Rexulti (brexpiprazole) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Rexulti (brexpiprazole)

Great drug, lifted me out of deep depression and chronic anxiety when combined with Prozac. I do better on 0.5mg than 1mg, more uplifting. I was able to stop a 30 yr dependence on benzos because of Rexulti. I take it before bed.

Glad to have it, I have been on everything and this Rexulti and Prozac combo works.

Major Depression, Anxiety, Anger

Overall not too many bad side effects definite increase in appetite and a bit of fatigue at times but overall the place I was at mentally before I started taking this drug was a lot worse than where I'm at now after being on it for a while. Every medication affects everyone differently but this one works for me. I take 1 mg Rexulti and 300mg Wellbutrin daily every morning.

I can't stay asleep and I struggle to fall asleep. I've already gained 5 pounds. I feel more depressed and have crying spells. My doctor increased me from .5 mg to 1 mg and I feel worse. To top it off, I have pre existing very high cholesterol and that's the trade off to avoid prescribing me a benzodiazepene despite that I have schizophrenia for Christ's sake. The voices have decreased with Rexulti but the trade off doesn't feel worth while.

While switching from Effexor to Pristiq 50mg physc added Rexulti it worked for a few weeks but have recently noticed it's not doing to the job to improve with depression but it has for anxiety. Zero motivation, zero energy, low mood. :/

Became almost completely non-functioning and did not care about anything.

The extent that I was non-functioning was so concerning that I was going to ask my counselor what being hospitalized in a mental facility entailed. I would walk 10 ft. to living room chair and sit there for an hour before I would turn on T.V. and continue to kitchen to get glass of water despite being thirsty. Didn't care about or enjoy anything. Due to holiday & pharmacist illness, I ran out for 5 days; I awoke the 6th day feeling like a completely different person.

lightheaded weight gain sad no motivation

It caused me massive weight gain and super increase in appetite to the point that my stomach is growling and hurting and making me feel sick. I recently had my labs done and it has increased my blood sugar to almost 300 fasting. It also increased my triglycerides to 590. My psychiatrist told me he would have to wean me off it and try Cymbalta. This is devastating to me because rexulti completely takes away my nerve damage pain. I am so scared to get off it but it is ruining my weight and quality of life

Day 1 took 0.5mg at bedtime woke feeling numb but hopeful that night took second dose but only half 0.25mg today woke up out of sorts and agitated I will NOT continue

This medication made a huge difference. It brought me out the worst depression with anxiety I’ve ever experienced. My mood is pleasantly elevated. I’ve gained 10lbs, however. Decaf coffee seems to help with fatigue.

Horrible headaches, fatigue, no motivation, twitches in hand and chin. Having trouble quitting it, it's like I'm addicted to it, very scary withdrawal so I end up taking it again.

Asked my doctor for it after seeing

I felt bad after that one pill! It probably works well on Schizo or Bipolar people. I just wanted to boost my Lexapro. Dr. also said it makes some hungrier. Just had a jumpy feeling. Not anything good.

Worked well for anxiety.But perpetually tired no matter how well slept.No energy, no sex drive, no will to do anything.

Felt great the first few weeks. But then the bottom fell out. Depression came back worst than when I started. Not able to control my emotions.

Weight gain !!!Increased cholesterol

took away depression but gained 30 pounds !­

I've been on Rexulti for four months. I've gained 20 pounds and I've experienced exhaustion that I didn't know was possible. It's very hard to get out of bed and do my job. I get ten plus hours of sleep a night and it's never enough. My depression is slightly better.

Bipolar disorder and depression

Weight gain, fatigue, food cravings, drowsiness

It worked great at first but then I gained a bunch of weight.

Low BP, agitation, confusion, dizziness, no sex drive, no emotional output, no excitement

Apparently It doesn't matter the mg your on. .25 mg is as low as it goes, this drug has almost ruined my life. I'm also on clonazepam for panic, Lamictal and lexapro. I'll take the extra anxiety and panic any day. Don't get me wrong it makes the obsessive thoughts go away but it has ruined my quality of life

REXULTI (BREXPIPRAZOLE): This medication is used to treat certain mental/mood disorders (such as schizophrenia, depression). Brexpiprazole helps you to think more clearly, feel less nervous, and take part in everyday life. It may also help to decrease hallucinations (hearing/seeing things that are not there). In addition, this medication may improve your mood, sleep, appetite, and energy level. Brexpiprazole is a psychiatric medication that belongs to the class of drugs called atypical antipsychotics. It works by helping to restore the balance of certain natural substances in the brain. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

after 22 years this medication still works wonders. stops depression, stops social anxiety. best medication. do not know where i would be without it. Also, never had any bad food interactions or bad reactions. this medication is safe.

Okay for 13 days. Had a couple days of stomach pain/pressure. Day 13 severe joint/muscle pain and stiffness. Could barely walk. Wanted to cry all day. Came on really fast. Treated heartburn but side effects are not tolerable. Will try every other day before giving up. I am desperate. Have tried many others and had similar problems, but this was the worse.

From the first day I took this medicine I could finally focus in school (I'm a college student in my third year). Soon, the side effects started. I began to have a headache and neckache that were both fairly severe, but they subsided after about one week. The big itchy red welts I had attributed to bug bites, but I read it elsewhere on this page! Crazy. The biggest problem is trouble breathing; I may switch to provigil or adderall if possible because I have asthma as well. Please email lori (at) k9care (dot) com if you have experienced the trouble breathing and could let me know if it will subside! I would love to continue taking the drug because of the energy.

Pain control from endometriosis

Neuropathy in my feet, weak leg muscles. Cannot get up off the floor without using my arms to help me get up.

Started on the dose pack at 10mg then 20mg then 40mg, the 10 seemed to work somewhat then went to the 20 and started getting foggy feeling, then to 40 and I was like a walking zombie. Pdoc switched me down to 20mg but still foggy, so was told to cut the 20 in half to make 10mg but didn't get much relief with 10mg. Just not the right one for me. But might work for you.

After trying 4 other antibiotics for my acne, Bactrim has been the only medication to help clear it up. My skin is noticably better, and the side effects arent as bad with Bactrim as with others.

Cold hands & feet, insomnia, heart burn, fatigue

Excellent and useful drug. Use carefully, however. Regularly take a break from it or you'll develop tolerance. Breaking that WON'T be easy.

I have ceased taking this medication in the hope I can get a more normal and less painful life back again.