Mucinex (guaifenesin) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Mucinex (guaifenesin)

Panic attacks can't sleep trouble breathing. I'd rather cough

To ease my asthma/ chest congestion

The only side effects that I experience is smelly urine, gas and bloating.

This stuff has been a Godsend for me by helping control my asthma and keeping my mucus levels in my lungs at baseline. This stuff is preventing me from getting chest infections due to me having compromised lungs.

Do not take this medicine. I woke up in the middle of the night feeling disassociated from my body that led to a panic attack (I had never had a panic attack in my entire life), elevated heart rate and blood pressure, and my balance was off. I was out of it for almost 48 hrs and had to go to the ER. I honestly thought my mental state would never recover and took me 5 days to feel normal again.

I will NEVER take this medicine again. I've never been so scared for my health.

Deep depression leading into severe anxiety

Edginess, breathlessness, chest pain, constant urination, and zero sleep overnight! Steer clear of this, folks!

AWFUL. I took Mucinex Max (1200mg guaifenesin).3 hours after I took it I was driving and had a weird feeling of almost fainting.. then a full blown panic attack hit me. My skin became flushed, felt like I was in a dream and dissociative from reality. The anxiety NEVER went away for 8 hours at least and I experienced 3-4 panic attacks. I have NEVER in my life experienced a panic attack. I am not on any medications. Restlessness, couldn't stop moving or thinking doom thoughts, blood pressure raised by 30 units. Finally couldn't handle it and went to urgent care. Said it was from the Mucinex and gave my hydroxyzine... my fault for waiting 4 hours to go. The hydroxyzine definitely helped and I went laid down and must have fell asleep. Woke up 10 hours later a little out of it but no more anxiety. Thank God. I think it was serotonin syndrome. Never taking this shit again. Lots of people I know have side effects including elevated heart rate and feeling cracked-out. Don't EVER risk taking this. Plus it didn't help at all with my congestion 🤦🏼‍♀️

Woke up feeling like I was my body was shutting down. Was able to wake my husband. I so weak was hard to move, I have burning sensations on my back and chest area, times of hot and cold. I feel like my blankets were burning me. I felt my blood was boiling. I called 911 because I thought I had an allergy to it. Their simples tests showed nothing noteworthy. The feeling came and went a few times. I threw up once and lost my stool. Feeling better now, I will not be taking this again!

Took it before I went to bed, ended up staying awake all night started with nausea, vomiting, dizziness, burning sensation to the back of my neck and down my back, terrible anxiety and a sense of doom. I felt spaced out and disconnected.

I only took one and threw the rest in the trash. This isn't medicine it's poison. Please don't risk it!

Headache, dizzy, restless, legs hurting, heart racing

Nurse practitioner at the urgent care clinic prescribed me Mucinex, I told her that last time I tried it I didn't feel well, she recommended the DM. I woke up in the middle of the night with very bad symptoms. Next day I went to an urgent care with an actual doctor, and he diagnosed me with laryngitis a bacterial infection gave me antibiotics, prednisone, steroid shot, and the recommendation to never ever ever take Mucinex again.

Mucinex DM- extended reliefSevere dizziness, panic attack that put me in the emergency room. Felt severe burning throughout my body, tremors and shaking, vomiting and consciousness in and out. Felt sense of doom and not being able to sleep afraid I won't wake up. Felt like I was dying and that my body was shutting down. Heart rate was extremely high along with blood pressure. Still experiencing panic attacks a day after taking the medicine.

I do not recommend, I can't believe this stuff is even legal. I haven't felt right ever since taking it.

Racing thoughts, anxiety, jittering, restlessness, near panic attack, impending sense of doom, racing heart, nightmares, body aches, headache, fatigue, paranoia, dizziness, absurd thoughts, cold/hot feeling, burning skin sensation, chest congestion, dissociated feeling, dream-like state, worsened already present cold symptoms

Please do not take this drug, it put me on the floor in a debilitating state of anxiety. I was pacing back and forth in my room for around half an hour. It seemed almost impossible to calm myself. I had vivid nightmares, I felt dissociative, racing thoughts, I felt like I was losing my mind. I've been through drug addictions, overdoses, bad reactions to drugs and I've never felt like this in my entire life. It would probably be less traumatic to be robbed at gun point then to take this drug. I'm literally not exaggerating at all, that's how bad it was for me. Please, I am warning you don't take this drug. You would be more satisfied waiting out the cold symptoms, use natural home remedies and things like iBuprofen or Tylenol if needed. AVOID THIS DRUG AT ALL COSTS.

Terrible experience, gave me a whole panic attack felt like my body was on fire like literally burning alive a feeling you can't really explain unless you're feeling it! I would never recommend this medicine, I would rather deal with the cold and flu symptoms than have terrible anxiety and panic attacks.

This medication MESSED me up! I got chest tightness, heart palpitations, nervousness, insomnia, breath hunger (prob from the anxiety), and so many jitters the night it took it. The next day I had a massive panic attack. I had trembling hands really scared me. I almost felt dissociative. How is this stuff legal??

I take levothyroxine and there is a moderate interaction. I wish I knew that before taking it. It's been 20 hours and I'm still feeling it.

