Prolixin decanoate (fluphenazine decanoate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Prolixin decanoate (fluphenazine decanoate)

Severe shaking in my legs. I could not sit or lay down. I could not drink or eat. Severe dehydration and I could not walk. Liver failure on this medicine.

I was given Benadryl to counteract this medicine to help the severe shaking in my legs. And Artane.

I experienced seizure of the mouth and jaw. Upon struggling to breathe or swallow, I was met with laughter and thirst and giggles and smiles

PROLIXIN DECANOATE (FLUPHENAZINE DECANOATE): This medication is a long-acting form of fluphenazine that is used to treat certain mental/mood problems (chronic schizophrenia). Fluphenazine decanoate is usually used in patients who have benefited from regular doses of short-acting forms of fluphenazine and who may benefit from long-term (maintenance) treatment with less frequent dosing. Fluphenazine belongs to a class of medications called phenothiazines and is also referred to as a neuroleptic. It works by affecting the balance of natural chemicals (neurotransmitters) in the brain. Some of the benefits of continued use of this medication include reduced episodes of hallucinations, delusions, or bizarre behaviors that occur in patients with schizophrenia. This product does not work right away. It may take 1-3 days to notice an effect from this drug, and up to 4 days to experience the full effect. For severe agitation or other symptoms, use a short-acting medication as directed by your doctor. This medication is not recommended for use in children under 12 years of age. Also, it should not be used to manage behavioral problems in patients with mental retardation. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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literally crying while writing this because reading the other comments make me feel so much better!! I've been taking this for 5 days and have had constant anxiety and my brain has not stopped. I can't sleep at night because my stomach hurts so bad. F*** this!!!!! do not recommend to anyone!!!!!

My right knee has been very swollen and achy since taking the right one is beginning to hurt. Also, I have headaches and nervousness like never before. I forgot to take it one night...the next morning my knee felt better.

It did help get rid of the UTI syptoms within hours along with AZO for the burning but now I feel so sick. I'm headachey like I've never been, I woke this morning (after being on it for one day) feeling like I have the flu and I'm thinking WHAT's this all about. I was fine a day ago. My head feels like its going to explode. I'm achey. I had the chills & a very low fever. I only have one more day on this and then I will make a note never to go on it again. I figured I can deal one more day unless this headache doesn't subside. I took advil sinus for the headache. And my throat is sore....I lost my appetite but really that's a good thing! I'm nauseas and feel like the living dead.

Every time I take this pill I get a severe pain on my left hip can barely walk I cut the pill in half still have pain a neurotoxin ingredient in it when I take Lasix the pain goes away. I read the side effects can be joint damage take at your own risk🤐

Feeling slightly light-headed at outset of treatment.