Propranolol hcl (propranolol hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Propranolol hcl (propranolol hydrochloride)

Random adrenalin discharges, severe anxiety (sense of dread/impending doom), insomnia with panic attack (jolting), tachycardia, high blood sugar level, hypokalemia, high Blood Pressure.

Plz taper it if you stop. Worked wonders when I took it, but had to stop because I couldn't do sports. Messed up my whole system 36 hours after I stopped. Sent to ER with every symptoms described. Took 33 days for random discharge to stop, 12 more for Anxiety and insomnia, 3 more for random blood sugar level spikes. Tachy took almost 2 month to finally normalize. 3 month later still hypokalemia and slightly high BP. Unlucky user with adverse effect after short use.

Headaches, fuzzy head, lightheaded, sudden hot sweats, painful muscles and joints, constipated, nausea, bloated, rapid weight gain, itching, severe fatigue, worsening of existing psoriasis.

This worked well to control my tachycardia which was caused by a combination of high blood pressure and anxiety, I felt awful the first few weeks and wanted to give up as some symptoms eased new ones started and every week I stayed on it more side effects began and got much worse, I see reading these comments psoriasis is mentioned unfortunately this has happened to me, was completely controlled now I’ve got it breaking out everywhere that was the final straw and I decided to wean off, not off it completely I’m down to 40mg a day but can’t wait to finially be off it, I’m overweight now too tired to be bothered to do anything and feel so unwell it’s just not worth taking it, I basically feel worse than before I started it, I’m yet to find anything that treats high blood pressure and tachycardia that doesn’t make you feel like dear

Headaches, dizziness, insomnia, weight gain, constipation,severe pain in the right calve ,non stop itching all over, nausea, stomach pain, overwhelming sudden heat and sweating, depression.

Currently tapering off this med it's been so awful, none of the side effects are going away just getting worse every week, I feel so bad I want to sleep constantly these tablets suck the life out of you, I'm depressed getting fat, feel like I'm crawling in flea's because of the constant itchy skin and I'm a hot sweaty mess it's not working or worth it for me, it's not done a great deal for my blood pressure either I wish my doctor had told me if I started this med if I wanted to stop it would be a slow taper to get off it, I've glad once I'm done with it and also not only do you have to taper slowly the withdrawal is horrible, nasty med and won't touch it again

High blood pressure and anxiety

Fatigue, dizziness, aching muscles and joints, weakness, hot flushes and intense sweating, blood pressure all ove the place, heart rhythm erratic, insomnia, weight gain in a very short space of time, depression, jittery, mood swings, worsening of psoriasis.

I really wanted this to work for me, I've stuck it out for 2 months and it's just not worth it, the side effects are terrible and getting worse I had a brief period where after 5 weeks I felt it was helping I felt slightly better with anxiety, fast heart was calming down and bp was reasonable but it only lasted 4 days and I was back to all of the above because I've been on it for 2 months and a total of 120mg a day I've now got to taper slowly off it, I'm dreading how my heart rate is going to hold up, guess I've got to get on yet another med to control bp and heart rate, as for the anxiety I don't know what to try done all of the anti depressants and they are all awful, I'm very disappointed no one told me it would make my psoriasis worse been controlled for 20 years can barely tell I have it, 2 months on this and it's breaking out every where do be careful if you have a skin condition, I'm very upset about this I've now got to get my skin under control.

Extremely tired, dizzy spells worse. Sick and feeling sick very slow breathing which caused me anxiety. Really bad pressure feeling in head like a silent headache.

