Atenolol (atenolol) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Atenolol (atenolol)

Horrible drug. Weakness, fatigue, shakiness, headaches, bloating, blood sugar spikes and drops, and messed with my TSH levels horribly sending me from hypothyroidism to hyperthyroidism non stop.

Do not I repeat do not take this POISON.

Stomach cramps, gas cramps, dizzy-off balance, itchy skin with welts, constant extreme lack of energy.

I started this at 50mg at night with 12.5 mg of Spironolactone. Within 30 hours I started to get stomach cramps and gas, that would go on all evening. Nothing I take for it will ease it. The same thing every day, I lowered the dose to 25mg and it still occurs. Also had hives, get an itchy spot and if I scratch it, it gets worse and worse until I get raised welts. I have taken this for 38 days and the last five days, I've become dizzy, and can't get the energy to get off the couch, also don't feel like eating, I've never been like this in my life.Also, if you take even some Aleve or Tylenol, or even one ounce of alcohol, you get terrible hangovers that last into the next day.I also had a couple of incidents of tripping over items and almost falling, lucky I didn't hurt myself, I work out at the gym and am in pretty good shape, so this is really concerning.I had taken Labetalol for 6 months but changed over to this because of the nightmares, but this Atenolol has other problems that I can't deal with now.

Lightheaded, dizzy, fatigued, fog brain, cotton mouth, sick

The first couple days I felt like it really helped the SVT/ rapid heart beat. But my mom noticed right away how lethargic I was and very low energy. I didnt think anything of it because my body finally felt calmer and I wasnt noticing my heart beating so fast anymore. But it did have me wanting to just sit around more or lay down, making it harder to motivate to get anything done. Fast forward to a couple weeks later, constantly felt lightheaded and dizzy, cotton mouth even though I was drinking lots of water, insomnia spells where I would suddenly pop up out of my sleep and feel extremely lightheaded and scared just a rush of anxiety like I was fearing I was dying. At night it really felt like I was clinging to consciousness. Shortness of breath like I couldnt breathe deep enough or get enough oxygen. Chest tight. I think it ultimately brought my heart rate down way too low and I was clinging to life. It amplified anxiety in my life and before taking this I was getting panic attacks here and there so this brought MORE anxiety into my life and it just brought on so many negative physical symptoms that I stopped it and do not want to ever need to take a pill to feel better again in my life. It made everything so much worse. Wish I never started it.

I'm no longer taking this medication. Eye swelling swelling in joints .I think there is a diuretic in it ??

I think I might have been allergic to the diuretic in it.

To reduce BP, anxiety, palpitations

Even worse palpitations (fast heartbeat, then slow, and missed beats), hissing in ears, fatigue, worse leg weakness (have spinal stenosis), muscles feel starved of oxygen in exertion.

As with all medications, works for some, poison for others.

Awful side effects. Freezing cold, pain in legs, hands and feet, nausea, heartburn, stomach pains, weakness, poor exercise tolerance, depressed

hair loss, dead brain, tired, getting fat

Awful. I was so happy before taking this medication. It didn't really help my chest pain so my doctor told me to double it and I fell into a state of depression I didn't know was possible. I cry 2-3 times a day, no motivation to do anything, don't want to be around the people I love. My doctor keeps telling me it'll be fine and wants to prescribe me an antidepressant, but after reviewing everyone else's reviews on this medication I know that it isn't me that's the problem, it's this medication. I've been off it for almost a week and still don't feel better. Hopefully it will go away soon. Do not take this medication!

Lethargic and weak. Depressed mood with irritability. Serious hair loss. Brain fog!! Stomach tightness with excess acid & bloating. Lack of physical strength and endurance. Frequent urination. DRY eyes, mouth and all of body. Too tired to speak & some slurring of words. Insomnia!!! My blood pressure was never more than 140/90 but on this medication sometimes caused anxiety and raised my blood pressure to 165/95.

Atenolol started out promising but gradually symptoms escalated and stacked one upon another. This should be considered a DIRTY DRUG and physicians should watch for side effects but they DO NOT, even when described to them. Reading possible side effects in pharmacy handouts do not begin to explain the sneaky nature of this drug!! I have spent a lot of money trying to alleviate symptoms not realizing what was causing them. This drug can make one diabetic. Google it for yourself!! I have suffered 4 years needlessly and severely, years I will never get back!

depression anxiety panic attacks that I didn't have before

this drug for others works for me no it makes me depressed hopelessness in general a feeling of hopelessness i wish i never started it

Depression !!! Tired ..Brain washed .Hard to breate ,exausted all the time .Snappy irrability you name it .This med IS TERRIBLE !

This drug should be removed from the world !!

I don't know what's worse the Covid booster shot or atenolol. The Covid booster shot caused me to develop ectopic heart beats(extra beats) my heart would race at rest 125-150. The booster also caused extreme chest pain and shortness of breath. The atenolol stopped all these symptoms. However my life has changed. I am not myself at all. I feel hopeless most of the time. I'm angry a lot. I was a very positive person. I now feel like a zombie. I am tired all the time. I feel listless and lack energy. I am never motives. Don't even get me started on the lack of or should I say nonexistent libido. I had a perfectly healthy heart before I took the Covid booster that led having to take Atenolol. I have reached my wits end with this drug and am going to start to wean as I am now getting headaches, eye pain, and leg pain.This drug is poison!

