Aromasin (exemestane) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Aromasin (exemestane)

Joint pain, my fingers mostly. Then torso covered in rash, so I stopped, not worth it. Rash is still there years later

Started aromasin(exemestane 25mg)1 month the shooting left hip pains started & are ongoing nonstop.Hot flashes are frequent. I hope it don't worsen cause I'm on this med. for 10 yrs. Before was on Letrozole but quit after 6 months of awful joint/muscles pains in back & arms/fingers. Numbness & fatigue/brain fog. Tried Anastrozole but threw it up on 1st.dose so I quit that one immediatly. I told my oncologist I want to stop these hard meds but he gets upset & insists I take it otherwise I will go to an early grave. I'm alone stuck in a vicious circle.😭

Was on letrozole for 1 1/2 years experienced joint pain in hips and muscle pain in glutes. Switched to aromasin been on for 5 months and am now experiencing terrible joint pain in hips, knees and glutes. Am going to physical therapy, acupuncture and chiropractor for massage therapy and so far only very minor improvements. Acupuncture has helped with neuropathy in fingers and toes. Will be talking to oncologist about alternatives.

To prevent breast cancer recurrence

After taking Letrozole for 1 1/2 years with terrible side effects. Was switched 8 months ago to Aromasin. At first I thought this would be the right pill for me. I have severe weight gain, blurry vision at times, thinning hair, restless, painful legs and feet, brain fog, fatigue, having trouble getting up from sitting position, trouble sleeping, difficulty walking and most recently low back pain. Also no ambition to do anything.

This is a terrible drug, but afraid to stop it, worried about recurrence.

Estrogen ductal carcinoma stage 3

I have extreme excruciating pain shoulder to shoulder, neck, low back, left butt and all down left leg, burning feet, left knee excruciating chronic pain (x-ray showed normal), hair loss, vision issues sometimes, short term memory loss, brain fog, trigger thumb, rash between implants, severe anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, periodontal disease with upper teeth loosening, I have to use electric wheelchair cart at store because walking or standing much is impossible, Raynaud syndrome, cold intolerance, osteoporosis on right side. Everything happened after taking hormone blockers and getting silicone implants put in and gets worse by the year. I've only had both 4 years total now! Is it Implants breast implant illness or is it estrogen blockers OR BOTH?

It took exactly 4 days to start feeling pain become even worse! I've tried 5 different estrogen blockers now the annastozol wasn't too bad but messed up and doubled my liver function enzymes. All others have just increased my pain and anxiety but this one made it so bad and so fast it was crazy. Definitely stopping this one now. I will just try to exercise and eat healthy and pray to God nightly to keep me healthy and alive.

I have not had any negative side effects as of yet

Weight gain, joint pain, hip pain, occasional cramps in feet and legs, hair thinning,

Started on arimidex developed facial rash. After a year finally convinced oncologist to take me off. Started on aromasin after 2 weeks facial rash returned. I then developed a huge mouth ulcer on roof of mouth. It was cultured and a biopsy taken. All negative but ear nose and throat still could not find reason for it. Then developed two huge sores on each hand that started as a scratch and is now size of half dollar! Again no dr can explain these side effects. They just keep lying and send me off with another med for side effect.

This drug has been HELL! I hurt all the time ...everywhere. I developed allergies to every medicine they put me on. I think this medication is changing my body chemistry for the worst! I have also developed trigger thumb too. Not one dr can explain why im going thru this hell. Dermatology,oncology,primary care, ear nose and throat. The rash on my face is now in my ears, a purple round rash that hurts, itches, and crust over daily. Im ready to stop medication and risk reoccurance of BC just to have a quality of life back! Nobody should have to go thru this, wasn't breast cancer bad enough!? I feel like a lab rat being experimented on.

Joint pain, trigger finger(s), fatigue, nausea, anxiety/depression, lower back pain, foot pain, weight gain, thinning of hair, blurred vision at times, lack of motivation to do the things I used to love...just to name a few.

I started taking Anastrazole 1.5 years ago but got drug induced lupus from it so doc put me on exemestane. I am 59 years old and was in the best shape of my life until I started taking these drugs. I exercised 5 to 7 days a week and ate healthy. I felt like I was in my early to mid 40s… Now I feel like a 70-year-old woman with the all the pain and aches that I have on a daily basis. I am thinking about going off this drug however the chances of my breast cancer coming back would increase… Not sure what I should do.

Aches, joint pain,fatigue, felt mentally foggy

Initially began with Femara but due to side effects switched to Aromasin. Side effects about the same though. After 41/2 years I've discontinued usage. Anything that makes a person feel this bad must be kicking cancer's butt!!!! (Trying to look on the bright side!)

Extreme fatigue, lack of motivation, no interest in anything, poor eating habits, sleeplessness, mood changes, thinning hair (after losing all my hair).

This medication is worse than Arimidex. But, Arimidex didn't prevent cancer in my left breast. Maybe it helped in the right, but who knows,

Extreme fatigue, lack of motivation, sleeplessness, headache, some finger & wrist pain, forgetful, no motivation,weight gain.

