Kerlone (betaxolol hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Kerlone (betaxolol hydrochloride)

Depression, Outbursts, High Irritability, Crying.. so much crying.

everybody is different. please consult your doctor of your sudden mood swings!

This med brings my heart under control without any side effects.

weight gain, hormonal changes, vision changes, skin rashes, hair loss, stomach pain

I was taking Betaxolol, and I REALLY wanted it to be the one and my hopes were pretty high as I could not for the life of me find a bad review of the stuff. Almost instantly my weight changed, which I'm guessing has a lot to do with water retention but around my midsection it's the worst...clothes don't fit right anymore. The stomach pain I seem to get with this is very uncomfortable and it's constant. It def had an effect on my cycles, delayed it almost a full month and when I finally did get it was extremely painful. Skin rashes and near the end of the 2 months on it my hair started to fall out. While I guess it's ok for anxiety I also noticed (as well as my husband) that I developed a "I don't give a !@#$" attitude towards everything and certainly no longer took joy in things. I have no heart problems, if I took any dose higher than the 5 mg my heart rate would go down to 50...not ideal for my age. Beta Blockers are terrible so I thought I'd pick one with little side effects, however I'm not happy in the slightest with this and am sad that I have to be the one and only bad review I was ever able to find.

Works great in controlling HBP. It also has no effect on my glucose and cholesterol values,like other beta blockers did.

At first, I was drowsy for a few days. After that, I had no side effects whatsoever.

Before I took Kerlone, I had weekly migraine headaches as well as daily hormonal headaches. Kerlone has been extremely beneficial in alleviating these headaches. In addition, Kerlone controls the tachycardia I had previously, too. It also keeps my blood pressure under complete control.

high blood pressure & arrhythmia

Severe depression, irritable bowels, hemmoroids

Initially this drug worked wonders for me, lowering my blood pressure and aiding in the reduction of arrhythmia together with an anti-arrhytmic, but within 2 months of use I had a severe depression and my bowels were so irritable I worried about making it to the bathroom in time on a daily basis.

Side Effects forkerlone (betaxolol hydrochloride) - User Comments


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muscle fatigue and pain. water retention or some sort of swelling, feeling of being weak and sick. All this after 1/2 of a 5 mg pill

slight nausea but other than that clearer skin, and fewer cramps. The first few days of my cycle are heavier but my perios only lasts for four days. Migranes which may or may not have anything to do with the pills.

Was taking 1mg. Worked good for a month. Dr put me on 2 mg. now I'm throwing up every night

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Effexor isn't for everybody. It's like any other drug, might be the best thing for one person and hell for another. It worked for me the first time but not the second.Anybody who has anxiety and would like to speak, I'd be more then willing to listen ([email protected])

I love Singulair-- for me it's a wonder drug. When I'm on Singulair I can breathe freely, my skin doesn't itch, and I can even go outside without sneezing. The one disadvantage is that it stimulates my appetite, so I have to be very careful about what I eat.

I did not like how this medication made me feel and will not use it again.