Orap (pimozide) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Orap (pimozide)

ORAP (PIMOZIDE): This medication is used to reduce uncontrolled movements (motor tics) or outbursts of words/sounds (vocal tics) caused by Tourette syndrome. Pimozide is a medication that works by decreasing the activity of a natural substance (dopamine) in the brain. Pimozide should not be used for mild symptoms. It should only be used if symptoms cause severe problems in everyday life and other medicines or treatments have not been effective. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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diabetic peripheral neuropathy

I get strep throat very easily. When was in high school and middle school I got it almost every year! This time, my first in college, has been the worst, and as always I got prescribed Biaxin XL. It's not for everybody! Antibiotics are particular, and you need to find one that works for you! It's not perfect...the taste and the need to eat a decent amouth with it are a hassle. But I'm allergic to all "cillin" drugs and intolerant of Zithromax so Biaxin has always been a good option for me. I find it easier to handle as my body gets better...this stuff hits your system hard! Make sure to stay well hydrated and eat yoghurt.

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When I first started Topamax it seemed like a dream come true. It helped the migraines, nearly eliminating them, but now it doesn't seem to be very effective anymore. Due to the side-effects, I not only don't want to increase it, but I'm needing to decrease or get off it. It's causing me to pass out lately, and is causing dizziness like it did when I first started it. Other possible causes of this have been ruled out. It's also causing extreme fatigue lately and increasing confusion, memory loss, and forgetfulness. I have to write EVERYTHING down or I forget it the next damn minute. My friends and doctor have been so concerned about my passing out, they've even had me go through MRI's/MRA's, echocardiograms, tilt table tests, 30-day EKGs and even an EPS to make sure my heart is okay and everything is fine there...I've had to endure all of these tests because of the side-effects of this damn drug. I'm sure there's more that I've forgotten, but I'm too tired to continue ;)

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Sometimes transient coughing and a bitter taste if it gets down my throat.

Will be starting Plavix tomorrow and hopefully shortness of breath will go away!