This is the worst. I cannot take it anymore. Thought I was crazy until I read posts. Saw a sleep dr and he said it was Aromasin. Why didn't my oncologist tell me? I don't want to take drug anymore. Want my life back.

post menopausal after 5 yrs tamoxif

insomnia, fatigue, hip, back leg and arm numbness and pain, lack of interest in anything

IDC Breast Cancer (T2, N0, M0)

Horrible medication! And it is NOT approved by the FDA. My advice; DON'T take it, it's pure poison. The BEST anti-hormone therapy that is rarely prescribed because doctors haven't researched it well is: RALOXIFENE (tradename Evista) taken together with OMACOR 1000 mg. The suggested dose is one 25mg pill of Raloxifene a day along with one Omacor softgel (omega 3). I only take half a pill of Raloxifene 12.5 mg. It also builds your bones. NOTE: You should be ER & PR and POSTmenopausal for this drug to work well for you.

It should ONLY be taken with EXTREME CAUTION by those with advanced stage Breast Cancer (NOT those with DCIS or Early Stage breast cancer).

DCIS stage I 1999, new DCIS 2015

UTI, constant feeling of UTI & yeast infections, joint pain-worse in thumbs, severe weight gain, swelling in hands, headaches, memory problems,

I tried Arimidex first for 2 months with horrible results. I quit taking that for 2 months & went on Aromasin for 10 days. I was treated for a UTI, but the feeling of the UTI never went away. Still have pain going to bathroom, have to use cream for yeast infection every day or pain comes back. I stopped taking Aromasin & I hope this feeling will go away. These AIs are horrible. I will not take again

joint and muscle pain, fatigue, hot flashes, flushing, headache, mental fog, lack of mental clarity, emotional

this is the 3rd of 3 possible meds to prevent another cancer. i found it to be the lesser evil of the 3, but still too many side effects. also tried arimidex and femara. have pre-existing joint, muscle pain and fatigue issues.

I just wanted to comment on the lady who posted on 1-9-17. You are so right about this drug messing up the bladder and urethra. I posted about this months ago how I was on antibiotics with no relief. I believe I also had interstitual cystitis. It was months before I felt any relief but eventually all the bladder issues have gone away. The only side effects I am still having are in my fingers/joints and one elbow. Some days I can't open anything and fingers will lock up and hurt and other days not so bad. One doctor said joint and another said ligament. I believe the joints have been damaged and I am still hoping this will clear up some day. You are so right about needing estrogen, even a little. I have limited use of my hands/fingers at times and have to ask co-workers to open bottles often or carry heavy items. All the other sides effects I had are gone. If you would like to contact me, please do and put aromasin in the subject line. Good luck!

I was diagnosed in July 2013. Actually took AIs for 2 years.I experienced Trigger Thumb (rt hand), joint pain, mental fog, insomnia, hair loss, bladder pain, basically you name it I had it. Switched to other two Aromatase Inhibitors with no better results. Went to Dr in August 2014 and told her I could not tolerate any longer and was taken off of them. Not to mention hugh weight gain.

I have researched these drugs and found that they affect your immune system. I now have prolapse of rectum (through vagina wall), prolaspse of uterus, narrowing of vagina and constant bladder and urethra pain. Your female parts need estrogen to function properly. I was just diagnosed with Lichen Simplex Chronus in perineum area. Had two punch biopsies in this area. These drugs are wicked. Now my doctors are talking about a complete hysterectomy including ovaries. We have been trying premarin cream to alleviate some of the dryness associated with estrogen deprivation. I am only to use a small amount in perineum area and by urethra. I have been on Antibiotics for 2 1/2 years now. So tired from bladder pain and by the way also had biopsy of bladder. Negative. Just inflammation. Stays that way. I think it may be Institial Cystitis. All other aches and pains went away when I quit the Aromatase Inhibitors.

Severe pain in all joints. Terrible lower back pain. Bones are constantly cracking,,,,,very uncomfortable. Rashes. Anxiety depression. Can't take walks,,,,severe pain.

Have felt horrible the whole time. Drs say I'm an exception. I don't believe it. 3 years of pain and disability.

AROMASIN (EXEMESTANE): This medication is used to treat certain types of breast cancer (such as hormone-receptor-positive breast cancer) in women after menopause. Exemestane is also used to help prevent the cancer from returning. Some breast cancers are made to grow faster by a natural hormone called estrogen. Exemestane decreases the amount of estrogen the body makes and helps to slow or reverse the growth of these breast cancers. Exemestane is usually not used in women of childbearing age. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Can't sleep due to severe vaginal itching. Took paracetamol about 20 mins ago and it's a bit better. Definitely not taking this pill again.

Stge 3 G3 Triple negative breast CA

was a challenge to get my INR stable. Seemed to not want to exceed 2.0.

Dr. put me on this to lower my triglycerides and now I think I have permanent damage to my knees/muscles. Have had several cortizone and arthritis fluid shots in my knees (6 in each knee). None of this has worked and doctor is now talking about knee replacement surgery. Never had a knee problem until I took this medication