Combivir (lamivudine; zidovudine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Combivir (lamivudine; zidovudine)

Severe nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, presyncope

I took this for 1 day and called the doctor to have it changed. I threw up violently, almost passed out. I could not even risk walking so I voided bowels while lying down. Almost called emergency services. I was afraid of the other medications but they had almost no short-term side effects. Night and day difference for me. I can tolerate most medications but not this one.

1st week nausea and Vomiting. 2nd week, EXTREME MUSCLE PAIN. arms ,legs back. Moving was futile at some point.

Two weeks remaining on taking combivir and alluvia. The muscle pains are just Excruciating for me. But put on some massage with hot water bottle it relaxes..the pain is worse if you move around a a lot of resting is needed..

Feeling tired week,skin problems rashes

It's really like poisoning the body but it helps it's one of the original meds.

Headaches that became unmanageable when you took the pill without eating first. Dizziness, short concentration span, nausea, loose stool, hunger (but not feel like eating) body aches, cold in the chest, sore throat, general feeling of unwell ness

This is hell, if I had the chance, I wouldn't take the risk. It's like you are wasting your body. But we'll, it's my 1st week and I gotta take them. The alternative is worse.

I don't recall having side effects when I first started Combivir. I rec'd treatment about 2 months after I was infected. I've been undetected for over 8 years.

stopped making blood had to have 35 blood transfuisons.

Headaches,extreme nausea,ill feeling (Malaise),extreme fatigue,weakness in the body and a terribly sore throat.Went on PEP for a risk sexual encounter (Insertive Anal Sex),with a male partner of a unknown status.Taking this medication feels like I'm poisoning myself twice daily. I dread having to take it.

At first i experienced severe diarrhea, then came the vomiting. The nausea subsided as the days went by. Am now struggling with the bloating and weight gain. my eyes are yellowish too. My skin is pale. I look terrible but hey am halfway there. I pray it works because my sexual partner was positive.

After first dose - nausea, parasympathetic irritation (hypersalivation), drunkness like symptoms, loose stool.After 2 weeks - hand tremor, muscle weakness, muscle pain, loose joints, persistent nausea.

Nausea is persistent and gets better after food (fatty). Stool is mostly loose but no diaorrhea. Tremor disappeared after few days. Drunkness like syndrom disappeared after 2 weeks. Joints are "clicking" and muscles feel weak can give some pain with movement. Blood picture ok, liver/pancreatic enyzmes ok, Cholesterol 5.1, Creatinine 98.

Dry cough,hairy tounge,weak body,dry skin

tireness upset stomache not too bad really but eating well and plenty of rest seems to deal with this. stay of dairy and fatty foods it helps

Uneasy feeling in stomach, brain fog especially with technical and foreign words, fatigue, body aches.

Neck pain, extreme sore throat, fatigue, slight nausea, extreme body aches and pains, slight diarrhea

Realy hate the vommiting, accompanied by headaches and nusea

all sorts of funny symptoms that came and go as they pleased. Constipation. Trouble sleeping, always hungry, general tiredness, lack of concentration.

took together with stocrin. So far i had a negative 4 gen elisa after a month since stopping the medication. i.e 8 weeks after the incident. My doctor says i do need not further testing. The medication abroted the infection or i was never infected in the first place

constant moderate nausea day and night over a month, tiredness, feeling weak, feeling sick, and sleeping extra hours every day because of tiredness ...

PEP/cut in the O.R dirty instrument

I'm a sterile processing tech. and was cut thru my gloves on bloody instruments that had just been used in a lap chole procedure on a patient. It's so early to know just how bad things may get but so far my stomach is in an uproar and my sleep has been extremely disturbed. I believe the sleep thing is a bad case of anxiety but its very disturbing. It's the perils of my line of work unfortunately :'(

I'am also taking Sustiva 600mg.So virtually two types of pills 3xa day.First off let me say I here rumbling in my stomach as I type and it hasn't stopped in the 4 hrs Is this Gas? okay right!I had exposure to a gentlemen who said the condom broke when I turned around he ejaculate in his hand not in me.So I was affraid and went to the E.R as they prescribed me this medicine.I've only been on it for days I quickly schedule a follow -up with my regular doc.Now first he said if I know the staus of the other indidvual is negative then I dont have to continue,then he changed and said no continue because even if he tested negative it doesn't mean he's neg. I said huh!!!WTF,he began to explain to me that even it's neg they can still carry the virus because the test looks only for antibodoes I took the person to the clinic myself I told him I saw the results non-reactive.He insisted I still cont.I would like to think that I'am a very logical person.Something immediately beagn to stink too me.Th

The doc said its an extra safety net and I understand that but how could you be neg,but probably not really neg. I believe that is a prob? Not sure if I continue Honestly just doesnt make complete sense. God Bless!

Tierdness stomach cramps slight fever general malaise

First few days were intense but seems to have subsided to a moderate feeling of unwell. I dread taking every pill u know your are poisoning your body but that's what you get for being complacent. Good luck (we are lucky to even have an option) ps be kind to your body for the 30'days

Nausea, tired, headache. Feels like the stomach flu.

COMBIVIR (LAMIVUDINE; ZIDOVUDINE): This product contains 2 drugs: lamivudine and zidovudine. It is used with other HIV medications to help control HIV infection. It helps to decrease the amount of HIV in your body so your immune system can work better. This lowers your chance of getting HIV complications (such as new infections, cancer) and improves your quality of life. Both lamivudine and zidovudine belong to a class of drugs known as nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs). Lamivudine/zidovudine is not a cure for HIV infection. To decrease your risk of spreading HIV disease to others, do all of the following: (1) continue to take all HIV medications exactly as prescribed by your doctor, (2) always use an effective barrier method (latex or polyurethane condoms/dental dams) during all sexual activity, and (3) do not share personal items (such as needles/syringes, toothbrushes, and razors) that may have contacted blood or other body fluids. Consult your doctor or pharmacist for more details. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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some weird rash that looks like braille!also, mood swings,depression,night sweats during week of period,and headaches. face break outs! i am done with tri nessa!

this medication tends to make me drowsy and dizzy, but I take it at night before bed, so this side effect helps me sleep.

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I ended up going back on Wellbutrin because of Viibryd's side effects. After 2 weeks I had gained 4 pounds with no sign of stopping because I was starving every 3 - 4 hours around the clock. Every night, my stomach would become so bloated that my belly appeared pregnant. Other side effects (diarrhea and nausea) subsided after 2 weeks.I did experience some positive effects while on Viibryd: more alert and energetic.However, I'm switching back to Wellbutrin since my depression increases with weight gain.

Upper spine density improved but hip density continues to decline but at a much slower rate.

I was prescribed Dulera because my asthma had gotten so bad due to mold in my rental house, that I had to be on prednasone. I am one of the few people had got horrific anxiety and panic disorder. I also had "breath hunger", where it never feels like you can take a deep breath.

The side effects severely outweighed the benefits of taking this drug, as there are plenty of other equally effective antibiotics available. The depression got bad enough at one point where I had it in my mind that cutting my hand would feel good and that I should drink the blood after I cut my palm open. I'm still scared by these memories today.

Makes it harder to focus & comprehend things that I read. A tad more forgetful. Seem to crave alcohol more, which is weird. Libido increased a bit.

dizziness, fatigue, trouble sleeping/staying asleep, mood changes, lack of energy, constipation, bloated/gas pressure, blurry vision, lack of sex driveNOTE: if you have problems with anxiety/depression on PPIS make sure you take a multi-vitamin and B complex because PPIs block absorption of many vitamins and minerals. Many Drs won't tell you this.