Possible weight gain and drowsiness.

I take it at night because it makes me drowsy. Overall, I feel much better since starting atenolol. My heart does not feel like it's going to beat out of my chest and my blood pressure is much improved.

For anxiety and blood pressure

Chest palpitation, high tryglyceride, always felt tired

It lowered my bp about 6-8 points but seriously didn't understand the chest discomfort and the elevated cholesterol. I walked daily and ate super healthy while on this med. I only took 12.5 daily and still experienced neg. symptoms. I'm looking for something not this scary. It's been 3 months and my chest palpitations went away so I know it had to be this med.

I have had bad reactions to other BP meds, after taking them for some time. I was prescribed Atenolol (25mg) two years ago and felt fine for many months. First I started getting a stiff neck, muscle spasms and aching all over - and more recently tight chest and unable to breathe properly. Was taken to A&E where Dr says sinus rhythm is irregular. I'm sure the drugs are causing this and now waiting to see GP. From all I've read here, it seems many others are having similar experiences? ...

Didn't really have any problems until I started BP meds three years ago and feel like my general fitness has deteriorated since.

if it wasn't for the weight gain, I'd be very satisfied. Other side effects are miner

Weak, bad diarrhea, lifeless/depressed. Unable to finish sleeping. Alters personality. Zero libido.

Terrible medication for people susceptible to mental illness, it's very effective on the heart rate only. If you're already lethargic and suffering depression, stay completely away from Atenolol!

Muscle cramps, head fog,tight chest anxiety heightened

Found out after years that this was the cause of my problems. Lots of time and money wasted on this drug

This medicine caused me to be depressed for 4 years. I didn't realize it was the medicine until it was almost too late. I tried to kill my self. It always gave me the urge to kill my self. If you are taking this, and have depression, switch medicines.

ATENOLOL (ATENOLOL): Atenolol is used with or without other medications to treat high blood pressure (hypertension). Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. This medication is also used to treat chest pain (angina) and to improve survival after a heart attack. Atenolol belongs to a class of drugs known as beta blockers. It works by blocking the action of certain natural chemicals in your body, such as epinephrine, on the heart and blood vessels. This effect lowers the heart rate, blood pressure, and strain on the heart. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA) Download our Free Resource Guide:


Related User Reviews

Never had an allergic reaction to any other medications including other anti-biotics. Wouldn't take Zithromax again.

There horrible!!!!!!!! they make you feel as though the world is going to end!

Hip pain from the first dose after 10 hours and neck pain so tired hope it will not last long

I started taking zyrtec at night for my allergies thinking it would help with nighttime congestion and sleep. Woke up very tired first. After a couple of days started getting a dull headache, I seldom get headaches unless extremely congested. Then started having a stiff neck which worsen over a couple of days. In good health ans active other than allergies. I was planning to go to doctor and spouse suggested only thing I was doing different was taking zyrtec, so I stopped. After 3 days off starting to feel better. Stiff neck gone and headache less severe. Waiting to see if in a few days if all symptoms go away. My symptoms started only after taking this medicine. After reading others remarks I did have one day with some hives on my legs but dismissed it because I was playing golf and thought it was alot of bug bites. Never had adverse reactions to Claritin or flonase like this. Going back to them. These reactions should be also noted on product. And doctors should be wary of suggesting this medicine.

I wonder if continuation of the use of this product will create anxiety attack with me also.

Fluttering heart, Heart felt like it was spasming, dry mouth.

I decided to stop this drug when I lost my Primary Doctor and was unable to get it filled before I could find a new one. Then the real hell began...withdrawal! I went cold turkey before reading how dangerous that is!! I didn't sleep for a week and when I did the night terrors were terrifying!! Could not eat, nausea,extreme vertigo, brain zaps, mood swings. It took over a month to feel somewhat normal again. I found a support group on Facebook...Cymbalta Hurts Worse, and found out that my side effects were normal and many had it far worse than me. It has been 4 months since I stopped and I still have bouts of short term memory loss, night terrors. I did find my pain has increased (was taking for depression but found out it helped for pain relief) but I'd rather deal with extra pain than take this EVIL DRUG again.

Anxiety, Depression, Random Musoskeletal Pains, Headaches, Discomfort, Pelvic Pain, Abdominal Pain

It worked for the first 8 weeks. After that things regressed. I thought I was having another flare up. Did my research and found the drug to have too many side effects. There is lactose in this as well, which I cannot tolerate (most who have an IBD can't!) and I feel contributed to my digestive problems. I've been off of Asacol HD for only a few days now and haven't had any bloating and sudden urges. I'm still bleeding but will seek other treatments for this.

I was pleasantly surprised that I had no side effects whatsoever other than mild diarrhea. Had it not been for the diarrhea, I would not have even known that I had been taking this medication.