Saphris (asenapine maleate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Saphris (asenapine maleate)

I took this med for 1 day and after the first dose 30 minutes in I have had a fever of 103.5 and cranial pressure so intense that I about cry or fall over if I move my head too fast or cough. My eyes hurt, my ears are throbbing. No sleep for 2 days straight, joint pain, muscle pain, nausea, unable to eat for over 48 hours. Still have the same intensity of cranial pressure as 30 minutes after taking it over 48 hours later. Started having loops of hallucinating music and I never hallucinated before I took the med. I fear that the intense cranial pressure and symptoms won't go away and if they don't then I will commit suicide. I wasn't suicidal before the med.

Do not take it even if the psychiatrist tries to convince you, it is not worth the chance of what has happened to me from taking it.

Severe Akasthisia the first 3 nights of taking it. After that, it worked great for about 8 years. Then, I started experiencing my lips, tip of my tongue, and roof of my mouth burning. Over the period of 30 days it got much worse to the point where I had to go to the ER several times. I had a CAT scan and an MRI, but they found nothing. My psychiatrist and several neurologists determined it was the Saphris. I stopped taking it 6 months ago and my mouth, lips, and tongue are still burning like hot sauce all day long and haven't gotten any better. It's awful. I need some direction of where to get help and relief.

Due to the mouth burning problem, I had to quit Saphris cold turkey. The withdrawals where absolutely awful. A week after quitting, I developed a very scary insomnia where every time I would begin to drift off to sleep there would be a jarring sensation in my head that would wake me up. I couldn't go to sleep no matter how tired I was. I couldn't nap. I literally could not go to sleep. After being awake for several days, I went to the ER. The ER doctor referred me to an inpatient psychiatric facility. Thank God, the nurse practitioner there prescribed me some strong sleeping pills that would overcome the jarring sensation. I had to take 4 to 5 pills throughout the nights to get 7 or 8 hours of sleep. After 3 days in the facility, I went home, but I noticed that my ears had started ringing. They still ring today and haven't stopped. The insomnia problem lasted about 1 1/2 months and I had to slowly taper off of the sleeping pills. Not long into the insomnia problem, I started developing what I would describe as silent migraines. They were awful. I had no pain, but I lost the ability to concentrate on anything. I also had extreme light and sound sensitivity. This came on every day around the same time and lasted for 8-9 hours. All I could do is lie on the floor with a 20lb anxiety blanket on me and ride it out. The silent migraines lasted about 1 1/2 months too. After missing 3 months of work, I started slowly feeling better again. I'm not fully recovered.

Extreme drowsiness, weight gain, impaired cognition

Great overall mood stabilizer horrible withdrawal whenever I try to get off it!

Severe tiredness and lethargy in the morning.I believe that I am either more depressed than when I started taking it or I am more aware of my depression. I have been severely depressed for the past 2 years while taking this drug.

I have not had any manic or mixed episodes while taking this drug, however, I suspect that this drug has impacted my ability to feel happiness. I have had serious anhedonia ever since I started taking this drug. Nothing seems like very much fun anymore and I don't really enjoy anything at all.

I tried this instead as Zyprexa practice her to see if I could not eat as much. It did help with the not eating as much but my depression and sensitivity to hot and cold has increased I also feel as if my anxiety has increased I started this medication in order to wean off of benzodiazepines are use for sleep. After taking the medication at night I maybe went to sleep for 30 minutes then I am awake all night long even with 3 mg of Ativan and 3 mg of Lunesta I cannot sleep. I just want to lay in my bed with the heat blanket on and do nothing and no motivation no help with depression sometimes I don't cry if that's the only due to the dullinf factor of the medication. The first day I took it I felt great and like my old self it just did not work after that.

I think it could be a good alternative zyprexa but Zyprexa seems to have a built-in Antidepressant effect.

Memory loss (short & long term). Racing thoughts and inability to concentrate. Walking less. Eating more. In a constant fog.

I slept 11 hours on 10 MG. Very expensive copays. I reduced to 5MG and now sleep 7 hours. I added 100 MG zoloft at bedtime and I'm better now.

