Inderal (propranolol hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Inderal (propranolol hydrochloride)

Side Effects forinderal (propranolol hydrochloride) - User Comments


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I have lost 12 pounds since I've started taking it, as I'm not hungry often (sometimes to the point where I can't even make myself eat...I sometimes only eat a meal a day) though I don't mind because I had gained that weight in the last year or two. I occasionally (mainly when I haven't eaten enough in a day) will feel like my heart is beating pretty fast, but eating usually helps. I do notice that I can be irritable, but I'm sure to be careful about snapping at people.

The main side effects for me are mood swings and weight gain easier. However, my periods are not painful and so much lighter now! I get the occasional headache but definitely worth it for me.

I can't express how much this drug has helped me. I was unable to leave my bed without experiencing severe panic. I call Lexapro my great equalizer. Within a few weeks of taking it, I was myself again,and within a few months, I was a fully functioning human being for the first time in years. The first few weeks are rough adjusting to any antidepressant, but if you can make it past that period of time, you start to feel the benefits. Yes, there are some sexual side effects, but my husband and I have worked together to find ways to make sure I am satisfied. I really cannot say enough positive things about Lexapro. It has truly been my miracle drug.

I had my first baby April took this stupid shot in oct.. Now it's June 2014..and I still haven't had one decent period! ( unusual because I never skipped even one ever period till I got pregnant) and now all it has left me feeling anxious fatigue and gained at least 10 kilos! I hate hate this stupid shot.. Has ruined my sexual libido too.. I had an arranged marriage so u can imagine.. Worse shot ever.. Pls don't ever get it.

I can't stop crying (crying now...). I have cried more in the last week than I have in the last 2 years. I had no idea that this was a side effect until I went on this website. Also, feeling of hopelessness and despair. I'm normally a very positive person and I was worried something was severely wrong with me.

I will write back in about a month or if I make any new changes.

extreme exhaustion; lethargy, moodiness and anxiety, decreased appetite and restless sleep patterns

trip to urgent care and dr prescribed it to me as a precautionary measure

It caused a metallic taste in the mouth permanently, caused a taste distortion and burning mouth syndrome. Now I am a patient at a Taste and Smell clinic. Quality of life is ruined.

After taking miralax during the night both hands became stiff my jaw stiffened pain in my groin sharp pain in my back and two episodes where I passed out. Drank a lot of fluids that day so that I wouldn't become dehydrated. Very cold and shaky. Would never take again especially after reading FDA report .