Lopressor hct (hydrochlorothiazide; metoprolol tartrate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Lopressor hct (hydrochlorothiazide; metoprolol tartrate)

THis med was given aftaer atenolol chlorithalde dangerously lowered my potassium levels. Now, on lopressor and I have this very strange sense of smell change. Everything smells chemical and sharp. Also affects taste. Am I nuts? Trying to get it changed.

Serious, rapid onset (within a couple of days of starting on Lopressor) depression. Never had depression before. Took more than a month of Lexapro to reverse the effects.

Side Effects forlopressor hct (hydrochlorothiazide; metoprolol tartrate) - User Comments


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Factor V Leiden/3 Pulmonary Emboli

Pain, fatigue, nausea, headache

Please take this medicine only as prescribed. I did have a glass of one 2 nights in a row and ended up with 10 days without any deep sleep. I personally will not take this medicine anymore and highly recommend that you strictly follow the instructions and only for a short peiod of time.

best medicine i have ever been on

Increased hungerWill take you to sleep easily.

Definitely helps steady my moods but there are scary side effects while drinking alcohol. These include black outs, memory loss, acting out of character, dropping to ground without cause, blurred vision and slurred speech. I've always thought that it was just me being drunk, but now I'm certain it's the combination of this drug and alcohol that does it.

took 25mg in morning 50mg at night could not sleep made me speedy felt more anxious only take 25mg now and i sleep fine but still feel sad

I have seen Accutane work for many of my friends. For me it only made a subtle difference. I have also seen some of my friends seem a little more sad or emotional than normal while on Accutane- but these are also the friends who were emotional and sad before they got on the Accutane. Maybe people who are already sad should avoid taking it. Maybe it heightens the sadness?

I had no idea that Trinessa could cause all of the problems I have been having. I have had at least 5 pregnancy tests in the last year because of the nausea, I have never been pregnant, but none of my doctors told me it could be my birth control that was making me feel that way. The anxiety/depression is what has really been driving me nuts. I have felt like I was going crazy. Since finding this forum I have stopped taking my birth control and the nausea has almost completely stopped, the anxiety also seems to be decreasing, I have actually had some good days lately. I have been off the pill for two weeks now and am hoping I will continue to feel better time passes.

None after about a week of use