Hycodan (homatropine methylbromide; hydrocodone bitartrate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Hycodan (homatropine methylbromide; hydrocodone bitartrate)

With doctor's permission, I only take this medicine on an as needed basis at bedtime. I take less than the 5 ml dosage. For me it is the only med that lets me sleep without the non-stop coughing. (Look up "silent reflux")

Worked like a charm with the cough, however when I was coming down off the drug I would get horrible migraines. If you are sensitive to hydrocodone I would not recommend this for you.

Disorientation, extreme drowsiness, vomiting.

Despite the vomiting, this drug worked wonders for me. I went from coughing for ten hours straight with shortness of breath to actually getting a good night's sleep. Would use again.

Upper respiratory & onset pneumonia

Sleepiness, euphoria, itchiness

I had a horrible infection in my lungs, the coughing fits would leave me lightheaded or throwing up. This is the only medication that helped. Would not recommend taking more then prescribed dosage. Can make side effects worse. Works good on short term basis.

Extreme confusion, nausea, headache, throbbing pain in stomach, dizziness.

This medicine was very dangerous to me, I had to wait 48 hrs for it to be completely leave my system but it wasnt for 72 hrs that the side effects went away. It felt like I was drunk and with an extreme hangover.

No side effects-stopped my cough immediately

I have had an uncontrollable cough for over a month. Had every test done to determine the cause, but found nothing. I was driving anyone around me crazy with this cough. This is the only cough syrup that stopped it. First night of sleep in a long time

Chest tightness, anxiety, hard to breathe, chills/shivering teeth chattering for several minutes, nausea.

I have take other hydro cough syrups before and had no issues. This one made me feel horrible, I took a dose, felt fine, better, then 4 hours later as directed took another does. A couple hours later I woke up in middle of night in panic feeling terrible. I wondered if it was just a panic attack which I have had a couple in my lifetime. But after reading what I have here and talking to my doc I think it was a reaction to the Hycodan. It worked great for cough but it was horrible was afraid I was having heart attack or something.

Nausea, dysphoria, panic attack, inability to sleep, rapid heart rate, headache.

I have taken codeine cough syrup my entire life. However, I will never take another drop of this. I believe the homatropine (that is now added to discourage abuse) made me very, very ill. I took one teaspoon in the afternoon and vomited twice and had a terrible headache, felt very anxious. At bedtime I took less than half a teaspoon to be conservative. Could not sleep at all, mind very wired. Drifted off lightly, then woke at two a.m. with pounding heart. Had the worst emotional feelings in a long time. Extreme dread and detachment. In my opinion, they have ruined a really great medicine for me in order to prevent misuse and abuse. It's sad because it stops a cough dead in its tracks.

Drowsiness, a little hallucinogenic but not bad more like I'm not sure if im sleeping or awake nothing crazy and all while in bed so no danger

It's the best cough syrup I've been ever given. Works quickly.

Upper respiratory/sinus infection

Itchiness, drowsiness, euphoria

Works great, It stopped my cough quickly.

BE CAREFUL NOT TO TAKE TO MUCH AT ONCE. I took 20 ml and I had really hard time urinating for about a day.

shortness of breath, asthma, very itchy

This syrup really helped my cough right away and let me get much needed rest. Although I had to cut my dosage in half due to nausea and dizzyness. Works like a charm, I recommend.

Terribly nauseated and dizzy with extreme itching and pounding headache.

severe headache and some nausea after first dose of one teaspoonful. If you are allergic or sensitive to drugs this may affect you adversely. I am highly sensitive to drugs and many chemicals. I will try a cough syrup otc.

i hadnt had a good nights rest in 2 nights and literally 15 minutes after taking this medication i was sleeping like a baby. it does wonders when you are miserable. me and my bottle were best friends for 6 days. and theres still half a bottle left!

6 days
1 to 2 teaspoons eve

Acute bronchitis and laryngitis

Instantly helped with the severe coughing at bedtime so I could rest, but I do have itching all over my body from head to toe. The itching is tolerable considering it suppresses my coughing attacks. Love this stuff.

Amazing drug. My cough stopped in about 5 minutes. No side effects. Like magic.

Immediate nausea, loss of orientation, paleness, sinking feeling, had to make an effort not to fall asleep, i felt as if I was going to die

Would not recommend to my enemy. Stay away from it.

I was given hycodan many years ago and have loved it ever since for my coughs due to colds / influenza. I cannot take OTC meds as they have decongestants in them which make me very agitated and anxious and the effect lasts for days. I can handle the dopey effects of hycodan. My big complaint - ITCHING! I don't itch with reg codein. So although I am not coughing I am up all night scratching! Take benadril to counter this effect - but only at night as you will get very drowsy.

If you are in Canada you can get 'Tylenol #1' (aceteminaphin with 8mg codein) OTC (ask the pharmacist) and this also works GREAT for coughs. Codien is a resperatory suppressant - that is why it calms your cough.

Side Effects forhycodan (homatropine methylbromide; hydrocodone bitartrate) - User Comments


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I had mood swings, fatigue, muscle weakness, INTENSE back pain like I've never experienced before and I have spondyloarthritis too. I also developed weird nerve pains, tingling in random places on my body. As I've stopped, withdrawals are rough (achy, super itchy etc) but im starting to see improvements. Never want to take this again.

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Felt like a teenager again!! Was able to achieve errections I only remember from many years ago, again and again. I've been on Effexor for almost a year and while both my wife and I are happy that I am, our intimacy has suffered as a result. My sexual desire never faded, but it was becoming impossibe to have an erection no matter how much I wanted to have sex. I asked my doctor if I could take Viagra with Effexor. He said yes but suggested and scripted Cialis (20mg) instead because it's good for 36 hours. In my case the positive effects lasted over 48 hours! Well worth the $17 (CDN) per pill.

I made the mistake of reading the reviews on this site right after I had my first shot and was scared to death of the possible side effects. But the only problem I've had is sleeping through the night. I waver between hot and cold all night and wake up every couple of hours. Other than that, I'm fine. No hot flashes, no mood swings, no weight gain. I exercise regularly and watch what I eat normally, so it hasn't been a problem. Even better, I do believe the medication shrunk my fibroids a little. Enough so that my doctor can remove them laparoscopically in a couple of weeks. Although I love not having a period, I am looking forward to the medication wearing off so I can get a good night's sleep.

My (20 month old)son has been on Singulair for a week now. The Dr. perscribed it for the chronic cough he's had for a year everytime he lays down. Today I started to wonder why he has been waking in the night and not taking his afternoon nap like normal. He's also been aggressive towards his teddy bear. So, I went online thinking there might be more to Singulair than I read in the leaflet. Wow, what feedback! The first night Singulair DID stop his coughing and he slept like a rock the first three nights. I was so excited because it seemed like he was finally going to get sleep without being interupted by coughing throughout the night. Yes, the drug works, but it's not worth the side effects, especially in kids too little to explain what they're feeling. I just wish I had found this site before I spent the $$$$ to purchase the blasted stuff!

Really horrible drug. Side effects are horrible.