth living. I have become a burden to myself and my loved ones. ACTONEL IS POISON!

From the get go it was a nightmare. I experienced non-stop nausea, feeling faint, headaches and out of it. I previously used fosamax and boniva and thought these were bad. Hold the door and meet actonel.

My Dr. advised me to stop. I will stick to supplements but he did want to try a nasal spray. Why are these drugs so dangerous? Everyone has a different experience but I am praying this is out of my system sooner than later.

ACTONEL (RISEDRONATE SODIUM): Risedronate is used to prevent and treat certain types of bone loss (osteoporosis) in adults. Osteoporosis causes bones to become thinner and break more easily. Your chance of developing osteoporosis increases as you age, after menopause, or if you are taking corticosteroid medications (such as prednisone) for a long time. This medication works by slowing bone loss to help maintain strong bones and reduce the risk of broken bones (fractures). Risedronate belongs to a class of medications called bisphosphonates. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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It was the single most traumatic exeperience of my life, and I say that as someone who, for her age, has gone through a lot of tough things. I would not recommend this to anyone. It seems more people have trouble with it than are helped by it, and there are better drugs to treat the things it's used to treat. The risks outweigh any possible benefit. I don't see how use of this drug is at all ethical and it should removed from the market entirely. No one should have to suffer like that when there are better ways. I wouldn't wish the horrible side effects it gave me on my worse enemy. I believe I will forever be afraid now to seek immediate medical attention again due to my experience with this drug. I can't trust ER docs and I don't want to risk ever feeling that again. I'd much rather die.

Dr. swears it is 2x stronger than Percocet, I am out of Percocet Morphine Sulfate is useless. Can't see Dr. until 5/16/2016 and the only thing he says is "Make it work" Does Tim Gunn have that copyrighted?

I had to get this injection because my scalp psoriasis was severely flared so I went to urgent care and that is when I heard of this injection. The Dr was explaining the shot to me and how it will work, he said it surpresses the immune system so I asked does that mean i m gonna get sick he said no its not as bad as it sounds so I got the shot Monday night Tuesday I woke up feeling great my head was so much better... Wednesday I woke up in the worse pain ever with strep throat fever flu symptoms... Thursday even worse than Wednesday so I went back to urgent care they said I got sick because the depo medrol surpresses ur immune system and I said I knew it was gonna happen so the gave me antibiotic injection and today is Saturday and its not as bad but it still hurts to swallow and my teeth seem sensitive hmmm kinda weird. I really don't know what was worse the psoriasis or my body feeling like I got hit by a bus... I still keep looking up as things could be worse.

The worst side effect has been the acne. Because the cause is systemic, topical treatments don't really work. It just keeps aggressively coming back, every day a little worse. It's to the point where I'm thinking of stopping the drug, despite how good it's been for me.

Worked excellant. Extreme drowsiness which is what I needed with the pain.

Joint pains, gas, body gets extremely cold,

Horrible taste in my mouth. It's so bad I can't ignore it. I don't even want to take this drug anymore it's just vile.

It makes me tried. I wouldn't really recomed this for anybody but I really like it becase it helps me sleep.

Worked great for my allergies, but turned me into an irritable, mean, impatient b!tch. If you want to live in a cave for the rest of your life, go for it. But if you want to be around other human beings, this medicine isn’t for you.

I continued with it for 2 more weeks, really trying to give it the benefit of a doubt. 'But things got even worse...Crying at the drop of a hat, (even watching Lassie,) all my emotions were at a highly sensitive edge or extreme. Happy or sad, crying or laughing, and I'm NOT Manic/Depressive. Usually very even keeled. In fact I didn't feel depressed at all, UNTIL I took this. My physician 'thought' I was and this was a compromise to help with the smoking. NEVER AGAIN. You name all the depressive signs and this 'gave' them to me.