Risperdal (risperidone) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Risperdal (risperidone)

Flashlight when those electrical circuits got together inside my lateral left brain.I have gain 50 pounds of weight in these 3 years of medication

I would like my psychiatric nurse practitioner to remove this medication from my treatment and leaves me just with the hydroxyzine and bupropion

Do not take. Danger of death.Sue the doctor he prescribes this neurotoxin for a reason other than CHARACTERIZED schizophrenia.

"Dumbed down" - loss of comprehension, loss of creativity/imagination, weight gain, twitching, impaired coordination, shakiness, slower movements, loss of motivation, trouble concentrating

I really hope this dumbing effect isn't permanent. I used to be so brilliant before and now I have to drop out of advanced classes simply because I cannot comprehend abstract concepts as well anymore. This drug has effectively made my future uncertain, when it was going well before. It had helped with psychosis, but now I want off them because they simply work to impair my ability to think on a higher level.

Weight gain (10 kg), felt myself like zombie, empty head. It was difficult to walk, wanted to sleep all the time, appetite increased greatly, blood test indicators deteriorated, emotions disappeared, a feeling of emptiness inside, salivation appeared, libido became weak. It must be illegal!

I felt bad after this drug, but I found ways that helped me get better. Anyone who needs help, you can write to me, I will help you. Two months after the withdrawal of the drug, my emotions, libido, and feelings returned. My weight has also become normal. There are still some strange feelings a little bit, but every day it gets better. The recovery methods that I use help me.

forgot to bathe. hard to do anything including paying bills or cleaning home.Chomping and grinding teeth. Extremely accident prone. Fell down stairs. Could not drive. Gained 70 lbs. Caused episodes of rage. Muscles so weak that I became incontinent and my joints dislocated. Began eating scabs. Lost joy.

I went to seek counseling at Washington County Mental Health Services in Vermont, because I had just moved there and was being sexually harassed by some locals. The nurse practitioner, Anne B, told me that I must be delusional or lying because "no man would risk his good job as a garbage man" being offensive to a woman. Ever heard of #metoo? So she lied and said they were antidepressants, and poisoned me into a stupor based on her privileged ignorance. These drugs help the misogynists enable sexual predators, and disable their victims.

Burning deep in hyper thalamus that destroyed happiness Center, a common phenomenon according to the nurse.

Why the F would anyone prescribe this. I understood the junkies wanting to buy it off me after I tried it but it’s not worth it. Intensive care 21 days I showed no symptoms or reasons to be on risperidone or olanzapine whatever and was weened off..happiness has not returned.

Lost ability to sleep (wrecked sleep cicle), cant feel pleasure or excitation, brain fog, feel internal pressure on the brain.

Stay away from this drug, its a serious threat. 1mg can knock out a 60 kg adult.

TIREDNESS! Lethargy, erection that lasted hours at night, apathy, unable to wake up in the morning so sleepiness, a hungover feeling in the morning, couldn't shave and bathe in the morning

Tell your doctor that you are depressed if you take risperidone and feel that it is working but also exacerbating your depression. Your doctor will most probably give you an SSRI like Fluoxetine to counter the tiredness and depression. Fluoxetine helped me a great deal with the tiredness and flashbacks. I just wish my doctor could have given me Fluoxetine in the beginning itself!

I gained 30 lbs without changing my diet, my depression became physical sore muscles and joints, and I lost all motivation to live.

This drug is bad news, please stay away from it.

Tiredness, lack of motivation, avolition, anhedonia, loss of creativity, lethargy/laziness, helpless, hard to think about a chore and then do it, weak

I will be honest. Risperidone removed my hallucinations and delusions completely. I have been on it for more than two years and I am feeling much better than I was before. However, I am also feeling inactive, lethargic and lazy. I am unable to access that part of my brain which pushes me to be active, to do things (especially chores) and to be more happy. While it is has been extremely effective in removing even auditory hallucinations, I have become a statue. I just cannot get myself to move around the house in the way that I did when I was not on it. I am not creative anymore. I do not have those motivational feelings which made me go out for walks and to exercise. And when I try being active I feel pain. I am not able to help my mother in the house too. Once, when I told my shrink about these side effects she said that I should take “baby steps” and whatnot. I would like to see the professional psychiatric establishment take this powerful drug. I am told to be strong, but how can I be strong when I have no access to a part of my brain? I feel helpless.

Terrible akathsia rocking pacing total state of panic

Misdiagnosed bipolar/ psychosis

I felt myself turn into a zombie. Felt as if I had brain damage. No creativity.