Dude! Best medication out there. I was on it for 3 years until my grandma died and it stopped working. I didn't feel like working out for the first year but and maintained my weight. I then worked out religiously and lost a pound a week with diet.

Tastes bad but u get used to it. Mood stabilized but depression increased or became more noticable.

Been taking saphris at max dose for about 5 months. 6 months total. Mood definitely stabilized and I get upset less easily. Able to sleep and not wake from bad dreams all night. My depression symptoms and motivation are at an all time low. I feel it's just that I'm more aware of the depression that I've had for along time. Now that I can think clearly and my mood isn't manic. I will be seeing my dr tomorrow to discuss adding another mood stabilizer for the depression. I'd be on a antidepressant but the last 6 I was on made me suicidal.

Difficulty breathing and talking. Akathsia. Nausea.

A sample from the psychiatrist. Blame the psychiatrist. Just say no!

Increases appetite, increased weight, temporary sedation, increased memory, increased verbal fluency, lower attention, reduced impulse control, elevated colesterol, elevated glicemia

Bad taste, but exelent for depression, and even better for Mania. HORRIBLE withdrawl.

I was lied to by my psychiatrist when she told me I would experience NO side effects. I was a little scared and paranoid but I trusted her because I always had good loyal doctors in the past. Once I was in bed, I put the black cherry flavored tablet under my tongue and waited for it to dissolve. The taste was ok. I didn't mind it. Soon my tongue went slightly numb but it didn't bother me. I don't know how long it took but suddenly I was hit with extreme Akasthisia. It was so painful that it made me cry and I was rocking back in forth in my bed, moaning in distress. I wanted to get up and perhaps pace but when I tried getting out of bed I fell to the floor. I was so sedated that I couldn't even stand. I got back into my bed and put my headphones on to full volume. It didn't even hurt my ears because of how sedated I was. I was actually praying to God and asking him what did I do to deserve this? I kept repeating the words, "please just kill me. I can't take this pain" over and over. I just wanted to go to bed. It took over 2 hours for the saphris to finally knock me out. I had normal dreams and didn't wake up until the morning. For the whole day I was slightly sedated and tired. It didn't end until 7pm. This drug was hell for me. I've had bad experiences with all my antipsychotics but when I lowered the dose, I could manage again with manageable side effects. I hope your psychiatrist doesn't lie to you like mine does. It's because they want you to take it. They don't

Drowsiness, dry mouth and tongue/mouth sores the first few weeks

Saphris works great for insomnia and controlling episodes of hallucinations, delusions, and mania. The dry mouth and tongue/mouth sores went away after a few weeks and during that time I used oral care products designed for dry mouth symptoms. The black cherry taste is not bad - in fact, I kind of like it.

RLS, drowsiness (pretty sure that's intended), bad taste

PRAISE THE LORD FOR THIS MEDICATION! I can function. I can sleep. Did I mention I can function? I gained 100 pounds on Seroquel, I was a waking zombie on Lithium, I've tried Abilify, Wellbutrin, Lamictal, and more. My single greatest fear right now is that for some reason they will stop manufacturing this wonder drug. I have never before hit the sweet spot of both feeling like me and being able to not only function but thrive! If you're considering taking Saphris for bipolar mania, I would say give it a try! You know, as directed by your doctor, but seriously, I didn't know it was possible to be both functional and myself until now. I wish that I could hack websites for the single purpose of rating this medicine higher than 5/5.

I forgot my name, had irregular heart beat, ended up in an ambulance to the ER,where a Dr told me NEVER take it again

I would not recommend this medication for anxiety

the horrible taste is easily avoided in my experience by sucking up every last drop of spit before taking the meds, putting it under my tongue then not moving my tongue one bit for ten minutes, then taking a big gulp of pepsi. Weird but it works.My energy levels have pretty much tripled while my mood has been remarkably clear and calm. Hasn't been very long but I'm almost worried this is my first manic episode. I feel like I'm on vyvanse without the heart rate and jitter problem. I have been operating without much caffeine on a level that used to take two monster energy drinks... I'm also taking 75mg of effexor xr, which I've been on for over three years and have never felt this great in my life. I'm not anxious, I'm productive and organized. I feel ambitious.