I couldn't sleep at all, even when I wasn't coughing. My mind was racing all the time with strange, disjointed thoughts. When I quit taking Mucinex, I felt fine and could finally get some sleep after not sleeping for three nights and being exhausted and miserable.

I think people should be very cautious about trying this medication. A friend who took it last week completely forgot she had already told me something, which had never happened before.

Sinus cleared but dizziness, diarrhea, vivid nightmares, heart palpitations, anxiety/panic attacks, and hands trembling. All side effects cleared in less than 24 hours after stopping to take Mucinex.

The side effects are such that it is not worth to take this drug.

Sinus cleared for sure but started to have nightmares, anxiety and panic attacks, hands trembling. All these side effects stopped within 24 hours after no longer taking Mucinex.

Anxiety/panic attacks, nausea, dizziness, chest tightness, swollen throat

Will never take mucinex again. Went to the hospital because I couldn't breathe and had panic attacks which I thought was from covid. Then my wife comes across this page and it was the mucinex. Stopping taking it and covid was manageable

I wasn't aware of the side effects until reading other posts. Gas, drowsiness, and anxiety/panic attacks. Took 2 pills the first day, 12 hours apart, didn't take it the second day but took one pill the third day. I was taking extended release tablets.

These reviews do not usually state if the version taken is DX or just the plain guaifenesin verison. I am taking the plain version--extended--at 1200 mg once a day and am experiencing pounding heart, uneven heart beat and anxiety attacks that border panic attacks at night. It seems i had some of these symptom on the the lower dose but it was worse after I started the extended. I Goot the extemded because I could not find the reguular. Some research doe say guaifenesin can do that. So I stopped it today. Seems better. Anyone have similar without the DX?

I bought mucinex dm 12 hour and took one the first night...felt very hyper and shaky... went to bed.. woke up ok still had mucus. Took another one at work.. had anxiety attack, chest tightness, sweating, jittery, like out of body weirdness.

I will never take this again.. thanks to the comments I know now it can do this.

Side Effects formucinex (guaifenesin) - User Comments


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Stomach sick for 2 days after taking meds. Nausea and diaherra. Lethargic.

kept me jittery and awake all night bc I took it too late at like 930 I am still feeling it now and its 636am

Had taken Premarin for 8 years without any side effects. Within one year of stopping the skin on the front my lower arms and the backs of my hands became wrinkly and detached. I am embarrassed by the condition which is rapidly appearing weird and scary to my daughter and granddaughter. I am a retired nurse and always cared for my hands with frequent lotions etc and the use of latex free gloves. Im convinced the problem is the aftermath of taking Premarin but has anybody similar side effects 8 to 12 months after withdrawl.

I thought I was going crazy, but a little bit after I started to use the patch, I lost my sex drive. My doctor said many women were complaining of this, and I was no longer to use the patch. It's been months, and the sex drive did not come back

this drug will mess you up, looking back at the ratings, no wonder it is so low. i used this medicine for a short time, the doctor did not how to taper me, none of them did OMG this was a disaster!, my hair fell out, sweats, nightmares, convulsions, horrible kidney infections, parkinson's like symptoms, be prepared to come off, when you do eventually you will know what i'm talking about. these people rating 5 obviously is with the medical profession, this drug is a mind blower!!!

Anxiety, Depression, Slight Vertigo, Hopelessness, Disassociation, Hot Flashes

I started this stuff very slowly and cautiously, as I had had nasty side effects before with other drugs. Once I increased my dose to a certain level, I found I began to feel extremely anxious, and by the time I was nearly at the maintenance dose I felt perpetually incredibly anxious, stressed, and freaked out. All the time all day long I had total deep mind and body stress and anxiety, so physical that I can only compare it to that freak feeling you get when you just dodge being hit by a car, and you feel so freaked out. I ended up calling up the nurses sobbing uncontrollably begging them to help me, to help me oh please god help me!!!, and finally quit taking the stuff without permission and immediately saw all the freak out anxiety disappear. Anxiety was the only side effect I had. After that I started taking Neuronton, and the only thing that has done to me is to make me feel happy.

I may try taking it again once more since it did help my back pain. Hoping all those sensations were just a coincidence and not side effects. If not, I will not take again.

Wellbutrin (150-300 mg) has helped tremendously countering the side-effects of Lexapro. Lexapro decreased my sex drive and made me apathetic, which 150 mg definitely fixes. When I was diagnosed with ADHD my dosage was increased. The first day I took 300 mg I was completely manic! My friends asked if I was on drugs (which I guess technically I was), and I had a hard time getting to sleep with all of the excess energy. After continuing for several weeks I became very sexually aroused all the time, which was more of a bonus than anything, and the trouble getting to sleep subsided.I now take 150mg daily, and occasionally 300mg if I have a lot of work to do or need something to boost my mood.I've taken a one-week holiday from this drug, and experienced no withdrawal symptoms.

Severe nausea, Manic depressive state!!!!! fatigue, vomiting, persiods of rage....crying, lashing out.....stomach cramps. Insomnia, loss of sex drive. Bordering insanity!!!!