Rebetol (ribavirin) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Rebetol (ribavirin)

RIBA INF. A slow slog thru hell. Anemia, psoriasis much worse, debility, living without joy. I stopped taking this stuff the day I found that the HCV therapy was not working. A long time before I recovered.

After effects: Hyperthyroid (Grave's Disease), premature menopause, compromised immune system, granuloma annulare, hair loss, muscle spasms, weakness, depression, 'chemo brain'

Did the full year treatment with interferon for Hep C, a devastating experience that included ALL side effects listed for drug. I often wonder if the cure wasn't worse than the disease. Am now free of Hep C viral load, but accompanying after effects have created new problems.

Join www, for the real scoop on this supposed cure. Honestly, viral load is in no way related to liver health.

do a lot of research before deciding to take this drug, long term after effects can be much more serious than learning to manage hepC. Yes, learning to manage hepC is not only possible, it may be much safer.

Achy Flu feeling, nausous when hungry,insomnia

I took this med with Interferon and was cured of Hep C in only 3 months, but still had to continue the meds for another 3 months. My side effects were not as bad as I heard they could have been, because I followed the directions by not drinking caffiene, I don't smoke or take any other drugs, and I made sure to drink lots or water and exercise. Since depression could have been a side effect, I avoided watching anything sad on TV or movies.

Nausea, weight loss, hair loss, eyebrow loss, excema, loss of thyroid function,damage to eyesight, hemolytic aneminia and ovarian failure leading to premature menopause.

I did a 6 month induction protocol using this drug combo in much higher doses then usual followed by 6 months of conventional dosage. I cleared the virus at great cost to my overall health. 6 years later I am still being treated for some of the long term side effects. I give this a 3 because I was not sick when I went into treatment, and although I was cured I was very sick for a long time afterwards.

hypothyroid,diabetes,brain fog,weight gain

I cleared the virus but now feel debilitated. I was not told of these possibilities. Depression not a problem-was on zoloft and trazadone already.

REBETOL (RIBAVIRIN): Ribavirin is used in combination with other antiviral medications (such as interferon, sofosbuvir) to treat chronic (long-lasting) hepatitis C, a viral infection of the liver. Chronic hepatitis C infection can cause serious liver problems such as scarring (cirrhosis), or liver cancer. Ribavirin works by reducing the amount of hepatitis C virus in your body, which may help your liver recover. It is not known if this treatment can prevent you from passing the virus to others. Do not share needles, and practice "safer sex" (including the use of latex condoms) to lower the risk of passing the virus to others. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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