Rather deal with the adrenaline than the side effects

Dizziness, and extreme tiredness

This drug absolutely helps with anxiety I was taking 40mg 3times a day, but I think with this method you get a big hit of it within an hour the dizziness was quite bad, and I was beyond tired like I really had to lie down and sleep almost zombie like, but this does ease the longer you take it, but I switched to 120mg slow release taken once a day at bedtime this had a much better effect on how much I felt the side effects I found I wasn't so tired or dizzy during the day, overall I'm happy taking it, and happy not to be controlled by anxiety anymore, I noticed some reviews on here are bad but the people leaving some of those reviews have only taken it a few days some only 1 day that's totally ridiculous to leave a bad review after such a small amount of time you must give your body chance to adjust to a new med, look for reviews where people have been on it at least 2 months for an accurate account of how propranolol affects them any less is just plain stupid and misleading for those looking for helpful reviews

High blood pressure and anxiety

Dizziness, diarrhoea, nausea, insomnia, breaking out in very hot sweats .

Side effects were quite bad for the first few weeks but calmed down and eventually went away after around 4 weeks, my blood pressure was super high induced by severe anxiety, I was literally spending my life in my house, tried this med as a last resort no other meds worked, the first 4 weeks were tough with side effects but I stuck it out and I'm so glad I did, the side effects went and I just feel calm, blood pressure is good and I can finally leave my house without all the horrible physical anxiety symptoms, it doesn't stop the emotional side of anxiety just the physical symptoms but those going away made my mind much calmer and I was finally able to get over the constant health anxiety that had plagued me for years, my advice is give it a try if you don't like it at least you tried, and if you do try it stick it out the rewards are worth it if it agrees with you, too many people give up after a couple of days and write bad reviews this is not helpful to others, you really do have to give it a fair amount of time, it's the best thing I've ever done glad I didn't listen to all the negative reviews.

Racing heart and high blood pressure

Lightheaded, loose stools, stomach ache, heavy weak legs, bad nausea. Most of these went away after a couple of weeks once my body adjusted, the lightheaded feeling and nausea still happens on and off but much more mild .

Started taking this after every bp med caused me horrible side effects and I mean horrible mostly severe anxiety, started propranolol because it doesn't cause anxiety also other bp meds were not controlling my bp and were causing tachycardia, my heart rate was literally racing all day from day one on propranolol my heart rate is normal, a bit low on resting at 52 but doctor says that's fine, my heart rate was going to 180 just walking from my bed to the toilet, my bp is also within a normal range now was 170/101 but now 125/84, there are side effects but I'm hopeful they will subside the worst is the nausea it was really bad the first 2 weeks but isn't so noticeable now, with any drug you have to weigh up what is acceptable to tolerate, personally I couldn't live with my heart racing and very high bp that would inevitably cause heart damage or a stroke, the side effects I get on propranolol is worth the trade, and they are more acceptable that what I got off all the other bp meds, people rarely leave good reviews but not every drug is terrible, and everyone is different what is poison to one may be a cure for another,

I have had dizziness feeling drunk like I'm gonna faint out of breath the first 2 days. feelings of more anxiety.

I'm gonna phone my doctor to take me off them. They relax the heart slow it down but I still felt shaken and sweaty they made me more anxious I'm gonna choose a more natural way of combating the anxiety. I used to have asthma and it says you shouldn't have it if you have asthma so that's at the back of my mind I don't know why my doctor prescribed me these.

Constantly shaking ,fast heartbeat if not taken on time

Feeling heart beat in my ears, hot and cold flashes all over my body, muscle spasms, cramps.

This crap caused more anxiety than it helped. My doctor refused to prescribe the 1 mg Ativan that I had used in the past with no problem because she thinks everyone is an addict. This stuff should not be prescribed for anxiety!!

I have been on these for many years and never had any problems.I started taking them as I suffered terrible panic attacks and severe anxiety when I was younger.I Used to take 2x80mg but a couple of years ago I weaned myself down to one in the morning.Just before Christmas I started feeling really anxious and had awful palpitations again so started taking two in the morning.I will reduce them soon as I am feeling better again.I have tried to come off them altogether but the anxiety is to much to cope with.

