Tessalon (benzonatate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Tessalon (benzonatate)

Horrible, horrible nightmares. So real and very scary. Took me a long time once I woke up to reorient myself and realize it was a dream!

Will never take it again, even though it’s definitely pushed by urgent care docs.

The most unsettling, vivid, live in living color nightmares ever!!

OMG! I have been an ER nurse over 20 years, the only thing anyone has ever said was “it doesn’t work” This was real trauma inducing stuff too. I was so sick the first night I don’t know if I dreamed at all. After the second night I thought maybe it was a one off because I don’t remember anything from the night before. Day 3, I took the pain meds away but took tessalon (in process of elimination mode now) WRONG choice ! This stuff brought back childhood trauma in such vivid clarity! I’m not an alarmist by any stretch, (long time ER nurse) but I will NEVER let my family members EVER take this. They may not have the same reaction but I would never risk it!

I had vivid hallucinations, saw my daughters looking me, they weren't there, another time saw my great grand son at my bedside so I go upstairs he hadn't come over, today I saw one daughter who did not live with by my bedside, she wasn't there, call to my daughter who lives upstairs, We lookup the medicine and realized it was the problem

Terrible anxiety on day 2. So bad that I thought I was dying. Moderate nausea. Vivid dreams.

Omygad everything is juts nightmare. All my naps and sleep are giving me all my fears into my dreams. I won't take this again

Panic attack, heartbeat racing, dizziness, feeling high, paranoia, dread

WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?? Reading the reviews on this is HORRIFYING. EVERYONE having death nightmares??? Thank God I haven't experienced that, but it felt like if I ate an edible and it kicked in as a bad trip. Racing heart, feels like palpation, the doctor told me "well you don't have to take it then" when I told of of the side effects-wtf?? AVOID THIS AT ALL COSTS!! Feels like some weird government pill and it causes HORRIBLE paranoia. never again

The first night that I took Tessalon I slept all the way through the night, with just one bad dream at the end. The second night that I took it I start coughing about 12 o'clock midnight and had to take a cough drop. I woke up suddenly around 4 o'clock to a strong smell of a skunk. It freaked me out and I knew my door was shut looked under my bed of course nothing was there. It made no sense I proceeded to check out the side effects of Tessalon on my phone to see if I could find that is one of the side effects. Eventually I went back to sleep and dreamed absolutely horrible dreams.Needless to say, I will not be taking this again!!

Bitter taste in mouth. Hasn't gone away even after stopping taking the pill several days ago.

I frequently have nightmares and began taking prazosin to counteract them. This medication was working well until I started tessalon. Every night I have had increasingly worse, and more violent, nightmares. Not only do I wake up afraid, but I do not feel rested whatsoever. I am scared to go to bed on this medication because of the nightmares it causes. Do not take this medication, it's not worth it.

I had the worst nightmares i have had in my life & all my real life fears about really scary things happening with my children and kidnappers & things i probably cant even say were happening in these dreams. I will NEVER take this medication again, ill stick with regular cough meds. Also when i woke up i could hear screaming and crying that wasnt real made me feel crazy! Dont take this!!

Within 30 minutes I began having terrible anxiety. I was bouncing my limbs trying deep breathing exercises, constantly thinking I was going to end up in the hospital in the middle of an omicron wave. I thought it was some kind of interaction because there was no information about it on the internet until I came across this forum. This drug needs to be looked into.

Will not be taking this again. Adding it to my allergy list.

Respiratory illness with cough

It took the cough away but it also caused massive visual and auditory hallucinations. It was a nightmare but I was awake!

I took just one dose and while trying to fall asleep, experienced wild arm and leg jerks. I got up to get my phone to read about side effects. I was stumbling around the room in confusion and didn't know what my Fitbit was when I saw it next to my phone. Ended up calling a hotline at 1:00 a.m. (uncharacteristic for me). Then I fell asleep and had very vivid and unpleasant dreams. Why do we need all these fancy new drugs? I think I'll stick to good old fashioned Robitussin from now on.

