Seroquel xr (quetiapine fumarate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Seroquel xr (quetiapine fumarate)

Weight gain and bloating. Increased sensitivity to the sun and heat. Tired all day.

Mental slowness, lethargic, dissociation, suicidal ideation, suicidal.

I took this medication a few years back and would definitely NOT recommend it. Unfortunately I don’t remember the actual dosage or length of time, though think it may have been around 6 months. Not only did it seem to slow my cognitive abilities but I also became extremely suicidal, with an attempt. It’s been a little over 3 years and I’m still working on getting back to where I used to be prior to taking this medication.

Update: I’m very sensitive to caffeine on this med, to where I can’t have more than 1 cup of green tea or else I get a racing, pounding heart for many hours. I used to drink 2 cups of coffee without a problem. Also, my menstrual cycle has stopped after 6 weeks on this med. This is unusual for me. The doctor said it’s from increased prolactin, which can cause osteoporosis.

It sucks having to give up caffeine, and the increased osteoporosis risk is a bit scary. (I’m 38 yo),

Anxiety, racing thoughts, bipolar

Makes me more sensitive to energy drinks, I notice I’m more tired, I’m not as careful and alert as a driver of a car. Possible weight gain, but I normally have a problem with my weight caused by Lexapro.

It helps with calming racing and stressful thoughts and anxiety. So far I’m on the lowest dose available (50 mg.) While it helps slow the racing thoughts and stress, I think it changes my personality a bit and I notice I’m not as enthusiastic and excited about things as I normally am. It has an emotionally blunting effect on me. I feel more “blah” on it. It’s helpful not to have to deal with my racing, anxious thoughts, but I don’t like feeling emotionally blunted.

Seems to help with delusions and mania, but Seroquel xr gives me light hallucinations, though I know (ah) aren't real, that in itself can be overwhelming. My dr. Thinks it's only me, but I've read many stories of people who have experienced the same! I'm thinking of changing to something else with the least side effects.

Add on from previous post** Helps control symptoms, But Trade off like I said it takes away creativity, and such. But will take that, than continually make a fool out of myself!

It's more than just taking medication, it's a prescription, Eat healthy, mediate, journaling, grounding techniques, positive affirmations, Support groups, low thiol foods, No sulfur In any way. This Is what helps me manage my symptoms.

Seroquel xr is somewhat helpful keeps my symptoms at bay, and keeps me from mania and delusions. but at the expense of dulling me down. Emotionally, & mentally! Also Really hate that it takes away my creativity, and ability to innovate, create content. read, and sometimes follow conversation. I feel dazed at times. Might go down in dose to suit me better.

Take pro Dha 2,000 mg a day, Vitamin B complex, Multivitamin try to eat incredibly clean, but the meds willMake you crave carbs. Wake up in middle of night 2-4 times and snack, keep veggies, fresh fruit or granola around occasionally chips or popcornMight give you nightmares, sleep talking (I've been told)

Psychosis Anxiety Suicidal thoughts

Night time craving for sweet food - I take it at night and need to sleep within about an hour of taking it (then, sometimes not?)

Saved my life. I sometimes miss a dose if I'm in charge of kids and want to be sure I can drive etc I can still sleep. Without this Im pretty sure I'd be dead or permanently hospitalised. Started combined with Lexapro (yuck) but now combined with Zoloft (Zoloft user for bipolar ptsd and ocd for 20 years). V happy - just a shame I need them and that they weren't available for my Dad in the 1950's

Lobotomy in a pill.No chance of normal function

Occurred quickly and cannot find anything to help get rid of it. Tried Ginko Biloba extract and Klonepin

Really did not help my OCD or anxiety, but it was a miracle drug for my severe insomnia. The only problem Is that I feel extremely fatigued in the morning hours, sometimes I must sleep 12 hours, and getting up as late as 11 AM

Did wonders for insomnia, but I literally could not get out of bed in the morning at a reasonable hour. Sometimes I could not get up out of bed until noon. I also noticed weight gain.

Muscle spasms, nausea, vomiting, migraines, body shakes, memory loss, short term memory loss, intellectual intelligence loss, does opposite of what its supposed to, suicidal, brain squeezes, constant sleep anxiety, hallucinations in dreams where i think my body is cooking something. Severe insomnia wont sleep for four days straight. Agitation. Inability to concentrate. Extreme fatigue. Dizziness. Sometimes i feel like im pulsating too fast. Hypersensitive to loud sounds or even whining. Severe itching till my skin bleeds. Dandruff. Sweating and Tunnel Vision where I can’t drive because I am seeing backwards. No sex drive. No energy or motivation.

Has been worse trying to come off of than heroin.

