Zanaflex (tizanidine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Zanaflex (tizanidine hydrochloride)

Made me horribly sick and weak. Thought I had Covid or food poisoning so did not associate it with the medicine. Took it a few more times and had visual disturbances. Doctors had no idea what was happening and neither did I as my anxiety and crying was through the roof. My blood pressure was extremely low at night while I was sleeping. Checked myself into an inpatient because I thought I was going crazy. Developed a blood clot due to the medicine interactions and suffered a stroke. Ruined my life completely.

This medication needs to be illegal.

nausea,dizziness,sore throat,muscle spasms, indigestion, severe anxiety,tinnitus,headache,chills.flu-like symptoms.

Started out okay-slept a better but was constipated then the nausea,shaking and dizziness started around day 9-it got so bad I had to go to the emergency!I stopped the medication immediately but nearly a week later, I'm still getting all the side effects.It's worse after sleeping.These must be explained before taking the drug.I'm not taking it again

Insomnia, anxiety, prickly skin sensations

It didn't relax anything. I had insomnia and anxiety -me a headache .

Fall asleep within 30 to 45 minutes, and always take before bed. Find that I sweat really bad, but do not fully wake from that. Will wake about 4 to 5 hours after taking. Does help with pain.

Dry mouth. Dizzy. Severe itching. Seems to work well

Seemed to help with muscle spasms at night caused by spinal nerve injury in neck. After taking for nearly a year I had to stop because it caused tachycardia.

Back surgery and cervical herniation

Sweating at night and my blood pressure is been going up nightmares, muscle pain!!

If I take with food it makes you fall asleep with in 30 min. So you better be in bed. Take on an empty stomach and you have about one hour before you fall asleep

This med changed my life. Cured me of daily migraine. I read some of the reviews and I think doctors did not explain the drug well. If you wake up at 3 am. You’re on too high a dose. I take a benedryl with mine so I don’t wake up too early

Made me really tired. I would get up in the middle of the night to use bathroom. Then return to bed and sit down only to wake up and have no memory of making it to the bathroom or of what I just did. Scary to be walking around at night and have no memory of what you just did or how long you did it.

I liked it at first, and only take 2 2mg tablets if my pain is severe in my lower back, and always before bedtime. It works great to get you to sleep, but by 3am, I spring awake, like, I am ready to go. In fact, I'm writing this at 330am, after taking this drug and I am so frustrated with the insomnia! If I take more, now, I won't be able to go to work in less than 3 hours, but I also can't sleep and my neck is hurting very badly. I didn't have neck pain when I went to sleep, but now it's severe. After months of taking this drug, this is how it always goes....take med, 1-2 before bedtime, then, wake up in 4-5 hours (extremely awake, can't go back to sleep), and cramped neck and shoulders with pain.

My back spasms are minimized, as it says it will, but the side effects are becoming unbearable.

Fibromyalgia Muscle Knots, cramps,

Caused muscle cramps, knots and pain. Feel spaced out, disconnected. Severe headache, dizziness, dry sinus and mouth to the point of trouble breathing, ringing on ears,.

Medication should not be prescribed or sold. Physicians need to stop giving this when all Fibromyalgia patients need is a very low dose of klonopin each day to stop the painfully tight muscles, twitches, muscle cramps, tinnitus, clenching teeth due to being in pain and to help a Fibro patient sleep better.(1/2 mg clonazapem 1-2x per day depending on weight).

Muscle spasms, help with sleep

Insomnia, anxiety, worsening pain in neck and shoulders

Doctor prescribed Zanaflex to help with neck spasms and to help me sleep. Took 2 4mg tabs at bedtime. Made me drowsy at first but put my anxiety through the roof and had extreme insomnia. Took for second night and had the same reaction as well as my pain level also increased. Never taking this medication again!

Taking 2-4 mg every 2nd night for a debilitating muscle, joint and nerve pain from osteoarthritis, herniated discs, and general inflammation from multiple autoimmune conditions. Feeling slightly mentally slower the following day, however, I am getting my life back. It allows me to get restful sleep without waking up from pain and having to reposition multiple times. And in the morning my body feels good, I am able to get up and move like a normal person. Getting sleep and relief from pain allowed me to get back into low impact exercise and more active lifestyle which is medicine in itself.Besides tizanidine (Zanaflex) and ibuprofen, I am not taking anything else at this point. Was offered a spinal epidural, Lyrica, hydroxychloroquine, and also Botox for headaches and cervical dystonia. Tried CBD several times, and it was very helpful, however, each time it made me feel disabled and depressed the following day.

I suffered a shoulder injury from dog yanking my arm to hard. Mri inflammation of tendons that attach to scapula. The pain was a 7 then with moving so much it became constant. Ice was the only thing that worked. Dr. Sends Zanaflex for spasms and tylenol #3 for pain. I started with 4 1/2 mg. In about 30 minutes I felt I needed to lie down. I felt like a mummy because I couldn't move. Fell asleep about 2 hours. The Zanaflex gave me confusion,also.I tried to talk to my room mate and wasn't making sense. It was like I was a zombie. I laid down most if the day to be safe. I didn't take another dose. It's been 24 hours and I still feel out if sorts. Do not take tiazidine/Zanaflex.

Zanaflex should be prescribed with caution. This drug is mainly used for M.S. muscle spams by blocking signals in the brain. A shoulder injury flexiril would have been better.

Could not sleep because I kept "jerking" violently about every 10 minutes. I had to put myself in a recliner to avoid hurting myself or possibly damaging the hardware in my back.

Works wonders on back. Pain so much better. Knocks me out. Only bad thing is extremely vivid dreams every night.(sometimes bad). Wake up exhausted.

Might try to stop taking. Just due to the dreams.