I want to give words of hope that I myself recovered and got joy, spirituality, intellect and horniness back!! It just takes a while for the brain to repair - in my case 3 years after totally stopping. Hang in there! I was then properly diagnosed with depression and take an antidepressant (Cipramil/Celexa). If you've taken an antipsychotic which you believe has damaged you, stop as safe as you can and let your brain repair. It's a time thing and a psych nurse I know totally confirmed it.

Zombie like. Scattered thoughts,over sleeping, weight gain, depression, loss of interest

Horrible drug. Hate it. Helped aliviate the symptomsOf bipolar.

no side effect, little restless. and qt interval .

good atypical, good no additional - good mood .

Gained 20lbs, made me depressed and gave me suicidal thoughts. Lost motivation, felt hopeless, made me tired all the time. Anyways f*ck this drug

Made my delusions, hallucinations and paranoia go away completely. But those side effects were too much to bear. Im all better and lost all the weight now that Im off of it.

Apathy, lack of emotions and feelings, lack of thoughts, lack of motivation and desire to do things

The delusions and hallucinations disappeared

Penis shrinkage. Erection was 4 now only 2 inches erect. That was over 10 years ago. It never came back.

Risperdal works but the side effects equal a chemical change in your brain. You just don’t care as much, it makes you more pliable and manageable. My belief is the doctors prescribe when you are not easy to deal with. It’s hard to describe fully. You know you are drugged up but just don’t have the motivation to stop as the side effects of stopping are difficult. I think it is emotionally addictive. If I miss a dose or skip it’s overwhelming after a while and I know the silence it brings is something like a comfortable warm blanket of silence and no thoughts. Can not explain how no thought is a state of just being, existing. I don’t know if I will continue for a long time but the longer I take it the less I think about it.

RISPERDAL (RISPERIDONE): Risperidone is used to treat certain mental/mood disorders (such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, irritability associated with autistic disorder). This medication can help you to think clearly and take part in everyday life. Risperidone belongs to a class of drugs called atypical antipsychotics. It works by helping to restore the balance of certain natural substances in the brain. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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headaches, sore breasts, rise in blood pressure, extreme moodiness, yeast infections, acne, weight gain, insomnia, irritability, bloated, crampy, loss of libido, vaginal dryness,hot flashes

120 mg did not improve symptoms and 240 mg made side effects unbearable so discontinuing entirely

I was on Lexapro for 2 years and went off it cold turkey with no side effects. Recently been getting debilitating panic attacks so it's back on the Lexapro. I dont remember side effects being so strong. Fatigue is the major issue. Cant sleep through the night, but can easily nap at my desk!

I've taken this drug before and it has never affected me this way. I am SO glad I found this site because I felt like I was losing my mind!! I could NOT get one full night's sleep..waking up exactly every 2 hours on the dot even though I'm exhausted. I thought it was weird the first night it happened, but it has happened every night since and I finished taking this stuff 2 days ago. I finally got sleeping pills to help me sleep all night! I'm still so weak I can't sit up for long, I get lightheaded and feel like I'm going to pass out. I'm still not able to put in a full day's work, so I'm hoping these symptoms subside real soon!!!! On the "up" side I feel like it has done some good in clearing up my congestion but I will be advising my doctor of these side effects and will ask for something else next time. The rest of me feels awful and I'm not sure it was really worth the mental state I am in right now. Please email me if you have any questions or comments.

Almost always causes vivid bad dreams and sleep is a light sleep, almost restless. When I'm nauseous and the room is spinning, any sleep is very welcome. This is a lifesaver for me a LOT of the time!

I believe my situation is unique. I had my tubes tied when I was 29 years old after the birth of my second child. I did not want to take BC. But then I started to have very irregular periods,(bleeding from 3 days, other times 15 days)I'd also get headaches, get acne, get depressed and had low sex drive.Even though I had a tubel, I suggested to my doctor to put me on the pill to regulate my cycle. After several years, I tried different pills and I was still irregular and moody. At the age of 39 or 40ish another gyno suggested Seasonale.I start taking Seasonale, and it worked GREAT, my cycle gradually regulated after 3 months, my depression went away, I was happy, happy, cheery all the time. My headaches went away. My sex drive came back.I'm 45 years old now, I don't know how I will live without Seasonale (now generic form due to insurance) if taken off the market.But this is my experience, everyone responds differently to any medication. So talk to your doctor about yo

Constipation, blurred vision, sleepy, gassy, more irritable!

The day after i started taking these, became very weepy, depressed, aching in every possible place in my body, throbbing headache, no energy at all.

Over eating like a hog urinating my bed every night not reccomended!!!

So this is my first yeast infection ever and is not pleasant but i got it right in time. So i was preferred monistate 7, boy the first time using it was harsh. Now day 2, and it itched for 5min or so and no burn. Hope it's killing it.