Moban (molindone hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Moban (molindone hydrochloride)

Akathesia is one of the most horrible feelings in the world.

Side Effects formoban (molindone hydrochloride) - User Comments


Related User Reviews

I have read millions of horror stories about depo, doctors should not be allowed to give this horrible medication to anyone at anytime! Like many of you I was never told a complete list of the possible side effects. If I would have knew then what I knew now I would have NEVER taken the shot!

enlarged prostate - restricted flow

light headedness,weakness,sore joints,low tollerance to heat,prickly feeling ankles and legs,sometimes upset stomac.delt with this drug for two and a half years simptoms got worse.tried its sister drug Lipitor it was even more powerful and bad for me

hyper pigmentation on the drive decreased to zero.depression.

Hope it's helping. Almost would prefer the sinus infection over the side effects. I am taking it with meals and full bottle of water.

I thought I could stop the nausea by taking at night before bed, or eating a snack when I took it. It worked for about 2 months and then it didn't work anymore. Went off and started Alesse- figured that if I was going to have morning sickness, I might as well be pregnant. Alesse was even worse in totally different ways. Switched to Estrostep and quitting that after a month of the most tiredness i've ever experienced. Trying to figure out what to do about BC- these pills seem to be ruining my body.

Side effects were very minimal. Mouth dryness. Mood was exceptional. Very happy all the time. Also slept really well and didn't even wake up tired. I had been on Keppra for 2 1/2 years and never slept and was tired all the time. I thought this was going well. Then I developed flu-like symptoms after about two weeks at full dose. I started out at 100mg. I had horrible head pain, neck pain, chills and body aches like I had been thrown down the stairs. I had a blood test and told to stop the tegretol immediately.

Possibly dry mouthSlight decrease in libido

Blurred vision problems swalling irratable wanted to kill myself anxiety

Scam, Dr says only 12 months, but i see from other reviews this is a lie, no one gets off of itI would get off immediately if Dr didn't threaten me with death.