It would knock me out for 12 to 15 hours and I would not be able to wake up two hurricane nor less my alarm clock it got to the point to where I stopped taking it and fear of losing my job because while taking it I was late several times

It's great if you have nothing better to do than sleep, because it definitely will put you in a coma

I take it at night before bed. No side effects, sleep very well, wake up in the morning 7:30 or 8:00 well rested and wide awake. Never groggy.

I take 300mg XR with 100 mg of zoloft once a day. Combo works well no depression.

Anxiety, depression and sleep issue

Looked like someone from the film train spotting. slept for hours at night woke with a headache and had to go back to bed. Couldn't function.

The best sleep I have had in years when taken of a night but had to stop the day dose as I couldn't function, my eyeballs were rolling and my daughter said I looked like I was a heroin addict. I couldn't do anything, wash, eat or even brush my teeth. I had to avoid the daily dose as I would have lived in my bed otherwise. Only a small dose but I am 7 stone and five foot two only. I felt the small dose was too strong for me. The upside is I can sleep but I do not want withdrawal issues.

I eat more. It takes forever to fall asleep but once im asleep I sleep til drowsy during the first 2 hours I wake up. But during my sleep nothing can wake me up

Find the right dosage. If just for sleep xr wont help to fall asleep but aids in a deep sleep

I took seroquel about 3 hours before going to bed, about an hour after taking it my feet got externally annoyingly tingly on the bottoms I becam very irritable. When I fell asleep I fell into a fast deep sleep but felt like I couldn't move my body for some reason. I would wake up gasping for air. But I could move myself just felt like an elephant was sitting on me. My chest was a little uncomfortable as well. When I woke up at 10:45 am my mouth was very dry and my throat. And I feel dizzy like a mini hang over.

Last night was my first time taking it and I'm not sure if I am going to see any big changes yet, hopefully they are good and don't put me through the horrible story's I've read. If you are considering taking it tread very lightly.

Extreme dry mouth, tongue, dental pain like bleeding gums and mouth sores.

It helped me sleep, but the side effects were very concerning. Don't stop cold turkey, I did that by mistake. I'm currently back on it to stabilize than I need to do a slow taper.

Caused taredivedykinesia /dystonia, lost my job, home, life ,numbness, tremors muscle spasms problems with movement foot turns in

SEROQUEL XR (QUETIAPINE FUMARATE): This medication is used to treat certain mental/mood conditions (such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, sudden episodes of mania or depression associated with bipolar disorder). It is also used with other medications to treat depression. Quetiapine is known as an anti-psychotic drug (atypical type). It works by helping to restore the balance of certain natural substances (neurotransmitters) in the brain. This medication can decrease hallucinations and improve your concentration. It helps you to think more clearly and positively about yourself, feel less nervous, and take a more active part in everyday life. It may also improve your mood, sleep, appetite, and energy level. Quetiapine can help prevent severe mood swings or decrease how often mood swings occur. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Moodiness, constant hunger, breast tenderness

Insomnia for up to 36 hours and then crashing and sleeping about 6 hours. Paranoia, major depression, crying, Fibromyalgia got worse. Eating very little & gaining weight & sitting and staring. Hot flashes at night and chills at time during the day.

Allergic to penicillin so prescribed this. Never felt so ill. Stomach cramps, diarrhoea and sickness. Couldn't eat anything and even water made me sick.

Severe back and body pain, depression, irriation, get angry very easily, higher colesterol, mood swings, anxiety, tired and weakness in legs, risk pain, this drugs is horrible, cannot continue taking this drug will push me off the edge. Not living a normal life

It DID help reduce my allergy symptoms significantly, along with Flonase and Claritin.

Pressure and ringing in the ears, unexplained rashes, very bad insomnia, some stomach problems.

I have been on 500mg twice a day but seen no results of any sort so my Dr has put it up to 100mg twice a day which I have just started 2 days ago. Am type 1 diabetic 35 years and 28 lbs overweight which I can't seem to hoping the tablets get me losing some weight.

No question but that urination issues improved, but if side effects are real as described I will likely reconsider Flomax. I do plan to change schedule to take capsule in the evening now based on comments here.

I don't have a history of yeast infection nor do i do anythingo irriate that region but Nuva ring have given me 3 yeast infections. I can't have sex with painful infections,and i have a lowered sex drive. I also developed an ovian cyst in August that appears for two weeks each month, right before my perioid and during it, it's very very painful! It has made my periods shorter and lighter and it didn't make me throw up and bleed like other birth controls. I'm too scared to switch bc's.

Anxiety, Insomnia, Dry Mouth, Fatigue. Most of these disappeared within a couple of a days.