Valtrex (valacyclovir hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Valtrex (valacyclovir hydrochloride)

VALTREX (VALACYCLOVIR HYDROCHLORIDE): Valacyclovir is used to treat infections caused by certain types of viruses. In children, it is used to treat cold sores around the mouth (caused by herpes simplex) and chickenpox (caused by varicella zoster). In adults, it is used to treat shingles (caused by herpes zoster) and cold sores around the mouth. Valacyclovir is also used to treat outbreaks of genital herpes. In people with frequent outbreaks, this medication is used to reduce the number of future episodes. Valacyclovir is an antiviral drug. It stops the growth of certain viruses. However, it is not a cure for these infections. The viruses that cause these infections continue to live in the body even between outbreaks. Valacyclovir decreases the severity and length of these outbreaks. It helps the sores heal faster, keeps new sores from forming, and decreases pain/itching. This medication may also help reduce how long pain remains after the sores heal. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Like many of the others the cough is about to drive me crazy but it does help control my blood pressure along with other medications.

OMGWTFBBQ. You should take this drug if you wish to potentiate your problems. I took a dose for a migraine and got to add dizzyness and incredible nausea to the mix. If this is what you are looking for then it is a miracle drug.

Took for one day.Dr advised to take first thing in the morn and then at lunch.Pharmacist said dosage was way to high.Stopped after one day and three days later still suffering from strange bloating sensations and indigestion.Now taking Omneprazole to combat side effects

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I will always look into any medications I or my husband/children take...even if they are over the counter. The side effects written on the box do not necessarily give everything you need to know. I will refer to this site more often! STAY AWAY FROM CLARITAN!

Itchy all over rash. This is after I finished 7 day 750mg once a day treatment.

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My gynecologist gave me a prescription. The first night I broke one in half and took the smaller half and went to bed. All was okay - slept good. The second night I took the slightly larger half and didn't go to bed right away, thinking it would make me sleepy. It did not. I finally went to bed, laid there for about 15 minutes and felt very nauseated. I got up, went downstairs into the kitchen and almost power-barfed into the sink. I felt so so sick I was afraid I would die - then I was afraid I wouldn't! I called the doctor later and he said I was only to take Ambien if I was going straight to bed. Why doesn't the label say that??!! Now, if I have insomnia, I take a small dose of night-time Nyquil - it's great!!

My doctor prescribed Abilify as an add on therapy for my Generalized Anxiety Disorder / Depression. I currently take Lexapro 25mg once a day and Xanax .5mg four times a day. My doctor added 2mg of Abilify at night to help with the depression. I was leary of taking a new med but I really hopes this works. I know it is a little soon but I wanted to see what others had to say about the medicine." I hate Panic Attacks " ... :(