Famvir (famciclovir) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Famvir (famciclovir)

FAMVIR (FAMCICLOVIR): Famciclovir is used to treat infections caused by certain types of viruses. It treats shingles caused by herpes zoster. It also treats outbreaks of herpes simplex that cause cold sores around the mouth, sores around the anus, and genital herpes. In people with frequent outbreaks of genital herpes, famciclovir is used to help reduce the number of future episodes. Famciclovir is an antiviral drug. However, it is not a cure for these infections. The viruses that cause these infections continue to live in the body even between outbreaks. Famciclovir decreases the severity and length of these outbreaks. It helps the sores heal faster, keeps new sores from forming, and decreases pain/itching. This medication may also help reduce how long pain remains after the sores heal. In addition, in people with a weakened immune system, famciclovir can decrease the risk of the virus spreading to other parts of the body and causing serious infections. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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After about and hour the side effects subsided, and I was fast asleep. When I woke up my whole body was sore, and my hands, feet, and legs were swollen; my hands more than anything. It was painful to walk. My headache was fully gone.

I turned to femara at 3 years on arimidex. I experienced the same side effects as with arimidex. Taking Femara is akin to taking chemo and radiation. I have not found any recurrence of cancer but that could be just around the corner. Who really knows? So your rating system does not really fit the info you are wanting to know. So far as anyone who treats me knows I am cancer free. But on the other hand that is what I was told when I had mammograms which did not discover the lurking tumor. As a person who uses this drug I hope it works for the rest of my life but I know there are no guarantees.

I have taken Omnicef before, more than 10 years ago and I dont remember the side effects being this severe then. But this time around I have felt absolutely horrible. First I had an "accident" where I couldnt make it to the bathroom in time, even tho I was home it was horrifying. I called Patient First where I asked if I could take Imodium to help with the diarrhea, they said they wanted me to finish the course of the medicine and if in 2 days the Imodium didnt help to come back in. And it did get better with the Imodium combined with the yogurt (Activia) The anixtey/dpression started about 3 days ago and I didnt even think that it might be caused by the medicine until reading all of the comments on here that sound identical to my symptoms. I have been a sufferer of anxiety before but it has been more than 9 years since Ive had any issues with it. But the last few days on this medicine have just been horrible. I feel foggy, not confused but just like something isnt right. Its sad because it knocked the Sinus Infection right out a few days in, but now I'm left feeling anxious, no appetite in 3 days, and very loose stools. I have been eating yougurt with probiotics which seems to help with the frequency of the diarrhea. I have been telling my boyfriend for days I cant wait to STOP this mediciation to feel better mentally. I know its never good to stop an antibiotic before its stupposed to be stopped but I'll get something else if I have to. I will NEVER take this medi

My triglycerides went down from 250 to 109 (combined with good diet but moderate exercise)

I feel like I am going crazy...moodiness, food cravings, high sex drive, tired alllll the time and i want to throw things all while holding a twinky...

Didnt quite help with depression until I upped the dose to 75mgs. Now I rarely ever feel depressed or have suicidal thoughts. Havent had a panic attack since i started taking it

This wonder drug has made all the difference in my life. Began taking it for panic attacks and got immediate relief even though it was supposed to take time to start working. Didn't realize I had been depressed until it made me feel like a new person. About 8 years ago I tried weaning off but found that I needed 75 mg. to feel normal and have emotional buoyancy. So I quickly went back from 50 mg to 75. Over the last year I went from 75 mg down to 25 mg. Felt fine at 25 mg for two months. 25 mg is not supposed to be therapeutic but it IS for me and other people who have left comments! My doctor encouraged me to go off completely--probably because of the myth of 25 mg being nonclinical-- but the insomnia and ever decreasing energy is intolerable. My symptoms including the age of onset followed a grandfather's pattern to a T. Should have known that I needed to be on it for life. Am now looking for a new doctor.

After reading the side effects everyone is complaining of, I am stopping this medication immediately. Will write back in a day or so to let people know if my symptoms stop.

I function quite well at work while on it. I have noticed very little side effects. Do eat before you take it or you will get dizzy. Can also make you little wierd if you take it with Hydrocodine. As was noted in earlier threads, Indomethacin is not a cure just a pain reliver so you must get your diet and lifestyle in order to deal with the gout. I take it now whenever I feel a flareup coming on and it seems to help a lot. It also really makes the rest of my body feel a lot better. I do wonder what the long term side effects of porlonged use of Indomethacin have on your body? I have only been dealing with gout for about 2 months now so we will see.

You have to really consider the negative effects of this drug before taking it. Weight gain isn't just superficial: being over weight is really bad for your health. I have been thin my whole life, and yet on this drug I quickly packed on 60lbs. I've tried working out, but one thing prednisone does is change the way your body stores fat, so even though I have lost some of the weight, I still have a big belly from using prednisone. Very irritating because prednisone didn't even help me and fat around your midsection is an indicator of poor health.