It worked for my muscle spasms but for several nights and days I started getting nausea. It started mild and now it is very bad, but no vomiting. I had cut back to 1 mg the last 2 nights. Before 9 pm the nausea was getting better. Two hours after taking 9 pm dose the nausea is worse. Worse than last night. I won't take it tomorrow night.

Awful! I took at night and the next am I couldn't walk, barely see, my Vision was so blurry. It took over 24 hrs to get back to normal. Seriously worst thing I ever took and when I tried to get up and walk the neck pain was so excruciating I thought I was going to die. Dumped it all in the toilet

I won't take this drug again. First, it only works for about 4-5 hours. I took it before bed. At first it makes you very tired, but about 5 hrs after falling asleep I woke up and felt very anxious. I could not get back to sleep. Both nights I took this I had the exact same experience of insomnia and anxiety. I also experienced extreme dry mouth and the day after taking this I felt nauseous and depressed. This drug was NOT worth the side effects and I only took TWO doses!

Watch out for insomnia, anxiety, dry mouth and nausea. And be aware that this med is very short acting - it lasts only about 4 hrs.

Extreme tiredness yet unable to sleep well. Vivid nightmare

I have ms with disabling spasticity in my legs. I have to use forearm crutches to get around and lately I haven't been getting around much at all. The first 2 days I took the Tizanidine I thought it seems like it's helping a bit. The third day though It didn't seem to help much at all but made me feel so so tired and unmotivated. I don't normally feel unmotivated kind of feel like it put me in a bad mood. It could be in part from the lack of sleep. I did have a nightmare that I was dying and then when I awoke there was a baby crawling on my ceiling. That part wasn't really scary just weird.

ZANAFLEX (TIZANIDINE HYDROCHLORIDE): This medication is used to treat muscle spasms caused by certain conditions (such as multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury). It works by helping to relax the muscles. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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My personal experience has shown me that the benefits of taking T-3 far outweigh of side effects of T-4, If T-3 is started at very low doses (5 mcg) and is gradually increased over 2- 3 Months. I remember what the agitation was like when I tried to increase my dose to 25 mcg. of T-3 too quickly. I started my dosage at 5 mcg/day and then up to 5x day at 3 to 5 hour intervals. I then increased my dosages up to 10 mcg 3X day. Sometimes the afternoon doses can be reduced to 5 mcg.for the entire day. For about a year, I needed 30 to 35 mcg. of T-3 a day to prevent real nasty depression and to avoid memory loss associated with Hypothroid. Thyroid Resistance may be the issue in my case. I've been very blessed in the last 3 days in that I seem to be holding out on just 15 mcg/day(5mcg at 7:00, 11;00 & 3:00) believe that it's possible for some people on thyroid medication to have more complications with T-4 than T-3. You might want to check out Dr. Lowe's website regarding this: recoveringwitht3.comIf you find that T-3 works better than T-4, you will probably eventually have a suppressed TSH(in taking at least 25 mcg. which is normal & temporary although endocrinologists don't like the notion When taking T-3, you really have to adjust your dose and ask yourself which is worse: a little nervousness or more depression, poor memory& focus? Very small amounts of the right tranquilizers can offset the nervousness.I am only partially in agreement with Wilson's Temperature

My daughter used this for two days to clean out impacted stool. She had a couple of small bowel movements about 2 days later and then started with very uncomfortable side effects. She took Miralax about a year ago for about 1 month but stopped because the side effects were so bad.

About 15 minutes after taking Depakote, I experience very harsh abdominal pain which usally goes away soon after. I am horrible at remembering things. Mood swings! I also drop just about everying I put in my hand.

I started Depo-provera in September the 30th 2022 I was going fine until a month in and had my periods For 3 weeks straight and had a continuous pain then realize that I had this long thing that came out of my vagina...i thought I had a miscarriage but I didnt. while I was bleeding/period and it looked like a blood clot but it wasn't. it was my uterus lining that had been shredded and ever since then I have had a very dry vagina. I have had problems having intercourse with my partner as it's been really sore and tight when he inserts it. I have seen the doctor to get onto (ACI -JEL Balance) which lubricanted the inside of my vagina and put acidity back into it because every time I had intercourse with my partner, it would be very sore and cause me to bleed after sex.I would have have to wear a panty liner constantly because of the jelly that came out. I then had a reaction to the panty liners and had to stop wearing them. I had itchy vagina and still dryness. I will never take depo- provera again STAY AWAY FROM IT!!!! it has ruined my sex life and I just want everything to go back to normal again. I've seen a gynecologist and he has put me on the pill as the pill called (levlen) it has estrogen in it which my body was lacking because the dep-provera took that away from me. It is now 6th of Januray 2023 still experience vagina dryness and feeling like my vagina is being ripped open when my partner inserts it still. I am going to wait it out and see what happens.

I've read the other reviews on this site, and a lot of the women are complaining about normal side affects that any good doctor will tell you to expect during the first cycle. I didn't gain any weight, and I didn't mind spotting leading up to my period (In fact I was expecting it). Of course your body will react when you take hormones. At the end of the day it's worth it to know that I have fewer periods and I'm not getting pregnant. My husband certainly hasn't complained. ^_^ I highly recommend Seasonale.

none when going straight to bed

Aside from some bloating, it hasn't been that bad. I just finished the last 8 oz 30 min ago. I was really nervous to drink the Golytely because of all the stories I heard about being in constant pain, bloating, vomiting, etc., but everything has gone smooth IMO. I started at 9:30 AM and I am still in the bathroom, but in no discomfort. Honestly, I think it just depends on your mind set when you drink the stuff - don't over think it. The taste was very similar to Alka Seltzer Cold Plus.