Vivid disturbing dreams. The emotions I felt during were so strong. I'd wake up drained and feeling frightened. I searched side effects but dreams like this weren't listed. I then searched specifically for "weird dreams" and found this site. I will never take this drug again.

Massive anxiety 20 minutes after taking 1 pill. I feel like I need to flail my limbs around and that I'm coming out of my skin. I wish that was listed in side effects. I'll never get the much need rest I need now.

Terrible vivid nightmares! Even during a small nap. Harder to get mucus up that I needed to remove. Make me feel extreme nauseous. Then I start reading the warnings and it seems you can easily OD on this med??? So, no thank you

My anxiety sky rocketed to the point I was suicidal. Stopped taking it instantly and called the doctor who advised that as well. Could not sleep.

I had extremely vivid nightmares all ending in death. I was told to take 3 times a day and each time I would become sleepy, which I knew was a side effect. But I always woke up groggy and in tears from these horrible nightmares. I initially thought it would pass, but it would happen each time I took it. I just stopped taking them because I could not deal with the emotions it would cause.

Seemed to help with the clout but made me very tired. Both nights I took this medicine I had very, very vivid nightmares where I woke in the middle of the night sweating and exhausted because I thought my life was flashing before my eyes. I was awake for hours after experiencing this. Not worth the cough relief.

I took one pill, within half an hour I felt anxious, short of breath, light headed, and awful stomach ache (not much in the world gives me a stomach ache, but this did). Didn’t cough all night for once but couldn’t sleep either, now that it wore off the cough seems worse. Still feel super light headed and confused, gross like after anesthesia. I feel like everyone is pushing this drug, but won’t be shocked if in 10 years studies start to show the negative effects or worse. Will never take this again even if it means weeks of sleep deprivation and bad cough.

Will never take one of these again.

TESSALON (BENZONATATE): This medication is used to treat coughs caused by the common cold and other breathing problems (e.g., pneumonia, bronchitis, emphysema, asthma). It works by reducing the reflex in the lungs that causes the urge to cough. Use of this medication is not recommended in children younger than 10 years. Discuss the risks and benefits with your doctor. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

I wish I had payed closer attention to the listed side effects. It would have been nice if the doctor or pharmacist had highlighted the danger. Horrible drug.

Very tired, yawned all the time, no problem with weight. Fell asleep as soon as head hit the pillow, absolutely no emotion at all

No side effects but also no improvement. Took the one time pill twice and nothing improved. Went back to docts and was given it again for 100mg once a day for three days and STILL no improvement. Very frustrating.

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I HAD UNWILLING UNPROTECTED ORAL SEX WITH A PROSTITUTE JUNKIE!I WAS UNDER THE INFLUENCE AND SHE DID WHAT SHE WANTED. TAKING TO COUNCELERS THEY SAY I SOUND LIKE I WAS ASSAULTED. I Took Cipro for around 10 days befor stoping treatment.While Taking it I have experience thoughts of suicide. Feelings of impending doom. PANIC ATTACKS, ANXIETY.LACK OF APPETITE, DIAREA, PALE STOOLS. I Cried almost every day I was on it. Felt Muscle pains and total lack of intrest in work and other activities I was involved with. I have avoided my family completely beacuse I was unsure of the

I am taking my 17 year daughter off of this medication


A great medication to help with pain; however, the side effects can be quite bothersome, especially if you have taken the medication as long as I have. Initially, I used to feel euphoric, but this has recently changed to dysphoria. I now become angrier, and irritated when taking percocet. The itching is quite a problem; I'll spend 2-3 hours scratching my entire body after taking the medication, as a result, losing out on sleep. I feel nauseous at times, but it's not lasting. I would take this med over codeine/morphine any day.

I stopped taking Flagyl on my own. I was convinced I had MS or some other horrible disease. I haven't been right since I started taking it a week ago. I've taken it before, but not at this dose. I started researching symptoms and came across this board.