Labetalol hcl (labetalol hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Labetalol hcl (labetalol hydrochloride)

This tablet gave me chest pain. I couldn't tolerate the pain. I was worried at times that I was having a heart attack. I ended up halving the tablet and then ceased it. I will never take this tablet again.

Started out with stuffy nose and shortness of breath. Next I began struggling to get dressed in the morning. Finally stood up bp dropped almost fainted and began to feel panicky and couldn't breathe. Also having lots of dizzy spells. I'm weaning myself off this.

Tinnitus was the first side effect, which eased off after a few weeks, lack of ambition and energy, but the worst was the extreme vivid dreaming and night terrors. Every single night, especially after the doctor increased the dose to 200 mg twice per day.I did notice a weight gain of about 3 pounds within a few weeks too.Over all, I found this medication to be the best one I've used. Once you get accustomed to it, you feel almost normal.Unfortunately, at the three month mark, suddenly one evening I developed irregular heartbeats, out of the blue, at first for a few hours, then it became daily. I stopped taking it, which I found you aren't supposed to do. I took a different medication, an ACE inhibitor instead. The second day, I thought I was going to have to go to the ER, my heart became so irregular. I then took half a dose of Labetolol and within one hour, the heart began to beat normally.Do NOT just stop taking it, even if you are taking another BP medication in its place, you have to cross them over.

I would give this a try, it doesn't have that many side effects compared to other BP medications. BUT the nightmares are the biggest drawback. You feel relaxed on this drug too.

Shortness of breath,tingling in head, extreme weakness and fatigue, Water retention, 0 sex drive allergic reaction to face.

I have high BP due to ckd I tool this pill and it work brought my bp down 115/74 at an average from 135/81. I also take adolpodine 10 mg. Bit I had to stop taking this medicine because I felt like I was having a heart attack after going for a casual walk. I can't recommend this, this is horrible and very dangerous.

Body ache cramps fatigue short breath palpitations night terrors memory vision forgetfulness chest pain tingling crawling on arm

High BP, low BP, fatigue, anxiety, dizziness, back pain, sweats, and tremors in head, headaches

Want to get off this, going to see my cardiologist in 2 weeksPraying for good changes

High Blood pressure and heart rate

Tingly scalp, itchy scalp, severe anxiety at night, shortness of breath at night, insomnia, and waking up not being able to breathe. I also get swollen feet occasionally. Left upper shoulder pain.

I don't see my doctor for another month. It does lower my BP. I was hitting in the 150/85 everyday. This lowers it to around 117/77 or 130/70. I'm going to push through the month to see if the side effects disappear.

Chest pain, headaches, extremely dizzy, arm pain leg pain, pain through out body, occasionally tight chest, changed vision, fatigued

Started labetalol after having my second child. Was given high dosage due to extreme high blood pressure. I've been on it for 4 months and not a day goes by where I don't have a side effect. I'm constantly in pain, dizzy and extremely exhausted. I've also had stomach issues. Body doesn't feel the same as it once did. But this medication has helped with my BP side effects are just powerful.

Postpartum High Blood Pressure

Night terrors, extreme anxiety, tingling in arms tears of not making it. I plan on stopping my blood pressure only rises when I'm nervous

Loss of appetite, pain in arms, legs,hands, and back. Tired jaws when eating. Palpitations. Insane anxiety. Brain fog. Increased BP. Increased urine. Insomnia. Chest pain. Pain under breasts on both sides. Diarrhea. Shoulder pain. Headache. Dizziness. Lightheaded. Vivid dreams. Night sweats. Throat tightness. Neck stiffness in back of neck. Tingling limbs and feet/hands. Cold hands and feet. Blurred vision. Eye pain. Dry eyes. Panicky all the time. Tired and can't stop yawning. Lips felt puffy and tingly even though they were't swollen after taking medication.

Started on Amlodipine 10mg(1QD) along with labetalol 200mg (1BID) for hbp and high heart rate. Bp decreased some days but out of nowhere it will spike to the 130s low 140 over 90s. Bp was never really high to begin with. I had an episode where coffee and energy vitamins started palpitations and bp spiked to 143/96 and I went to ER and was put on these meds. I think they are way to strong for me. I can't function. I stopped taking both 3 days ago and felt better the only t hi nfs still lingering is the tiredness, anxiety is still there but a little better, and I have back pain from sleeping sitting up bc I'm afraid of a panic attack waking me up. 3 days off and im still getting tingling in feet but not as much as when I was on the meds. Since stopping both medications 3 days ago my bp has been lowest 115/74 and highest 134/92. lowest with medication was 96/62 and highest with meds was 142/88. I have an appointment with cardiologist in 2 weeks. I refuse to take any more of this poison.

Severe anxiety, whole body shaking, sob, insomnia

Bizarre feelings of muscle weakness along with twitching and shakiness. Worse in the morning upon waking. Felt like I had MS or some neurological disorder. Muscles felt shaky throughout the day. Hard heartbeats at night that made sleeping difficult. Edema in my lower legs and ankles that improved immediately when I started to wean myself from the drug. Very effective at reducing my heart rate into the 60s or even 50s during rest but the muscular side affects and lack of energy are unbearable.