No side effects so far!!! Really excited about this drug

Dont like the taste but i feel refreshed after taking 2.5 mg last night and this morning. My mind is clear and focused, i dont feel hunger like the zyprexa does. I feel calm and peaceful. Hope it stays this way!!!!

It does knock you out, so I normally take it during wind down time with my family so when we're finished talking I go to sleep. I get at least 7-8 hrs of sleep and wake up refreshed. I switched to Saphris after gaining 40 lbs on Abilify. I'm not hungry all the time. And don't late night snack anymore either since I'm sleep.

Saphris has been great for me except for the weight gain. Even with regular exercise I've added almost 20 pounds. Like others have reported it can knock you out. I take it at bedtime and sleep well. In the beginning I had the reported numbness in my mouth after taking Saphris. I no longer have that sensation. I'm very intolerant of medication and only need the pediatric dose of 2.5mg and only one time per day instead of the recommended twice a day. Even with the weight gain (which my pdoc is concerned about and attributes to the Saphris) this medicine has been a God send for me. It has helped me stabilize.

drug withdrawl and long term PTSD

ok most mention the taste being not to their liking..weight gain..tiredness..dry mouth..etc. I was in a ward for 5 weeks doing a supervised medical detox from prescribed oxycodone. I was prescribed,sight unseen,zypreza. when I reported to the Dr I didn't like spread zytis I was given the saphris. what I saw during those 5 weeks confirmed all the bad press I had found about antipsychotic meds all along. off label use is common and it appeared most if not all these patients took saphris or it's chemically related zyprexa. I saw a disproportionate number of obese or generally poor physical fitness. there was an unusually high number of patients with diabetes. most appeared unemployable in the common sector.I saw that most were on multiple public assistance and non profits. i have had exposure to veteran atypical antipsychotic drug patients in the past and it's very noticeable that these people's whole system has been altered making it hard to determine if it is their illness or the drugs they take that make such people stand out. most die in middle age. be it the staring or it's more pronounced buggy eyed look or the stiff and slow movements these people acquired from common mental health drugs, the tradeoff must be enormous. I know prescribing me a mental health drug was requisite to justify keeping me on a locked psych ward so I could be slowly weaned from my narcotic drugs.

the benefits of saphris, as in the use of any antipsychotic medication should outweigh the enormous risks inherent to such therapy. in my personal case it was not.

Out of control fits of rage. I feel angry a lot, but I have never lost control of it before. It's like my inhibition evaporated. Terrifying.

SAPHRIS (ASENAPINE MALEATE): This medication is used to treat certain mental/mood disorders (such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder). Asenapine helps you to think more clearly, feel less nervous, and take part in everyday life. It may also help to decrease hallucinations (hearing/seeing things that are not there) and prevent severe mood swings. Asenapine is a psychiatric medication that belongs to the class of drugs called atypical antipsychotics. It works by helping to restore the balance of certain natural substances in the brain (neurotransmitters). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I don't take this medicine regularily, only if I have Migraines and I DO NOT RECOMMEND it. The side effect are just too bad.

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I need to know how to stop my vomiting (no doctor an diagnosis why I would start vomting in may and they still cannot find out why.

Dr. suggested the drug, saying I may feel some nausea or heartburn the with the first dose, but to try to hang in there, it should only last a week, and it would get better after the first dose. Interesting to note some of the others' accounts where symptoms didn't appear until much later. It confirms my suspicion that, for me, the symptoms would only continue.

Stop taking pills after second dose.

ibuprofen for me is a miracle drug for menstrual cramps, does zero for migraines for me personally, however. wonderful for little aches and pains that i am getting now that i am 40. i would not recommend taking it too often as i find it loses effectiveness. always take with food. if you take this drug too often or habitually ( not that it is addictive, it isn't) you will have major stomach problems and possibly ulcers. use caution. if you are a chronic pain sufferer and take this daily for pain you need to find another doctor. nsaids are great but can have alot of risks if you take them daily.