Thorazine (chlorpromazine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Thorazine (chlorpromazine hydrochloride)

I have anger out bursts now after 3 weeks of being calm for 1st time in long time.

I'm on chlorpromazine and need to speak to doctor again. The 1 st week was amazing... Walking on clouds but having very big anger out bursts daily again.

Was a wonder drug for my anxiety.

This medication affected me instantly, and not in the good way. I instantly started feeling an impending doom, a feeling of “I have to get out of here right now!” But I was paralysed and locked in my mind. I was beyond any point of exhaustion I had ever experienced in my life. I could hardly keep my eyes open to the point I was nearly crying. It made me super mad for some reason. I just remember yelling at my boyfriend and that was it. I’ve woken up the next day (headache-less bless) with super dry mouth, still a feeling of tiredness and scattered. I feel like the medication has seriously messed me up

Wouldn’t wish this medication on my worst enemy

I have two black belts, psychosis

Sleep, slightest bit stiff that’s it. Life ain’t bad these days.

I’ve taken all the anticholinergic antipsychs, memory and cognition all intact. 15 years straight. I use it in case I go into a rare psychosis, no one gets hurt. A

pychotic disorder /schizophrenia

Anxiety, sedation, restless leg syndrome,

It has helped a great deal with visual and adios hallucinations

nothing really,maybe a bit of a dry mouth

slows you down and calms nervous energy,couldnt live without it. i take it with 50mg amitriptyline and 50mg atenolol,all for severe anxiety

Slept right through my sister's college graduation. Caused neuropathy in hands/feet/face that continues to get worse - can barely hold a pen anymore. Any other side effects I had I don't remember due to the knockout effect.

Still feeling very anxious, diarrhoea, still have thoughts of suicide, very shaky,

I'm taking thoracic along side 90mg of duloxatine

Loss of memory lots of horrible thoughts and completely lost to the world

I was made to take this drug simply because people didn't want to help me figure out my anger

Helps with anxiety a great deal. I sometimes take up to 400 mg a day, but find that if I do take this much, I get the TD symptoms. Thus, I try not to take more than the 200mg a day even though the doctor prescribes enough to take 4 times a day. This medication has helped me a lot. The doctor tried to talk me into taking it for a couple years before I finally agreed to try it. My recommendation is to give it a try. If the side effects outweigh the benefits, then don't take it. If it helps, then why not?

For Attention Deficit Disorder

Dizziness, paranoia, and I was depressed all the time

I was given this crappy drug from a quack doctor from 6 until I was 11 years old and I felt like things were better from a distance. I would stand outside for long periods of time listening to a factory run and I thought it was beautiful music. I also had a bug eyed stare.

Loss of memory,tics physical and vocal,confusion,scattered thoughts.These are long term effects that will never go away. Please be carefull. For short term use only !!

at 16 obtained a gun was dillusional and am now in a mental ward diagnosed with schizophrenia

i used for 20 years.25 mg every night

severe paranoia, manic episodes, genocide thinking, feeling of being lost at home, never tired, slept while awake with eyes open, inability to concentrate, lost my drivers license due to driving 122 mph in a 55 mph zone, developed a fear of eating, developed fatal familial insomnia, became yellow and green discharge from nose and ears, could not sit still, collected guns to defend from threats of unknown oirgin, began studying UFO' and became obsessed with area 51, fear of government conspiracies, lost control of bowels, began to sit in the coirner and mumble and drule uncontrollably, developed a tolerance to oxycontyn and profanol, became increasing anxious.

Started using recreational drugs to try and counteract the side effects of the thorazine.

Damaged something in the deep Nasal cavities in the head. I keep getting painful infections and they are not treatable so far

Auditory hallucinations, insomnia

This drug was a God send for me. It stopped the auditory hallucinations and helped me sleep. Side effects are awful. They include grogginess and urinary incontinence.

some weight gain, some heartburn

I had insomnia before I tried thorazine now I sleep soundly, a full nights sleep everynight. It prevents me from getting hypo, and paranoid or delusional. Wonderful medication.

Started taking this last night. Prescribed for terrible insomnia. well after about two hours I finally fell asleep and slept for 12 hours! I feel groggy today and sorta zombie like, but will continue as maybe this is normal at first.

Side Effects forthorazine (chlorpromazine hydrochloride) - User Comments


Related User Reviews

Definetely feel better on this medication than off it. It took about 6 weeks to work, but once it did, I noticed a world of a difference. My hands were once so swollen I couldn't wear my rings anymore, I was in constant pain, sleeping very poorly, and had absolutely no energy. After 6 weeks, the swelling went down. At two months, I started sleeping through the night and the pain had faded to a dull ache. Now I am virtually pain-free. I'm a preschool teacher, and I have more energy than my students!

Worst drug I ever took. I have never had suicidal ideation but this was horrible. I couldn’t control the thoughts and thankfully stopped the drug and the thoughts stopped.

Lost approx. 15 lbs.(from 235 to 220)--no longer "need" to eat to feel good. Altace works for me--so far. Take 10mg in am and 10mg in pm (approx. 12 hours apart). Dropped my bp from around 170/100 to 130s/80. Dr. started me with 2.5, then 5 and then 10mg altace, then added coreg, the latter horrible for me; dropped coreg real quick and increased altace and I'm okay now. From looks of other comments here, one has to find what works for them as an individual. Over the long haul, one hopes the med doesn't attack the function of a vital, internal organ--the danger with most of these "miracle" drugs, in my worthless opinion.

Slight dry mouth, slight headaches, sleepiness

I was admitted to the hospital for a total of 2 weeks. I was found by friends who called an ambulance. I was suffering from dehydration and unknown to me they were informed that I would have been dead in a few hours. The diarrhoea and retching had gone on since the Wednesday, 4 days. It was obvious that the doctors were unsure what had caused the problem. I was home for 3 weeks and then it all started again. Same symptoms. Back into hospital. In the end, I could see a pattern and my diabetes doctor happened to visit. I said it is the TRULICITY isn't it. I had worked it out myself.

Partial Hyst.& flashes

I am not going to lie...the side effects were/are no fun! But..It really does work. I was driving in my car one day and realized that smoking no longer pleased me (never thought that would happen)..I threw my cigarette out the window and I have not smoked since. I used to smoke a pack a day (religiously) but now I have only passing thoughts about smoking.I can even sit right next to people who are smoking.. and still.. I don't need one.It is not a miracle drug, but if you really want to quit, and you are willing to deal with the side effects, it really does work.

extemely light to non-existent periods

I'm not sure why it dawned on me this morning that all of my symptoms may be realted to being on Mircette, but I am glad that it did. I have never liked being on the pill at all, and have been on it off and on over the years. However, these are the worst side effects I have ever suffered. I have gained 8 pounds since starting this pill, have had migraines, severe anxiety and depression, bloating, the list goes on. I thought I was losing my mind, but now I know, it was this awful birth control pill. I hope that other women will see these posts and get off of it!!!!

This is my last week on this pill and I am going back on Mircette which I have had much better experience on in the past. I had been on the pill for about 10years and never had weight gain or problems like this.