Incivek (telaprevir) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Incivek (telaprevir)

Side Effects forincivek (telaprevir) - User Comments


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Not many, compared to other anticonvulsants. Could still think fairly well, but had to increase the dosage after about 10 years because it wasn't working so well, then even that increased amount wasn't totally controlling them, so had to switch altogether...

It works..but not immediately..!! especially if your a big guy,or muscle guy (at least with me) Take at least 5-6 hours before combat:-)) Worked best as of next morning really. If a new girlfriend or woman the anxiety to fail doesn,t help "him" either. Than viagra is better! Viagra puts teflon on the bullit,in 20 min, if you know what I mean. But woman suspect something is fishy after you keep on going and going. So be an oscar winning actor..! You make me so not a good answer. Overdosing Does not help just to "make sure" like I did with 2x20 :-)) with cialis. Makes no difference in the hardness or duration. Cialis overdose made me mumble I.e stuffy nose kinda mumbling.. So save that pill. If girl is helpfull and relaxed i.e french, dutch, swedish, or other it helps, if german beer"cooler" and frostyer as the alps than good luck..All in all pleasure without pain collegues.

My life has become completely horrible while using the patch. My doctor urged me to continue using it as I need something to regulate my periods and birth control has a tendency to make me nauseated. I have gained 18 ib. since starting the patch and it has turned my life upside down as I feel like I'm dying every day! I went against my doctor's wishes and took the patch off today after reading many women are having similar issues. I generally feel terrible when I have my period so on my break week I wouldn't know if it was the patch making me feel so gross. My symptoms slowing increased from mild to extreme in just three months. I removed it just a few hours and washed the spot it was on thoroughly and my head feels less fuzzy already.

Slight nausea, slight feeling horrible in my brain like it's dehydrated, slight feeling dehydrated overall, slight feeling anxiety, slight feeling can't keep still due to muscles want to move around, feel drowsy but not in a sleepy way, took panadol and was. able to sleep it off.

weight gain (severe), Hypertension

I have been so cranky and tearful, other times flat. I want to be me. My periods are a nightmare but at least I know what to expect. I am stopping this after 6 days and will consider again if menopause strikes me hard and I have less choice. Your feedback has helped me make this decision, and I loved all of your honesty and humor about the psychotic lunacy of women and hormones!

Flushing. Burning. Disrupted sleep. Tired, and fatigued. Noticed having more difficult time with exercise, even at more moderate levels than before taking Niaspan. I already had high HDLs, but Niaspan took HDL from 65 to 75. Lowered LDL from 159 to 133.

Nausea, TERRIBLE silent acid reflux, sore throat from the acid, and weight loss

Been feeling so bad emotionally and unlike myself, but it took me a while to connect it to the Mylan generic drug. It's definitely not for me or the generic is no good. In past learned generic drugs often are dissimilar to the brand names.

I take 150mg in the morning and it seems to be making me extremely irritable to the point that friends have mentioned to me that "whatever you are taking for your issues you might want to consider quitting because it's making you go off the deep end." If you suffer from anxiety you might want to discuss this possible side effect with you physician or pharmacist.