Zyprexa relprevv (olanzapine pamoate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Zyprexa relprevv (olanzapine pamoate)

AvolitionApathyAnhedoniaDepressionSuicidal ideationSexual dysfunction

This drug, along with all other neuroleptics should be banned. They are a chemical lobotomy and castration. They are tools of social control.

No emotion at all. Complete lack of motivation to do anything at all. This feels like torture to me and makes me feel suicidal. Insatiable hunger all day long; I've put on 10 kilos. I'm now withdrawing very slowly, hoping the psychosis will not return. I'm now at 3.75mg down from 10mg, but still feel no emotions or motivation. i hope i don't end up here forever.

I was put on antipsychotics after I told a psychiatrist I was feeling suicidal after breaking up with my girlfriend. I took it (Risperdal at the time) religiously for 3 years (big mistake), then withdrew from it slowly within a year. 6 months after that I had my first ever psychotic break. I'm sure it is drug induced because I didn't have it before I started on antipsychotics and my reason to go on them wasn't because of psychosis. So be aware that you can become psychotic going off of it, even if the drug wasn't prescribed to you for that reason.

higher doses of zyprexa are just DANGEROUS and cause problems. one should really use seroquel instead of zyprexa. if one needs to use zyprexa one should probably use 5mg but avoid higher doses

Some weight gain, about 10 pounds.

This has been a wonderful antidepressant for me. I had tried just about every other medication for depression and this helped immediately. Also great for hypomania/mania.

ZYPREXA RELPREVV (OLANZAPINE PAMOATE): Olanzapine injection is used to treat a certain mental/mood disorder (schizophrenia). Olanzapine helps you to think more clearly, feel less nervous, and take part in everyday life. It may also help to decrease hallucinations (hearing/seeing things that are not there). Extended-release olanzapine injection is a long-acting psychiatric medication called an atypical antipsychotic. It works by helping to restore the balance of certain natural substances in the brain. Talk to the doctor about the risks and benefits of treatment (especially when used in teenagers). See also Warning/Precautions sections. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Severe drowsiness, but even if I was drowsy I would go to bed only to be woken up by nightmares. At first I didn't think anything of it but soon it was happening everytime I fell asleep. It was so bad I only started taking half a pill which wouldn't take the pain away but it took the nightmares away. Also I had a rash on the inside of my elbows that was very annoying, nausea that wouldn't go away until they gave me something for it and moodiness. If I wasn't in my house and out for a long period of time I wouldn't feel well at all and be extremely pale.

My 86 yr. old mom was given aricept for memory loss. Two days after starting the drug, she started having incredible fears, horendous nightmares, extreme paranoia, and total confusion. She had trouble sleeping at all and had no appetite. She didn't know me (her daughter) most of the time and lost most of her grasp of reality. We discontinued the drug after 2 weeks of hell and since then she has done so much better. She still has some of the same problems, but the fears, nightmare, paranoia have totally disappeared since 3 days after discontinuing the drug. After reading, seeing,hearing many "horror" stories, I would think the drug should be taken off the market!!

My veins in my left arm are constricied, nauseous, headache, feel very weak, pain in my eyes and neck.

Migraines (with and without aura)

Headaches, insomnia, loss of appetite, jaw clenching, slight spacey feeling, irregularity in menstrual cycle.

Its has changed my life for the better..after being treated for mild depression(with paxil,lexapro,cymbalta,ect..) for years and still not feeling any better..then being treated for bipolar disorder(with geodon,abilify,lithium,ect..) for the last few years and still having a lot of anger and aggitation issues..they started treating my ocd with luvox mixed with the lamictal I have been on for the major depressive disorder and my life did a complete turn around..I feel tons better and my relationships got 100 times better...and currently they are wheening me off the lamictal and putting me on zoloft..so I can deal with the sweating because the perks of this med are more then worth it!

I’m 9 weeks pregnant!! This was my second month on Clomid. First one (100mg) did not work for me. Good luck to all.

Depression. I cried everday while on loestrin fe 1/20. I was not myself, very down and out. I stopped the pill 3 days ago, I have already noticed a difference.

occassional tickle in throat and dry cough.both don't last long and not severe.Slight tingling feeling in hands, but not severe

hives& stomach discomfort (like bloating and pressure).