Bystolic (nebivolol hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Bystolic (nebivolol hydrochloride)

It took my heart rate down to low 40s and the Quack Doctor almost killed me.

It caused SEVERE leg cramping which finally turned into Neuropathy. Its POISONDoctor prescribed it cuz was getting his palmscratched cuz no generic. DONT TAKE IT !!!Many other cheaper and proven meds out there

I'm no longer taking this medication. IIt seemed to lower my pulse too much so I was swapped over to Amlodipin-Valsartan, which I am not wowed by, but my pulse is a more normal 62, rather than 49-50.

Parasthesia continues, so may have other causes. Anyone else connecting BP meds to parasthesia? The Amlodine-Valsartan combo seems to make me a touch dizzy, btw.I'm looking for alternatives.

Lots of trouble with beta blockers and breathlessness. So the doctor gave me Nebivolo. Breathing is fine but HR goes into 50s. All blood work perfect. Started feeling crappy a few months ago. A dull headache, malaise, muscle weakness and shakiness. Not sure what it's from but had tons on Blood work taken. All fine. Next stop I guess is neurology for Mri but I still think it's nebivolo. Doctors are hard to deal with about side effects. Cardiologist and EP. It sure what it is. After reading all the comments I have same side effects. Taking 6 weeks to get neuro appt.

Quack doctor prescribed 4 kickback

slowed my heart-rate down to low 40's and thus caused Hypoxia in my fingers and toes along with severe cramps in my legs leading up to peripheral nephropathy and Afib. It's POISON !!!

Should NEVER be prescribed cuz there are many cheaper and MUCH SAFER proven meds out there. It destroyed my life !!!

Fatigue, brain fog ,erectile dysfunction and constipation with abdominal bloat Oh add depression and SOB too!

This definitely lowered my blood pressure but sometimes lowered my pulse to dangerous levels It's no surprise to me that kidney dialysis centers are popping up all over think this drug causes organ fair due to insufficient blood flow

It took my heart rate down to mid/40s and caused my legs and feet to go numb along with severe cramps.Basically it caused Hypoxia and that led to Peripheral Neuropathy which is now PERMANENT along with leg swelling. I didn't have any problems until I was poisoned.This stuff is pure POISON. Many other cheaper proven meds out there but doctors are prescribing it cuz no generics and doctors are getting their palms scratched. It destroyed n my life and health.

Horrible indigestion, constipation nightmares insomnia and an overall blah feeling. I also have brain fog and very bad joint pain in legs and hips. I have experienced a decrease in heart rate but not much of a decrease in my blood pressure. Weaning myself off Too many side effects

Hbp. Heart rate and atrial fibrila

It lowers heart rate but makes you a zombie

I want to wing myself off of these meds. Weight gain, brochspam sob, stomach issues insomnia

Not much at first and then slowly noticed my sex drive diminish. Like to the point I just didn't even care. Thought I was getting older and that's what happens? Went away for a week for work and forgot the pills. After like six days I was like why am I feeling like 18 again with sex? Stopped Bystolic cold turkey, which isn't recommended, and have been a sex superstar again. Heart rate is up and BP as well. Need to talk to my doc about trying something else but I will never go back to this drug.

This drug is AWFUL. Within one day I had internal shaking, extreme fatigue, no energy or stamina to work out. By the weeks end I had all of this and dizziness, I was lightheaded, more anxious than normal, and I just had an overall feeling of blah! I also have had chest and arm tightness and pain! It just made me feel awful!

The only plus side is it killed my appetite for the first few days and it did keep my pvc's at bay.

Slighly elevated Blood Pressure

Caused my heart rate to go down into the low40s and almost killed me. Now I DO have major heart problems thanks to Bystolic poison including Afib and Neuropathy in my feet and fingers .Many other much cheaper and well proven Beta Blockers out there.

Many other Beta Blockers out there that are ALLOT cheaper with long track records. There isn't a generic so it costs a fortune and the doctors are getting their palms scratched. Avoid this poison at all costs !!!

Headaches, serve constipation and insomnia

I was fine at first, but after a month all the side effects kicked in

Lightheaded, vertigo, dizziness, nausea, headaches, severe head pressure, sensitivity to sound, sensitivity to light, eye pain, weakness, shortness of breath, falling asleep in the middle of the day, insomnia, severe anxiety, panic attacks, weird chest pains.

