Neggram (nalidixic acid) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Neggram (nalidixic acid)

Pain in my right knee and left shoulder due to the quinolone effect of tearingup your tendons and cartilage. Approximately - 3-6 months after taking this garbage noted these moderately severe side effects. These pains were unlike anything I ever felt but was unable to connect them to this drug till my second floxing with cipro when during my research - heard that nalidixic acid also affects the tendons and cartilage.

Find another antibiotic if you enjoy walking, standing, or lying in bed without pain. This drug is not worth the side effect - better off with the disease.

Side Effects forneggram (nalidixic acid) - User Comments


Related User Reviews

Tired all the time, brain fog, feeling dazed and confused, headaches..over all shitty feeling..hard to concentrate and hold a conversation.

hyperthroidism-multinodular goiter

I could feel something wasn't right the first day. But decided to give it a chance anyway. The headaches started day one also I'm usually a very calm person very level headed. On nuvaring I felt like a crazy person I couldn't stand myself. I started having anxiety over everything and feeling sad or angry all the time.I had no sex drive and wanted to be home alone all the time. It's only been a few days since I took it out but I immediately started to feel calmer and hope. I will never use this type of birth control again. I realize for everyone is different and this for me was the worst experience ever. I would not recommend this.

Sore and full breasts, small mood swings, though over all pretty satisfied

I took this drug twice. The first night I woke up about 5 hours after falling asleep (which took over an hour). I noticed a foul taste in my mouth but being half asleep (and possibly dazed from the drug), I figured it was just morning mouth or something. When I woke up a few hours later the taste was still there. It got worse through the rest the of the morning, and by early afternoon it was so bad I began to feel a bit ill. I'm a big water drinker.. while drinking water while experiencing this side effect, I likened the taste to drinking liquid copper. Absolutely horrible.. After some investigation (and one more chance the next night), I discovered may other people went through similar side effects. I destroyed the remainder of my prescrption, and have been using Ambien (10mg) for over a week now with NO problems whatsoever.

Add me to the list of people poisoned by this drug. I was diagnosed with a drug-resistant UTI that was proven by culture to only respond to Bactrim. I'd never taken it before and was eager to get rid of my UTI. By the end of my second day I developed fever of 102, severe nausea, stomach pain, joint paint, extreme weakness, burning skin and total insomnia. I never connected my symptoms to the Bactrim and took it for four more days. By the sixth day I was so ill that I thought I might die. I skipped my morning dose and lo and behold began feeling a little better. By that evening my fever was gone and I started feeling human again. For the first time in a week a ate a full meal for dinner and foolishly took another Bactrim. Within an hour and a half all symptoms were back including fever, only this time I had a new symptom - horrible heart palpitations and rib pain. I finally (hello universe!) made the connection and that's when I googled Bactrim side effects and found this site. All these stories are awful!! I will NEVER touch this drug again!! This has been a nightmare. I still feel like death this morning but am hoping that this gets out of my system quickly. God bless all of you!

What else is there besides this med?


OMG 3 days in to my rx, I got terrible anxiety attacks, racing heart, high bp, shaky, tinnitus,thought I was dying,felt detached and ended up in ER. The infection is gone, but I will never ever EVER take this again. 6 days later after last dose, and still not feeling right. Have taken this many many times, never had these side effects. Very scary.

Just wanted to post to recommend a suggestion I read on this site...that is mixing the golytely with very, very strong chicken broth. I used 6 pouches of bouillon and made a large bowl of stock...mixed a cup of golytely with warm broth - microwaved it to get it the right temp and boy did it go down easier...broth is supposed to be super salty...lemonade is not! Just when I thought I could not drink another 8 oz. of the stuff I managed to get it down without gagging. It also warmed me up, as others the prep makes me very cold and shivverry! Good luck beats getting colon cancer...stick with it!