Macrobid (nitrofurantoin; nitrofurantoin, macrocrystalline) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Macrobid (nitrofurantoin; nitrofurantoin, macrocrystalline)

I experienced extreme anxiety ,stomach pain, acid reflux, constipation, insomnia, blurry vision & lower back pain .

I'm no longer taking this medication.

I'm no longer taking this medication.

On day 4 with very little symptom relief for UTI. Other antibiotics I’ve had symptom relief in 1-2 days. I’ve been nauseated and had constant eye twitching in my left eye since I started this medicine 4 days ago. It’s driving me crazy.

My nipples got incredibly sore, inflamed, swollen and tender. I thought I had something incredibly wrong with me. Also caused a yeast infection, and I'm not sure if the UTI has gone away because I still am getting sharp pains around my bladder area.

I'm no longer taking this medication.

Omg second day I had a heaviness in my chest then my pulse ox went down into the 80's went back to DR who prescribed it they treated it like it was my asthma and gave me a "breathing treatment" which did not help! I'm taking myself off of it before I die in my sleep! Drug is POISON!

Diarrhea non stop for 6 months then colonoscopy then Benozone a steroids for 6 weeks then Diarrhea again. My life is destroyed so far going to doctor today to see if he can give me something for the infection I now all the way up my right side. See if I can get a penicillin sulphate without a 2000 dollar price tag

Severe abdominal pain, constipation for two days, numbness and tingling sensation in arms and legs, weakness in legs, anxiety, panic attack, tension of neck, difficulty breathing, back pain.

I went to Emergency Room after the 4th pill due to side effects, I still feel abdominal pain after 1 month of discontinuation and became intolerant to foods I loved, it's possible this drug induced me IBS, pending diagnosis.

Removal of stent prevent infection

Took med in late afternoon. By bedtime my stomach hurt. Woke up and felt like id been hit by a truck. Headache, very nauseous, weak, no appetite. It felt like the flu honestly. It was horrible! The next day was better and didnt take anymore medication. A few days later had joint pain in hands shooting pains in my arm. If anyone is prescribed this medication I seriously suggest you ask for something else. This med is the worst!!!!

Nausea, head tension, headaches, minor numbness, pressure in my ears, brain fog, heightened anxiety, dizziness, minor rashes. As someone who deals with regular anxiety I would not recommend this med to anyone who deals with anxiety or depression regularly. It also seems to be very disturbing to the stomach making you nauseated when taking.

I was misdiagnosed with a uti- the effectiveness of this drug for treating a uti is not known to me. I was told to take this med for the uti they initially diagnosed me with. I have been dealing with some brain fog and forgetfulness. I was only on the med for 3 days. I have now been off the med for 4 days now and I’m still having dizziness, anxiety, and brain fog. My anxiety has been triggered a lot more too.- Being dizzy and unable to focus is definitely something that has added to my stress which has had an effect on my anxiety.

After taking one dose in evening around 5 pm by bedtime I started getting stomach pain and nausea. Woke up the next day and felt like I had the flu. No appetite whatsoever, had nausea spells and stomach felt like constant butterflies. I felt weak and had absolutely no energy. Started getting a headache that would come and go. Will not be taking anymore and this is the worst antibiotic I have ever taken.

Didn't start to feel symptoms until after I finished them (5 days after) nausea, vomiting, fever, abdominal pains, bloating, constipation, and fatigue! Continued on for weeks, felt sick everyday and was convinced it was caused by something else until I read this thread.

Lightheaded, dizzy, loose stool, anxiety, depression, tired, insomnia, gas, no appetite

Took this 12 days ago. Waiting to feel back to normal.

40 YO F - I have esophageal issues with swallowing food and only that. No other issues and very healthy. My first time taking this antibiotic and my first UTI ever. Took the first dose after a meal and about 2-3 hours after, my feet and hands started tingling and feeling like a sensation of pins and needles. Reported to my doctor who said I should have taken Bactrim instead. 20 hours later and my feet are still tingling and feeling like pins and needles. Discontinued usage/.

THE WORST! I hope I don't have lifelong issues from this one dose!!!

With in 2 hours I had total brain fog, sever fatigue, trouble balancing, Bloating and a horrible metallic bitter taste in my mouth that wouldn't go away.

Side effects need to be listed. People with neurological problems may not want to take it if something else is available that won't cause such horrid side effects.

I was really scared to take this after being prescribed for a UTI and reading the reviews. I decided to try it anyway and see if it would work for me. The first few doses were fine, I just got progressively more tired and bloated. As I continued to take it, I developed bright yellow urine and headaches. After the 6th dose, I started having a burning sensation in the soles of my feet, as well as numbing. This is what worried me as the side effects listed in the pamphlet that came with the drug mentioned nerve damage. I ultimately stopped taking it after 3 days and switched to something else that worked much better for me.

Chills, gas, bloating, abdominal pain, chest pains, heart palpitations, dry mouth, swelling throat (fluffy feeling), anxiety, nightmares, insomina

Horrific experience with this drug and a trip to a and e. 2 weeks later I am still not feeling at all well with anxiety, stomach pains, chest pains, etc.

So far side effects are minimal nothing overly affected. My stomach hurts if I take it on an empty stomach so I eat a muffin with it. Also, it can make you tired.

Great with minimal effects if taken with food

. I was supposed to take it for 3 days, but only managed half of this as I had increasingly bad nausea, muscle weakness, headaches, chills, cold sweats and shivering, exhaustion, loss of appetite. I could hardly get out of bed on the 2nd morning. I felt that the UTI was probably getting better, but as I'm aware of the importance of taking the full course, I took the 3rd dose even though I felt really bad by then. After this I thought I would just vomit it back up, so stopped the medication.

I have a feeling that this drug would have been banned long ago if men were expected to take it and put up with the horrible side-effects

MACROBID (NITROFURANTOIN; NITROFURANTOIN, MACROCRYSTALLINE): This medication is an antibiotic used to treat bladder infections (acute cystitis). It works by stopping the growth of bacteria. This antibiotic treats only bacterial infections. It will not work for viral infections (such as common cold, flu). Using any antibiotic when it is not needed can cause it to not work for future infections. This medication should not be used in infants younger than 1 month old (see also Precautions section). This drug should not be used to treat infections outside the bladder (e.g., kidney infections such as pyelonephritis or perinephric abscesses). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I have had chronic sinus infections for over 20 years. I am currently on 7 weeks...yup 49 days! of Levaquin. I finally had a culture done and pseudomonas was discovered in sinuses. From what I'm told this is a very difficult strain of bacteria to clear. I'm at the end, only 5 pills to go. I have experienced aches all over, and insomnia.

will be asking doctor to switch me to something else this week

Withdrawal is unbearable. Glutathione may help to get off from this drug. You can get sublingual tablets at a health food store. Also, to minimize withdrawal symptoms, you may ask your doctor to switch you to Prozac. Hope this helps, and do some research before taking any drug!!! Good luck to everyone!!!

Sexual dysfunction, somnolence, fatigue, insomnia, loose stool.

I didn't really have side effects except for a slight itching once or twice.

It has been a godsend for us to have my 9 yr old daughter's asthma controlled. No more middle of night trips to ER and endless oral steroids/inhalors. Fortunately no adverse reaction of any kind. It would be very unfortunate for us to have this med unavailable.

This medicine pulled me out of that strong stabbing knife pain, it was a God send

To help heal a stress fracture

Ask for a sample first before you spend over $100 on this and find out your body cant tolerate it!

Severe leg cramps, severe nausea, weakness, exhaustion, dizziness