Baclofen (baclofen) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Baclofen (baclofen)

Fatigue. I actually wanted the fatigue because it is a familiar feeling and made me feel good. The first time I took Baclofen it did sort of relax me but hardly actually worked due to long COVID overwhelming my system. We tried again later that summer and this time it worked. I started at 20 mg 3 times a day but got to a point where I didn't need it all the time so went down to 1 - 2 times a day as needed. Mostly used it at night to help relax me for sleep. 2 years into this (a few months ago) I noticed it was making me feel giddy and too good the next day, especially after taking it in conjunction with Benadryl (I have trouble sleeping and some days Benadryl was the working last resort). This summer I began ending up not only with the fatigue it was giving me (I was using it to help me relax and sleep), but also started noticing nausea and gur pain after taking it. This coincided with a gut infection I am fighting now however the gut issues did change and actually lessened after I stopped the Baclofen (I had a terrible night while I wasn't at home and was camping and no medications to help).

Good for relaxing muscles. Good for muscle pain. Good for relaxing to fall asleep if you have insomnia or sleep problems (apparently this useage has been tested). Can be calming if you are having anxiety. Would certainly recommend for someone having muscle spasms.

Insomnia, head and neck pain, nausea, diarrhea, unable to concentrate during the day (could be the lack of sleep), dry mouth.Did not notice improvement to pain.

Horrific back spasms radiating down left leg, twisting leg and foot, pain like DVT in left calf, exacerbate all back and sciatica pain, have to med myself with Diazapam, Norco, steroid inhaler,also prednisone then have screaming pain until everything somewhat calms down have to wear compression stocking day and night on left leg, pain returns when I am walking through grocery store (only walking around I do except for doctor's appts). Also noticed swelling pressure in both legs, do not get pitting edema because I have very muscular legs).

Don't want to increase dosage since I finally put 2 2 together and noticed all the pain started after no more soma and switched to Baclofen, I had one soma left and pain went away in less than 20 minutes.

None - it's the withdrawal that's bad.

I had a terrible experience with Skelaxin last year, so I tried baclofen EXTREMELY cautiously. Taking 2.5-5mg at a time, no more than 7.5mg total per day. I have done this for the past week for my muscle spasms.Slept fantastic all week, felt much better. The second I tried to cut down and only took 5mg yesterday with none before bed, only missing that 2.5mg dose... insomnia, restless legs, super anxious. Been up half the night.Finally got fed up and took 2.5mg at 4am. Quickly started feeling better again.How tf do I get off this stuff if such a TINY dose is causing this kind of dependency, because I can NOT go through another bad withdrawal?!

Extremely weak,dizziness worse than my usual dizziness, felt like my body was hundreds of lbs heavier

Made my spasms and pain worse, I had no idea of this medicine being used for Multiple Sclerosis, especially since I had complained about muscle spasms a rigidity for yrs and diagnosed in1997 with Multiple Sclerosis, then diagnosed with Lyme disease and Co infections along with a list of other ailments such as Hoshimotos hypothyroiditis, degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, horrific ringing in left earMUCH LOUDER THAN RIGHT EAR early menopause at age 30, memory loss etc..... JUST CURIOUS WHY THIS MEDICINE WASN'T RECOMMENDED YEARS AGO,and wondering if this med would have worked or made symptoms worse as it has in the 2 days of use, very concerning and confusing!

Helped me breathe as back spasms stopped.

Doctor says only take 10mg bid for possible new lower back fracture. I was on 20mg bid but ended up taking 20mg tid. Dr says he hates baclofen but I've tried other antispasmodics that didn't work at all. Dr says it's causing all over swelling last time, gone currently and now he states it is cause of sliding down 3 steps. It's not! I slipped. Pain was already there 5 days before. I'm disappointed

I had severe diaphragm spasms one after the other continuous. On some occasions I would completely lose my breath on odogs I had to sit there for 15 or 20 seconds before I could get a breath down I couldn't even talk to hiccup for so bad it's much more than a hiccup but that's what they refer to that did several test including an endoscope which showed nothing not even a hiatal hernia the doctor said he had never seen anything like that but this is the second time I've had it in five years the first time I think it was allergic reaction to cigars this time I don't know what it was but I tried all kinds of things to alleviate this nothing happened couldn't sleep I couldn't have a conversation with anybody before the hiccups hit Thank God after two months living like this they stopped when I used this medication

Nightmares, night terrors, inability to fall asleep, drowsiness, feelings of hopelessness, depression

I took Baclofen 1 time and I've never experienced so many nightmares back to back. My wife had woke. Me saying I was whimpering in my sleep. This was after having a nightmare of glass shards through my extremities, haunted house, gigantic snakes, falling through glass floors to my death, my children being violated, etc. the nightmare are horrible. My back felt great for about 4-6 hours but the feelings of fear and anxiety during sleep are disabling. I've nerv had that many nightmares so close together! Would not recommend.

