Videx (didanosine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Videx (didanosine)

Tingling in extremities (toes, fingers, tongue). Funny taste (metallic) at the tip of my tongue.

Works well, but having to take it with food makes One a day dosing with Videx and Sustiva not possible.

VIDEX (DIDANOSINE): This drug is used with other HIV medications to help control HIV infection. It helps to decrease the amount of HIV in your body so your immune system can work better. This lowers your chance of getting HIV complications (such as new infections, cancer) and improves your quality of life. Didanosine belongs to a class of drugs known as nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors-NRTI. Didanosine is not a cure for HIV infection. To decrease your risk of spreading HIV disease to others, do all of the following: (1) continue to take all HIV medications exactly as prescribed by your doctor, (2) always use an effective barrier method (latex or polyurethane condoms/dental dams) during all sexual activity, and (3) do not share personal items (such as needles/syringes, toothbrushes, and razors) that may have contacted blood or other body fluids. Consult your doctor or pharmacist for more details. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Oh my, if you didn't feel rough enough walking into the Drs surgery, a couple of days of this and you soon will..! It is evening just eaten my tum looks like there is a family of aliens resident. Chest tighter than chest infection made it before ( great ) feel dizzy, sick, horrific wind, (I think those aliens are mulitplying in there )I actually don't know what to do with myself. Only taken 7 250mg tabs. Din't sleep last night despite having taken enough cough med to knock me out.

This drug has changed me completely in the 3 3/4 months I have been taking it and I just threw the rest of my pack away. I can't live like this. The first month wasn't bad as I remember. I had a little nausea and spotted a little at first, but I didn't feel too bad. The second full month I had severe breast tenderness that got to the point where I couldn't lay on my stomach to sleep! I noticed my weight beginning to change a litte, and had a few mood swings but continued taking it. By the third month, my stomach was swelling and my clothes didn't fit right. I took 2 pregnancy tests and wasn't pregnant. Then the mood swings, obsession, and depression kicked in and it took a while for me to connect the dots. Then I started my 4th month, and got a period 2 weeks later and gained more weight, localized in my stomach, very strange. I have been exhausted this last pack, all the time, and my moods are so unpredictable, it finally scared me into stopping today- mid pack. I can't live like this

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Extreme fatigue,ringing in ears,cysts in mouth,extreme sweating,diarrhea,jaw clenching,depression,irritable,muscle aches,irregular heartbeat.

burn, general soreness, itching.


I don't know if I experienced any side effects from synthroid, or not, but I would prefer not to take it. I am on a very low dose since having my daughter 3 years ago. I experience anxiety at times and wonder if the synthroid is adding to this. One thing that has helped with this problem that I have discovered in the last year is something called Energy Medicine, or Energy Psychology. I had to open my mind to try this alternative new approach, but have had great results through exercises in a book by Fred Gallo, and Donna Eden. I encourage anyone with the same problem to give it a try. I did go to a practitioner who used this last year because I was going through a stressful time and had terrible eczema on my face for 3 months. I had tried everything to clear up the eczema and it went away literally overnight after my session.

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12 hours after a one and only dose I experienced horrible pain in my right hip and front thigh. Now, 7 weeks later, the pain is still not gone. I have seen Drs, taken pain meds, physical therapy, and am scheduled for an EMG next week. I was perfectly fine and very energetic before I took it and now I feel like I'm 80 years old with no energy and can barely drive and work at my desk due to the severe pain. At the time, I was highly suspicious it was caused by Actonel and now reading other stories I am even more convinced. I would like to find out when this pain will subside as I only took one dose, shouldn't it be out of my system by now????