High blood pressure, fast heart rat

Weezing, face swelling, numbness and in hands, very tired, no strength in legs, back pain, joints hurting

Arm pain anixety chest pain weak dizzy no energy stomach problems

Chronic hypertension and preeclamps

Extreme fatigue, breakthrough hypertension, hair loss that began gradually and increased in severity to the point of causing notably large bald spots on the back top of my scalp that spread in diameter until I was able to link the medication to this significant side effect.

As a pharmacy technician, I have more awareness of the side effects of various medications, and was aware of the link between beta blockers and hair loss, but understood that it was a rare side effect. Rather than read the thousands of side effects listed on the drug insert which may influence my perception of the medication, I put the pamphlet aside and tried to focus very little on anything beyond adherence to taking it and how it effects my blood pressure. Then I started losing more and more hair and decided to do a little research and that is when I realized that it was the only thing I could attribute to my hair loss.Unfortunately, I lost a good portion of my hair before I identified the problem and switched blood pressure medications.

Night terrors, headache, anxiety /depression

Anxiety, pounding heart, chest tightness, shortness of breath, extreme dizziness, seemed to make ears ring more

Sad to say, I felt normal with my high blood pressure.. this made me feel like I was having a heart attack and the dizziness was horrible. It definitely compelled me to start making lifestyle changes and see if I can manage it naturally with just the 25mg hctz that I've been taking.

Was prescribed this for high BP after giving brith. Started on 200mg 3x per day. Made me pretty dizzy after each dose. After a month PP, my doctor started decreasing the dose. I started having very bad anxiety symptoms. I felt crazy! I assumed it was just postpartum, but once I was finally off the drug the anxiety went away. I also have muscle pain, tingling in my back and arms. I also felt chest pain and irregular heartbeats once off of it. It has been almost two weeks off the drug and I still have muscle pains/tingling that comes and goes. I have read that although rare, this drug can cause toxic myopathy. It should resolve now that I am off it.

This drug is not even good at regulating BP! If you are postpartum there are other better drugs that are safe while nursing.

Hypertension- trying to get pregnan

Terrible side effects. Tingling scalp, face/neck tingling, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, fatigue, no energy, anxiety and brain fog

Try to weaning off 3 years. Every months drop 2-3 milligrams. Filling like die. Anxiety, nervous system weak. Body shake, dizziness. Blood sugar drop. Stomach upset. Poison pills.

LABETALOL HCL (LABETALOL HYDROCHLORIDE): Labetalol is used with or without other medications to treat high blood pressure (hypertension). Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. This medication is both an alpha blocker and beta blocker. It works by blocking the action of certain natural chemicals in your body such as epinephrine on the heart and blood vessels. This effect lowers the heart rate, blood pressure, and strain on the heart. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA) Download our Free Resource Guide:


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There aren’t a lot of good meds for nerve pain. Gabapentin can really help. I have taken it off and on at different times throughout my 20 years dealing with nerve damage. I’ve never had a difficult time stopping it. Everyone has their own experiences, though. I find this mild compared to many of the other options.

I've been on this pill for a very long time and I all I can say is that it has worked VERY well for me. I have no problem with irregular bleeding or sex drive (unless you count wanting it every day a problem!). I have to say that if you're having side effects you just need to try a different kind of pill. Hormones are tricky things to regulate and you shouldn't stay on something that makes you miserable. My only side effect is that I skip periods occasionally. I tried Tricyclen Lo for a while to see if it would help, but went back to Loestrin. Also, I DO NOT use generic - for me there was a noticable difference when I tried them.

Loss of appetite, headaches, weight loss, increased energy, confidence, alertness, increased mood, aggression at times, lessened my depression but destroyed my libido.

My tongue and lips felt burnt,( like when you eat hot soup and it burns your tongue and it feels weird afterwards, Crazy vivid dreams ,brain fog, couldn't think straight, couldn't speak right, I kept fumbling over my words, hallucinations. I told my doctor about the hallucinations, she said the medication wouldn't cause that..ARE YOU SERIOUS!! Doctor told me to stop antibiotics for the burned tongue feeling..

Allergy symptoms-sniffles,sneezing

I was not informed that low sex drive was a potential side effect. I really had no idea these symptoms were due to my birth control. I had to do the research myself, unfortunately after it was already affecting my relationship. I am going off yasmin immediately and just hope it's not too late to reverse the side effects.

I have not gained any weight. I think my body is just used to it. It never stops working for me and is effective. The generic form that just came out in 2009 did not work as well for me so I pay a higher co-pay. It's worth it.

I take 20mg twice a day for a total of 40mg per 24 hour period. I cannot take nexium, protonix, prilosec or even maalox due to side effects from those meds. I have switched stomach aches for worse symptoms. I cannot convince my doctor to test for intestinal parasites in spite of the fact I eat or ate raw fish at least 4 times a week in sushi and sashimi.

Was given prescription for 10 days, and it worked really well, and seemed to clear the problem up in only a couple of days. 6 days into the medication, I started to feel like I was coming down with something. It was at this point that I ached, had swollen nodes, and fatigue. On the 8th morning, I woke up covered in hives from head to toe and went to the emergency room, where they gave me IV benedryl and a prescription for a steroid.

I am a Registered Nurse and have been using Miralax on my patients for quite awhile now. There have been no problems regarding long term use and many people will continue using this product throughout their life. I am comfortable as a nurse giving this product to my young child and my patients.