Metoprolol tartrate (metoprolol tartrate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Metoprolol tartrate (metoprolol tartrate)

None really ,but after 3 years I stopped taking it and within a fortnight, the palpitations came back so I went back on them ,,so now 9 years in total…no more palpitations since. I do have some weird dreams at night. ,I don’t know if the medication has anything to do with it or not ..

I’m quite happy to continue with the medicine ,I’m 72 get a few minor aches and pains. Nothing bad thoughAt 72 I imagine we all get a few minor aches ,so for me the benefits of this medicine outweigh the bad

Chest pain, pressure on sternum, dizzy lightheaded esp when changing lying to sitting or standing, frequent symptomatic PVCs, frequent sweating, unusual fatigue, muscle weakness, pounding heart, headaches, hallucinations, worsening depression, blurred vision, short of breath with very mild exertion.

Took metropolol succinate for symptomatic PVCs 2yrs ago with mild size effects. Was dicontinued as no longer needed after ablation for afib. New prescription is Metropolol Tartrate 25mg tablets manufactured by Aurobindo USA 65862-0062-99

I'm no longer taking this medication.

Out of control coughing, high blood pressure of 190 / 110, just got diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, new doctor stopped it. I see cardiologist next week so I'll see what they put me on next.

Heart attack open heart surgery

Tired all the time, brain fog, feeling dazed and confused, headaches..over all shitty feeling..hard to concentrate and hold a conversation.

Took myself off of it cold turkey, started feeling better the second day and it just keeps getting better everyday... feel like a new person. Amazing how much better I feel, so much energy and the brain fog is gone... if your on this crap get off now!!PS.. my BP only went up 5 points off this med,

Elevated bp at doctor's office

I took toprol sporadically for 2-3 years, then regularly. Worked somewhat at first, but bp still elevated in medical settings (and sometimes at home with my own bp machine). Over the year and a half of regular dosing, I slowly became depressed, tired, dull, brain fog, no motivation.

I took myself off of toprol two weeks ago (slowly), and I feel fabulous. BP is very good, even low, except when I sit around for a long time before taking it. Gotta keep moving! I can think clearly again and I have gotten back into hobbies and activities I always loved. So happy to be me again.

Dizziness,very tired after taking. Stomach upset,congestion,shortness of breath

This med is took me off of it today

It's horrible caused me to fo into svt randomly can't breathe, filling of doom ,low bllood pressure, very slow heartrate, depression. I've stopped taking it now and it's been 3 days in fill very bad.took me 2 weeks to down the dosage till I stopped. I just hope I don't have heart failure from this trash. Good luck

When I pee my vagina burns bad and itching lose hair,gags, blurry vision, feeling very tied,there are good days and good feelings

Pain under right rib, intestinal pain, elevated labs, muscle and joint pain, lack of energy, brain fog, decreased sex drive.

I've been to the Dr several times because I've been in pain and have had tons of tests done with no answer as to what was causing my issues. I took myself off metoprolol and to my surprise my symptoms are starting to go away. I have been on this med a while but it's like the formula has changed or something has happened to my body that's caused me to no longer tolerate it.

Shortness of breath, acid reflux, anxiety, mouth dryness, decreased sexual desire, red face, puffy face, nausea

Really sucks because it keeps my HR stable, but the side effects are unbearable. Since taking it I've had awful acid reflux, burns my throat and stomach so bad, and I feel like I have asthma. My face has also been red and a bit puffy. I will probably stop taking it and try to find an alternative.

chronic tachyard, AF, post ValveSur

Raynaud syndromes, sex drive decreased, asthenia, somnolence after physical efforts

switched from bisoprolol to nadolol then to metoprolol.less efficient than nadolol 60 for me : i went from 85-110bpm to 90-125bpm all day longas efficient as bisoprolol.same side effects as the 2 previous BBlockers

Fatigue, weight gain, insomnia erectile disfunction, feel like I don't want to do anything, feeling of doom occasionally. It keeps my heart rate down, so I'll just have to suck it up.

Irregular heartbeat; lightheadednes

Headaches, nausea and diarrhea

No longer have irregular heartbeat and lightheadedness but gradually getting more side effects.

Only taking a fourth of a 25mg pill. I have other health problems that cause me to be weak & tired but this little bit of a pill made me much sicker. Extreme weakness, itchy burning all over, blurry eyes, losing weight, ringing in ears and head fullness. My palpitations are a little better..not sure it's from pill.

I want to go off this crazy med. I am sick on top of being sick so to speak. Why do so many medications have these serious side effects that can harm our bodies? It seems as though that's all the doctors can offer.

It makes me feel jittery, like I've had a lot of caffeine and, while I've always had low blood pressure, it is causing me to have high bp. I skipped one day and bp was normal. Took it yesterday and bp high again. I do not like this medication.

