Betaxolol hydrochloride (betaxolol hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Betaxolol hydrochloride (betaxolol hydrochloride)

I have taken betaxolol off and for over 5 years. I stop it now and then to see if I can ha sleep blood pressure and svt without it and always end up back on it.

I’ve not had any side effects that I can even remember. My heart rate is already at a normal low of 60 so this did lower it a bit more but was not a problem.

rapid heart rate, hypertension

Should not use this medication if you already have a heart rate of 60 or below because the main effect of Betaxolol is to slow down a fast heart. I found that Betaxolol had a "healing" effect on my fast heart. In other words, after being on it for a couple years, I was able to cut my dosage in half from 20mg/day to 10mg/day.

rapid heart rate, hypertension

I have neurogenic hypertension which is high blood pressure due to an overactive nervous system. My resting heart rate is over 110 without any meds. I have tried many beta blockers and Betaxolol is by far the best of the best. Resting heart rate is now lo 60's!!! Feel great. Not many doctors prescribe this beta blocker because they don't know about it. It was not marketed very well. Almost all doctors prescribe Atenolol which did not work nearly as well for me. Betaxolol has a much longer half life, so its effects remain rock solid stable throughout the entire day. Another thing I like is that the circulation in my extremities is back to normal (warm feet and hands). On other beta blockers I was almost to the point of thinking I had Reynauds syndrome. My feet were ice cold and turning white. I also take a small dose (1mg) of Doxazosin to further increase my circulation. I wish many more people could find out about Betaxolol. Its the best beta blocker I have found.

I take (1.5) 10 mg tablets per day = 15 mg. Betaxolol is the best beta blocker I have tried (including nadolol, carvedilol, bystolic, atenolol). It keeps my resting heart rate consistently 60-70 bpm throughout the entire 24 hour day. Without it I go over 110 bpm! My heart rate was inconsistent on other beta blockers. Nadolol gave me Renauds syndrome. If you take 1-2 mg of Doxazosin (alpha blocker) with your Betaxolol it should bring back the circulation to your feet and hands significantly. It did mine.

Low heart rate, low blood pressure, dizziness, near fainting, vision changes

This medication is dangerous for anyone who is built small and has a BP on the low end of normal like me. I had to go to quick care because I almost fainted in a Staples parking lot and my vision got blurry. It also stopped working for my anxiety 3 weeks into taking it. Horrid medication for anxiety.

BETAXOLOL HCL (BETAXOLOL HYDROCHLORIDE): This medication is used alone or with other medications to treat high pressure inside the eye due to glaucoma (open-angle type) or other eye diseases (e.g., ocular hypertension). Lowering high pressure inside the eye helps to prevent blindness. Betaxolol belongs to a class of drugs known as beta blockers and works by decreasing the amount of fluid that is made within the eye. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA) Download our Free Resource Guide:


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