Zyprexa (olanzapine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Zyprexa (olanzapine)

I'm still taking this medication. Zyprexa is a serious drug. Only take if you need. Dystonia.

Zyprexa works but for me only at higher dose than I take. For me when I get to a dose that fully controls schitzoaffective it dumbs me down and dopes me up. I stay at 10 mg or sometimes lower as a compromise. Would not recommend this medication unless you need it.

I'm no longer taking this medication. I stopped taking Zyprexa after two weeks. It did not work. It just gave me a big stomach.

PTSD witnessed Awful Event. Anxiety

Am not very happy taking Meds and so have a low tolerance to most drugs even a basic Pain med but felt highly Anxious and wired all the time so Dr Recommend it .From Day one take at night, I feel hungry all the time the next afternoon. Usually eat normally Lunch and Dinner, all cooked at home..I feel extremely hungry have eaten alot more than usual, trying to make that salad and fruit, weigh 59 kg at the moment, am conscious of the other reviews of weight gain.Don't feel any better mentally yet but I will give it a go for a few weeks.

I take zyprexa 4 times a day, 5mg in the morning, 5mg at noon, 5mg at 430, and 30mg at night. I also take 15mg of haloperidol at night. It seems to work for me kind of. I have break through symptoms but I manage. I do feel tho that it has affected my memory quite a bit.

Dont take it .you will feel worse every day on it.,....pray to good..

Huge bloated stomach that sticks out all the time!

Can anyone please tell me if they have a bloated beer belly after Zyprexa and what to do about it? My stomach has been sticking out for two years. No matter what it just will never look flat or normal. Even when I was extremely thin my belly still stuck out like I'm pregnant. Please email me and tell me if you had this problem and fixed it.

Horrible. Made me feel dead. Suicidal. Weight gain. Obsessive thoughts completely out of character. Ruined relationships. Isolated me. Changed personality completely and not for the better. No joy. No creativity. No sex.

I took this sh*t because i was having a hard time with my life because i have both autism and adhd but the doctor totally misdiagnosed me and i was so desperate to sleep and eat so i took this medication it did made me sleep and eat for some days but then i had the worst joint pain (jaw,hand,legs,neck) all my body hurts me and im surprised because i took it only for 5 days!! Its been 2 months and i still have all the awful symptoms somedays i even thought i had Parkinson's because the symptoms i have are the same i don't know what to do .. also it affected my eyes and movement and i have weird chest pain

Major problem with the sex drive every time I take it

Very more normal when I don't take it

I put on a huge amount of weight with Zyprexa. I felt like a zombie. I got high cholesterol extreme tiredness low white blood cells extremely itchy skin and thyroid problems. It is very hard to get off.

To help withdrawal I reduced the dose gradually over a year. I took Zyrtec and three herbal sleep remedies which really helped.

very good drug worth the weight gain for the good results

Inexplicable loss of weight, lost ability to sleep (wrecked sleep cicle), anhedonia, no libido, no orgasm, cant feel pleasure or excitation.

This DRUG gave me a lactose intolerance. Only way to stop it is doing a slow taper (see the Asthon Manual for how to do it) with compounding pills and doing a specific diet.

At the maximum dose of 20mg I experienced heart palpitations and an irregular heart beat, particularly at night which left me almost unable to sleep at all.In general and at lower doses I experienced:-Weight gain, I must have put on just over a stone, I was borderline underweight before this, but have lost a considerable amount of weight since higher doses.-I have read a lot about reduced brain function and cortical thinning from prolonged use of this drug and can say my memory and concentration are a lot worse and I am finding it hard to re-enter software engineering as a career because I cannot concentrate properly or respond to complicated interview questions quite so well.-I feel a sense of slight muscle twitching also.

I took many varieties of Olanzapine including Zyprexa for a long while as or dispersible tablets. This was taken to treat hallucinations, delusions and strange things coworkers were saying that I experienced at work (obviously a government conspiracy against me given I was waiting for a secret level security clearance, jokes). I'm still taking 2.5 milligrams of Olanzapine every other day and I am due to stop taking the drug altogether next month - yay! I have not experienced any severe hallucinations or delusions since I was last hospitalised and have since had some stable work in factories performing manual labour. Don't mention taking olanzapine to potential employers.