Itchy skin, dizziness, lightheaded, numbness & burning on thigh area, stomach discomfort, constipation, weight gain in belly, insomnia, depression & fatigue... hip pain... neck & shoulder pain...swollen eyes ( not sure if it's from metoprolol, although Docs cannot find a reason for it... still looking!

Will stop taking it... I did not have all these issues before taking, just thought it was due to getting older!

weight gain, blurry vision, hair loss, extremely tired, no energy, shortness of breath, if I do walk anywhere I'm in bed with leg and back pain.

I take half in the morning and half in evening, within an hour of taking I'm asleep. I have no energy, in bed a lot. My hair is falling out ,have a few bald spots in back now. My bp is sort of steady but not worth what this med is doing to my body.

Fast heart rate/High Blood Pressure

Overall it's been a pretty good experience it helps me to be a lot calmer. Lowers my blood pressure and heart rate. I just have really wild dreams.



Abdominal bloating, arm burn tingling sensations in fingers and itching, feel of heart beating, tiredness, dizziness at some points. Not feeling sane. Anxiety, heart palpitations.

I am weening off this drug slowly. I don't think it is safe by any means .

METOPROLOL TARTRATE (METOPROLOL TARTRATE): Metoprolol is used with or without other medications to treat high blood pressure (hypertension). Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. This medication is also used to treat chest pain (angina) and to improve survival after a heart attack. Metoprolol belongs to a class of drugs known as beta blockers. It works by blocking the action of certain natural chemicals in your body, such as epinephrine, on the heart and blood vessels. This effect lowers the heart rate, blood pressure, and strain on the heart. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA) Download our Free Resource Guide:


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Doctor prescribed me Pepcid for pretty bad heartburn which she assumes is GERD, I took it for 3 days last week and once yesterday. I've never had severe anxiety attacks but a day after I take them I have some of the worst anxiety I think I've ever felt. I would be walking around doing normal things and I'm suddenly hit with fear out of nowhere. My back and ribs have been aching on and off and I had chest pain yesterday. I went to bed with my cheeks on fire and woke up with them being completely red. I've never experienced anything like this prior to taking pepcid so I'm assuming that's what causing this since I don't take anything else. I'm just switching back to taking regular Tums antacids for heartburn because the anxiety is too much for me to handle. I've been afraid to consume caffeine or sugar or even eat because I'm worried it'll trigger my heartburn and I'll feel even worse from my throat feeling tight. I feel like I'm on the verge of a panic attack right now and it's been about 22 hours after taking my last dose. Never again. I feel miserable.

I will suggest to my doctor to switch me to EVISTA, which I took 2 years with no side effects. I stopped taking it and since I switched doctors, gave me ACTONEL instead.

Insomnia, weight gain (15 lbs), bloating, constipation, sexual dysfunction, fatigue, low blood pressure

did not work, at all.... no side effects or healing effects.

Started using using about five years ago 250mg usually I would get relief in a few weeks. Six months ago another episode was cured by the same dose, but this time it didn't seem to work, so I doubled the dose to 500mg 2X per day still no relief. My symptoms are pressure and fluid probably CSF in my ears. The pressure varies throughtout the day cannot correlate with anything, I missed a dose last week and it felt like my head was going to explode. Not sure what to do I definitely don't want to have a shunt too risky for infection, so I'm waiting this one out. I started with pseudo tumor when I was abour 20 and weighed about 120 lbs, I certainly didn't fit the usual profile. Had surgery to repair a CSF leak in my left ear in 91 it returned a few years later then faded away only to return again and again, Now both ears are full. Anyone have a similar experience?

doctor recommendation for fever

I had horrible periods with Ortho Evra, so I've been really happy with the light periods on this. I've had hardly any cramping or mood swings. I had one month with some breakthrough bleeding, but not bad. I was a bit concerned when i missed my last period, but the doc says its normal...Ok with me.

Anxiety, irritability, depression

Dizzy, lethargy, CONSTIPATION. Urine flow better, but my belief is that this drug, like all other synthetic pharmaceuticals, is not recognized by the body as anything other than poison. Still, with a giant prostate, what are you going to do? Surgery? Over my cold, dead dick!

i am on a benzo for sleep. it had made me depressed after long term use sadly i never knew about them. given Lexapro. felt better but afrer eating kept falling asleep.sitting diwn 1 to 3 hrs. i stopped it. but the issues from the benzo (still on 10mg)*came back one being reducing benz caused my stomach to not digest properly ans pain eating worse. So took Lexepro again but its made me weak in my arms legs getting up and i can barely walk. this didnt happen before. im still diwn and still have gastritis. Im sure its afecting the benzo as my calf muscles ache badly and im back to digest issues. im stuck nit niw knowing whats causing what. im can walk sometimes waking then go all weak again and sooooo tired. its probably affecting the benzo as these are some side effects of reducing a benzo.Email if anyone had these issues