I'm currently weening myself off the generic for Bystolic, Nebivolol. Worst medication ever. I feel like I'm literally dying. I gave even had an MRI done because of the pressure in my head

Breathing issues, irregular breathing, chest pain, leg cramping, lightheadedness, inability to fall asleep.

Worst medication I have ever had. I have asthma and by the 4th day of using this medication it made my breathing issues feel as bad as when I have had pneumonia or covid in the past. It also interacts with asthma inhalers so they are not effective. Stopped taking it after 4 days. I wish I would have read reviews before trying as I would have never tried it at all.

hip and legs ache daily, retaining alot of water

it worked the first few months but now iam getting alot of side effects

Headaches. Fatigue. Difficulty sleeping. Body aches. Constipated. Shortness of breath.

MRI negative for possible cause of headaches.

Weakness, extremely tired, dizziness, loss of appetite, anxiety, cold sweat, vision issues, depression and pins and needles sensations.

some fatigue and occasional light-headed.

Good beta blocker with few side effects and great heart rate control, though very expensive. Good news is that a generic is now being released by ANI pharmaceuticals, hopefully I can save some money because price is way too high.

BYSTOLIC (NEBIVOLOL HYDROCHLORIDE): Nebivolol is used to treat high blood pressure. Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. This medication belongs to a class of drugs known as beta blockers. It works by blocking the action of certain natural substances in your body, such as epinephrine, on the heart and blood vessels. This effect lowers heart rate, blood pressure, and strain on the heart. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA) Download our Free Resource Guide:


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Apparently have had a uti for about a month. Annueal exam first showed and i was give Macrobid. took that and figured all was fine. No symtpoms other than extreme fatigue. went back to doc, had a really bad uti. cipro has helped.

I am so very shocked that the medical community is not more informed about this drugs reactions on people. I first went into the hospital 4 years ago for a c-section, I was given Reglan in IV, I started getting very hot like I was on fire, turning very red, sweating. Everyone thought I was just nervous about the surgery. I started freaking out in my mind. I wanted to get out of that hospital and forget the surgery. I was truly flipping out and no one would believe me. After hours finally it wore off and I was totally myself. So time for second baby a few months ago and I warned the Dr of what happened last time, that it was something in my IV, please do not let it happen again.. well sure enough it happened again. I was telling the dr and the nurses and they just thought I was nervous again. I made my husband take my daughter out because I was flipping out again. Finally when on the operating table I told the anesthesiologist and he said, oh sounds like Reglan, I will give you

I will never take this actonel again and I dont advise anyone to It should be pulled from the market.

overall it did what i was looking for

Got relief for most of the side effects by taking Glucosamin, Chondroitin, MSM pills for joints and it helped greatly. Am taking Replens and Ovestin cream for vaginal dryness,and have succeeded in having a sex life, even though less exciting. I have taken Femara for a year and a half after five years of Tamoxifen. No recurrence of Cancer, worth everything.

Extreme gas and bloating, change in stool, embarrassing passing of gas, nausea. I will go back to trying natural fish oil,red yeast rice and exercise!

My transplant clinic threw these pills at me to help me control the side effects of CellCept, which gives me terrible stomach problems now and then. My problems were NOT acid reflux related, and I was prescribed this even though I told them so. After being on this drug for a week I noticed that whenever I would play soccer for my team I would become winded and totally exhausted within only a few minutes of exertion. At first, I thought this was because of a new diet and weight training regimen that I had started. however, when I accidentally skipped a dose, I outpaced my entire soccer team the next day. needless to say, I came home and threw out the prescription. DO NOT TAKE THIS MEDICATION UNLESS YOU ABSOLUTELY NEED IT. the worst part is that my doctors refused to help me get a medical marijuana card (I am in oregon) despite my persistent requests. I knew that marijuana cured the problems that I was having, but instead they decided to throw this horrible drug at me rather than consid

autoimmune dysfunction bad fatigue

Botched pelvic surgery and penile e

Was on Atenolol but stopped working after 4 years. Switched to Toprol-XL 7 months ago. Keeps heart rate down most of the time but a LOT of side effects. Is making bp very low. Have tried other meds and none keep my heart rate down like Toprol-XL does. Have tried to come off it under doctor supervision but suffer very severe palpitations and irregular heart beat and am given Lopressor at ER and told I need to keep taking it. If anyone has had any luck with any other meds for keeping a high heart rate (200 ) down, please contact me via e-mail. I am always willing to ask my cardiologist to perscribe something different with less side effects.