I'm going crazy Coming off of this medicine going on one month on June 12th. It's been hell of a ride to say the least!! Had I known what I know now I would have never touched more than 2.5 mg. First ten days off I was ok. After that not getting rest, I'm barely sleeping it reminds me when I become manic, I'm taking another medication to control my symptoms.how long can one possibly go without having Full adequate sleep a night? Without causing health problems, Such as stroke, heart problems? Variables to consider... Taking melatonin sometimes it knocks me out other times I just lay there exhausted, but cannot go to sleep! Anyone have solutions, or going through this please contact me

It helped calm me down when needed, slowed me down, and controlled my paranoia/delusions. Be aware of this medication once you quit, or lower it. Say goodbye to sleep? your sleep is f***ed up for a while! I hadn't slept in close to a week to ten days. once I got off maybe a hour or two tops! That alone can make you go ! It takes some people many months for the neurotransmitters to reset again once off this medication.

Take at your own risk!! and do thorough research before starting. Weight gain, fatigue, possible TD, control symptoms.

Bipolar Depression and Insomnia

Sleepiness, a little weight gain, zombie-like state, loss of feeling/creativity (not good for an artist)

I wouldn't say its a bad medication, I like its benefits such as helping me sleep well and relieving the depression I had. Its just a major downside that I no longer feel as lively as I used to. I will seek better alternatives for myself.

Has helped decrease racing thoughts, used to be on a higher dose but appetite was out of control and I gained 20 pounds but it has stabilized, does help me fall asleep

I didn't know it until I had gained 50 pounds, become a zombie, and dropped out of school, but this drug made life hopeless for me. Clozaril has worked for me tremendously. The manufacturers of Zyprexa should be sued.

Do not recommend. Upset with doctor for giving me this after years of taking xanax which is a very good drug for anxiety and ptsd. Sharp pains in my head, does not work for anxiety or triggers, feel like a zombie. Does not help me think clearly or help my memory.Makes me feel like not doing anything.

I was taking xanax and it worked fine. Tastes terrible but worked great for someone with ptsd and a mood-disorder.

ZYPREXA (OLANZAPINE): Olanzapine is used to treat certain mental/mood conditions (such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder). It may also be used in combination with other medication to treat depression. This medication can help to decrease hallucinations and help you to think more clearly and positively about yourself, feel less agitated, and take a more active part in everyday life. Olanzapine belongs to a class of drugs called atypical antipsychotics. It works by helping to restore the balance of certain natural substances in the brain. Talk to the doctor about the risks and benefits of treatment (especially when used by teenagers). See also Precautions section. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Initially, while in the worst pain, it was perfect. It helped me through the bad spot. I couldn't continue to take it as prescribed, 10mg every 4 hours, I couldn't function. I bought a splitter and began to split them in half. That worked for a few days, not for long. I stopped taking them altogether, for a few weeks. But the pain was more than I could bear, at times. I split them yet again and took a quarter of a dose. They still made me feel cloudy and my head spun, although they didn't make me sleepy at that dose. I stopped them again. I haven't had anything in over a week but I can tell I need something for the pain. I will go back to my doc and tell him I don't want anything that strong. I don't want to be in pain but I want a life more than lying in bed all the time.

My Cholesterol is 166 I started out it was 267

I have experienced no side effects to enbrel.Taking it now for a year.Occasional brusing around injection site which is not the drugs fault.

Loss of iq and memory and tiredness also cognitive impairment

Worked great as a sleep aid, but the joint pain, numbness in arms and legs, hip pain and muscle twitching increased with use to the point I can no longer take Benadryl, I thought I was dying. I stopped taking Benadryl, no more pain and discomfort.

Singulair may be helping her asthma and allergies some, but I don't think these side effects are worth it.

I felt fine for the first 4 days and then ... onset of Severe anxiety, Panic Attacks, Fear, Increased Depression, Dizzy/off-kilter feeling, Thoughts of doom, Could not eat at all(lost 5 lbs in one week), Diarrhea, Shaky Feeling, Crying all the time (including one full day morning till night), Vivid and prolific dreaming.

I am a mental health counselor, who has never experienced clinical depression. After taking this medication for 7 days, I actually had true suicidal thoughts. I was more anxious and depressed than I ever thought possible!!! I WILL NEVER TAKE THIS DRUG AGAIN! It should be a crime for any doctor or Physician's Assistant to prescribe this medication without clearly warning patients about this possible side affect! I thought I was going crazy; had I realized it was from this medication, I would've discontinued it immediately...who would think an antibiotic could do this to you???

This is my second time getting a YI, first time I got it I used Monistat 3. Which was one of the biggest mistake every. I was on fire down there. And it never went away. On my second dose I went and washed it out with cold water. Now I'm currently using monistat 7. First night for about a hour it was extreme burning and itching. And I almost gave in an washed it out but I was like my health is important be strong! Now I'm on my second night. And it's not as extreme as the first night. It's very light. Just hope my third dose doesn't have any effects at all. It feels like the days are going by slower!

Where do I began--so much anxiety, and "brain fog". Lost over 50lbs in 5 months.