Migraine, very high blood pressure

Extreme weight gain!!! I always have weighed between 115-120 and I have always been In the gym about 5 days a week and eat very healthy. And in these 5 months my weight went up to 163!!!!!! I couldn't walk breathe or even get up from sitting down because of the weight gain! I felt like I was going to die from the weight gain and I couldn't lose the weight it just kept coming on. I found out it's a beta blocker and stopped it immediately and lost 6 pounds in the first week!! My dr thought I had a thyroid issue and I said I knew it wasn't just as my results came back good. It was the medicine.

I am very disappointed I loved how it worked for my migraines because when I first took it my migraine disappeared within about an hour and I live with 24/7 headaches or migraines that make you literally get sick for a few days. It helped great with my blood pressure which was always around 160- 184/70 which was normal for me. I had no other side effects besides the untreatable rapid weight gain

Numb feeling feeling off and little trouble breathing.cold hands and feet

It seems to work ok the first couple hours then it's like nothing

I was recently prescribed 40MG once a day to help treat my panic attacks before I wasn't taking anything for my anxiety I would experience a fear where I would think I'm going to die and become really paranoid of going out in case someone will harm me I would get a racing heart beat and start to sweat and shake it was a scary feeling I thought I was going to have a heart attack and every time I was in social situations I would start to feel my anxiety attacks coming on it is a scary experience having anxiety since being on this medication I feel more spaced out and relaxed and can control my anxiety very well I experience some common side effects these are slight dizziness when I stand up tiredness and mild nausea but apart from that I am having a good experience on this medication

Horrible drug. Insomnia, eyes hurt, itchy. Anxiety worsened. Palpitations. Heart pain. Hands and feet hurt. Rash on foot.

Palpitations and hear pain still there but seem to be subsiding after two weeks of tapering off.

Hypoglycemia.. It almost killed me. I abruptly stopped taking it. I know that I wasn't suppose to do that but I take my diabetes very seriously and would rather deal with my anxiety in a more natural way.

If you're taking it for anxiety, please find a better solution.

Shortness of breath at first but this disappeared after a while, cold hands and feet, tiredness

Absolutely amazing for controlling panic attacks, went from several a week to a few a month with much less severity, allows me to do all the things my panic attacks stopped me from doing for years!

Cold hands/fingersMinor hallucinations

I was experiencing severe palpitations every single day from the afternoon up until I'd fall asleep at night. They would distract me from work (I'm a medical assistant) and affect my relationship with my significant other. The palpitations were so severe that they would cause anxiety, which in turn would my my palpitations worse. Propranolol HCL has helped tremendously. I took approx 3 weeks to take effect, but it was so worth it. In the past 2 weeks, I've experienced my episodes only twice. From every day to twice in 14 days? DEFINITELY worth it.

Essential tremor and high blood pre

Only lowering bp some and whole body shaking

Been taking 20mg propranolol for 15 years. When I went in to fill my 2015 script I was told the generic I was taking was discontinued, and needed to buy the new generic propranolol at 10x's the price. The 20mg was no longer working to lower bp. Last doctor said I should take 60mg. At 40mg I developed whole body shaking. Every time I reduce to 15mg or stop taking it, the tremor stops. Now doctor says it is from my thyroid meds. Been on same thyroid since 2011, and prior to new generic propranolol, never got shaking from the thyroid meds. In 2016 was able to get a hold of 30 days of old stock propranolol, and at 40mg Inderal LA, bp down and no shaking.

PROPRANOLOL HCL (PROPRANOLOL HYDROCHLORIDE): This medication is a beta blocker used to treat high blood pressure, irregular heartbeats, shaking (tremors), and other conditions. It is used after a heart attack to improve the chance of survival. It is also used to prevent migraine headaches and chest pain (angina). Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. Preventing chest pain can help improve your ability to exercise. This drug works by blocking the action of certain natural chemicals in your body (such as epinephrine) that affect the heart and blood vessels. This effect reduces heart rate, blood pressure, and strain on the heart. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA) Download our Free Resource Guide:


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