I can not tell I took anything.

This medication allows my stomach to relax and I can eat food again after not eating for seven months. Happy to leave a review and hope it helps someone else like it has me.

I have not had any side effects

I got nystagmus from non alcoholic werniicke encephalopathy after gastro sleeve surgery. Baclofen slows down my nystagmus but don't get rid of it. But slower makes me happy.

Vivid nightmares, sleep paralysis, fatigue during the day

It does relax muscles, but I'm not sure it's worth it.

Lethargic, insomnia, shakes, confusion, hallucinations

I thought I was dying. Literally. My husband said it's the drug. I didn't even know who he was. I packed a bag fir the hospital. Told my son I was dying. He said no you're not. My husband threw out the pills. 48 hrs later I was ok. It should not be on the market. I went to my granddaughter's dance performance I remember nothing. Very dangerous drug!

It helped with the muscle spasms long enough for me to get to sleep, but the effects didn't carry into the next day. It made me slightly manic, like I'd had way too much coffee, but not enough to be dangerous. I had a doctor tell me not to make major life decisions on this drug, and i see why.The worst of it though it's the vivid, terrifying nightmares where I felt like I was in real danger and woke up screaming. They don't wear off fast either - I couldn't find my phone and remember thinking I'd left it in my dream. I woke up and thought some dream-entity had replaced my sleeping partner. And of course, my partner doesn't sleep well when I wake up screaming.

extreme knee pain had to ice my swollen knee and 24 mg

Acid reflux, stiff joints and muscles especially neck and shoulders, sleepiness, upset stomach, heartburn

A horrible drug that made my overall situation worse. Did nothing for the original pain/strain. Waste of money and time. Could have been on a better medication sooner. Had no idea all side effects were tied to this drug. I only took half of the prescribed daily dose and still had a terrible experience with it.

No side effects that I know of and ive been on these for 7 months. Makes me sleep better and helps my muscles I think

Drowsiness at first but the pros outweigh the cons.

My anxiety and cravings for alcohol are diminished. I am glad I found this drug

Difficulty concentrating. Later in the evening drowsiness, burping. Sometime really chatty

Improves my mood and reduces my anxiety.But I keep having to increase my dose.I stopped taking it twice to see how I was. I suggest coming off this drug really, really slowly. As others have said, it felt as bad, maybe worse than coming off valium.But worth it as it's helped my life

Reoccurring disturbing dreams,sleeping longer but quality of sleep is affected - in particular - deep sleep stages & feeling mentally 'unsettled'

BACLOFEN (BACLOFEN): Baclofen is used to treat muscle spasms caused by certain conditions (such as multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury/disease). It works by helping to relax the muscles. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I take 1mg mirapex prior to bed together with clonazepam and temazapam. I am trying to get off the latter 2 drugs. At the 1 mg dose, mirapex helps me sleep and eliminates pain from legs. Howev er, I wake up like a zombie.

So far it's really lightened my period

I noticed when I took it in the summer I would itch horribly to sun exposed areas. So I waited to take it in the fall to quit smoking. After the suggested time to set the quit date, I could quit "cold turkey." It worked wonderfully, took away those jittery feelings you get when you just have to have a cigarette without gaining weight, in fact I lost weight. It seemed to take away my appetite which I didn't mind at all.

Experienced a whole-body slight burning/buzzing sensation upon taking first dose. Felt unpleasantly forced into sleep, and woke up at 4am in an oddly subdued panic-- as though my brain had split and one side was freaking while the other was too groggy to care. Currently: slight involuntary muscle movements before sleep.

Norvasc was fine until it went generic.the generic made me tired and totally unmotivated,switched back to the real stuff and feel fine.I found the same thing with generic Lipitor.Looks like you get what you pay for DAMN!!!

Don't try this drug..can't believe is legal to sell this

I take this medication along with Effexor to regulate my bi-polar disorder. The combination of the two has had an amazing result in my mood. I'm much more stable and (apart from the side effects) would recommend the two meds for anyone with this disorder.

Fioricet worked for the first few months I took it but over time, it's stopped doing much of anything. Most of the time it just barely takes the edge off the constant neck tingling/headache/shoulder pain. I've started going to a chiropractor to see if that helps but so far, that hasn't either.

Birth Control; irregular bleeding

I slept only 3 hours before waking