Mellaril-s (thioridazine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Mellaril-s (thioridazine)

Could not speak, zombie brain, uncontrolled facial movements, inability to play guitar anymore, felt like I was on LSD.

I was prescribed Mellaril in the late 90's. I was going through a terrible divorce and the Xanax was not working well. I asked my family doctor for a tranquillizer a bit stronger than Xanax and he prescribed Mellaril (goes by the brand Thioridazine here in Canada). I had no idea that Mellaril was an anti-psychotic. The drug turned me into a complete zombie, unable to speak. I could only babble incoherently. I developed a condition called "Tardive Dyskinesia" from Mellaril that is a permanent, life altering condition. I have tried just about every drug, legal and illegal, and Mellaril was by far the worst drug I have ever taken. DO NOT TAKE THIS DRUG! It is also known as a "chemical lobotomy". I am suing the doctor who prescribed it to me as I was under the impression it was just a stronger version of Xanax. I now have permanent brain damage from this drug.

Groggy when I woke up. Impossible to wake up once I went to sleep until 8 hours later. Nasal congestion when mixed with alcohol. Felt measurably dumber.

This drug saved me. It allowed me to sleep 8-10 hours per day. It eliminated my mania when prescribed Tegretol and Mellaril. Switched to Zyprexa which leaves me not so groggy in the morning. I would recommend it to any rapid-cycler but it takes some getting used to. Take it all at once at bedtime for best result.

Dizziness, blurred vision, restlessness, panic/terror, unable to control my limbs, violent headaches, vivid nightmares, slurred speech.

The two weeks I was on this drug were the most hellish experience of my life. Be absolutely sure it is schizophrenia before you allow anyone to convince you to take this medication; and even then only if you have tried everything else. Bipolar disorder with psychotic features (what I had) is often misdiagnosed as schizophrenia--there are far better drugs for that.

Wound up with tongue-thrusting, stiff gait, akasthesia. On one occasion, jaw went into painful spasms-lower right eyetooth was touching upper left eyetooth.

Did very little for the depression. Just made me sleepy.Used it during first and second hospital stays. Quit using it shortly after discharge because of above side effects.

Insomnia, anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, sweats, shaking, stomach problems.

Side Effects formellaril-s (thioridazine) - User Comments


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light headedness, dizziness weak legs on rising or going up or down stairs. Rapid pulse (125bpm). I'm supposed to be taking 600mg. of this medication (and 20mg of Lexapro). Currently taking 400mg. I am almost unbareably nervous and anxious. I don't know how long I can stand to be like this because I feel as though my whole body is trembling. I will take the additional 200mg of Seroquel to see if it helps. I feel as though I want to jump out of my skin. I cannot cope this way. Have started taking more Klonopin to kill some of the anxiety but it comes back after 3 hours. I am very frightened. Still have panic attacks after 400mg. Hope the addition of the other 200mg. Still works, but I may be couch bound.

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Its been a god-send to me. Was hospitalized for over a week with severe blood loss and dehydration. Colon surgeons visited every day. My last hope was Remicade before undergoing the knife. After my 1st infusion in the hospital my symptoms disappeared. I mean, IMMEDIATELY. I had visited the bathroom 5x earlier that day, and after the infusion not at all and not for another 2 days (except to pass urine). I felt renewed.I was on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet after starting Remicade, and developed severe acid reflux just a couple short weeks later. Was perscribed 40mg. Prilosec for the acid reflux. Many of my symtpoms may be due to the Prilosec. I will report back in a week to post results of my test with discontinuing Prilosec and possible eleviation of symptoms.

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