Noroxin (norfloxacin) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Noroxin (norfloxacin)

Side Effects fornoroxin (norfloxacin) - User Comments


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A collegue of mine has since seen similary reactions in other people.

Injection site reactions vary each day; redness, burning, itchy, bruising, soreness, lumps. Reactions lasting anywhere from an hour to several days per injection site.ONE time, immediate post injection reaction; rapid heart beat, chest pain, flushing, lasted half an hour.

Upset stomach, diarrhea, severe nausea, headache and disorientation.

I was fine until my doc increased my dosage from 5mg to 10mg. Thought I was going crazy until I found a couple of these forums. I drove myself to ER because of lightheadedness and palpitations. Admitted for 2 days and after EKG, echo, bubble, CRT, X-rays, blood work, nothing significant was found. In those 2 days of being in the hospital on Lasix, I literally came home 10 lbs lighter! 😳 After reading several forums, I decided to stop. I've been off 3 days and hoping to start feeling better. I'm a teacher and I can't teach children feeling like a zombie. I want to feel like ME again.

I am only on Day 2 of Lexapro and taking 10mg/day. I feel really strange but am hoping I even out some after being on it for awhile. I also had some really strange images while trying to go to sleep last night. I wasn't asleep so I can't call it a dream/nightmare, but definitely strange nonetheless. I imagine this is what it feels like to be on crack.

Sometimes the side effects are a bit scary, but the headache would land me in the hospital. It takes 40 min. to work. I break the orally disintegrating tablet into pieces and take as little as I can get away with to relieve the headache.

dizzy, headaches, sinus congestion, muscle aches

tiredness, ejaculatory disfunction

This has been a lifesaver for me. If taken at the early signs of a migraine it usually stops it. If taken later it dulls the pain enough to let me sleep off the migraine. As I only have 1 or 2 migraines per month I've never had to worry about its addictive properties.

headaches everyday, gullbladder problems, VERY VERY VERY BAD anger probems, cramps all over my body, tiredness, when i get my period its for a long time, weight gain, loss of hair (lots of it), breakouts, severe increase of appitite, strechmarks on my boobs.